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Beware of Sophisticated Scams: Recognize the Red Flags and Stay Safe...

Tips on staying safe at any time

By Ruby BothaPublished 2 days ago 3 min read

Scammers are becoming increasingly cunning, using strange tactics like placing items on cars to distract and target individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Here’s how to recognize the warning signs and protect yourself:


If you find a shirt or another item wrapped around your windshield wiper, don't stop to remove it. Quickly get into your car and drive to a well-lit, populated area before removing the item. This tactic is used to distract drivers, giving criminals a chance to approach you. If you have shopping bags, place them in the car instead of the trunk. Opening the trunk makes you more vulnerable and less able to react quickly.

If you find an envelope inside your locked car, drive away immediately and discard it without opening it. If curiosity gets the better of you and you open it, it might contain a message claiming your car's security is poor and demanding payment for a "security test." Ignore such messages and consult a trusted car service instead.

A water bottle or similar item on your car’s hood is a distraction tactic that might also indicate a GPS tracker has been placed on your car. Drive to a safe location or a police station to check for a tracker.


If a stranger asks you to take a photo with their phone, be cautious. If they look suspicious, politely refuse. They might accuse you of breaking their phone to extort money from you. Thieves might leave flyers, stickers, or other markers on your door to check if you're home. Remove any such items immediately to indicate that your home is occupied. If you see strange symbols or marks, contact the police.


Use foil on the door handle or place a mug on the doorknob to detect any sneaky entries while you sleep. If the foil is torn or the mug has fallen, it indicates someone tried to enter. Be cautious of tradespeople requesting to use your bathroom. They might scout your home for vulnerabilities.

When preparing for vacation, ask a neighbor to collect your mail and maintain your lawn to make your home look occupied. Sharp hedges along your fences can deter intruders and provide evidence if someone tries to break in. Use random patterns to open and close curtains to make it hard for burglars to predict your absence. Hide expensive items out of plain sight and in unexpected places, like children’s rooms. Reinforce doors and windows, use tamper-proof hinges, and ensure garage door hinges are secure.


Water hemlock, found in North America, is highly toxic and can cause severe damage within minutes if ingested. Despite its danger, it is used in some medical treatments. White snakeroot is poisonous to cattle and humans if its toxin gets into the milk. It is commonly found in fields and pastures.

Castor beans contain ricin, a deadly toxin. Even a small amount can cause severe health issues. Oleander is another dangerous plant; every part of it is poisonous. Just touching its juice can cause allergies, and its smoke is toxic if burned.

The Gympie-Gympie plant, found in Australia, has tiny, poisonous hairs that can cause intense pain and long-term suffering. It is best to avoid this plant completely.


New iPhone features include green and orange dots that indicate when your camera or microphone is in use. To increase your phone’s volume, go to settings > music > EQ > late night. You can also set custom vibrations and enable LED flash for alerts in settings.

For easier text navigation, press and slide the space button to move the cursor. To undo typing, shake your phone. Hold one icon and use another finger to select multiple icons. Quickly switch between apps by sliding the bottom line left or right.

To stop media playback after a set time, use the timer in the clock app. iMessage effects can be added by pressing the send button. You can also adjust text size in the display and brightness section of settings.

For selfies, use the volume button on your headphones. Enable the camera grid in settings for better photo composition. Lastly, choose the left, right, or both-handed keyboard in settings for easier typing.

By staying vigilant and prepared, you can protect yourself from scams and potential dangers in various situations.

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Ruby Botha

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    Ruby BothaWritten by Ruby Botha

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