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An Encryption of Time

The Akashic Record ⚙️⚙️⚙️⚙️📀📀📀💿💿🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️

By Ocusan MPublished 6 months ago 13 min read

It was a rainy afternoon in the small town of Baden-Baden Wurttemberg where the streets were so drenched with the downpour only a few ventured outside that day. It had rained for almost a week where town folks thought of it as a curse. Yet inside a particular Cafe two distant travelers bumped into each other, making the murky circumstance a blessing instead. One young man was a migrant farm worker from China, the other gentleman was a private investigator who traveled from the French countryside. The two were caught up in the unusual situation where one was a scapegoat, the other the hero. The farmhand had accepted the job where he made more salary then in his native country. The detective wasn’t originally from France, as his home world he kept a secret. Both had long hair for gentlemen of today & lovers of the distant past. The only item available on the menu besides a mug of beer was wurst sausages served with Sauerkraut & mustard. The Chinaman sat at a table with his tangled dripping hair ingesting the sausage while an old record played Bavarian music next to a Christmas tree. The Detective sat at the bar conversing with the bartender. Eating alone had become a daily routine for the farmhand since he was laid off making finding something to eat a difficult endeavor. Slurping his beer in silence as the windows slicked with raindrops, he began to choke on his sausage. The Detective immediately ran over to render his help by administering the heimlich maneuver. Clenching his gloved hands below the ribcage he allowed a gust of air to escape where the sausage flew out from the thrust. Helping the frail man stand up, the two stared into each other’s eyes. You saved my life! It’s the least I could of done, I’m just glad it worked. A dog that had been sleeping by the fire found the meat and devoured it. The two strangers laughed at the sight. How did you learn the Heimlich maneuver? Are you a Doctor? No, I’m not, I’m not sure how I knew what to do, it just seemed natural. The Inspector stood with his old fashioned suit, top hat & cane looking like a man who stepped out of the past. The Chinaman was so intrigued he invited him to sit at his table. The two sat opposite each other while the bartender brought over the beer left at the bar. Taking off his leather gloves, the detective thanked him for his humility. Studying the tall figure before him, the farmhand asked, how do you fit into this distant town? You dress as the ancestors did.. My name is Augustus Dupin, I am a detective from across the border, a Frenchman with an old fashioned taste. I am just a humbled farmhand in search of enough money to travel back to my homeland. Ever since the downpours their hasn’t been any work with the fields drenched in water. Farming? Why don’t you come back to Paree’ with me, there are plenty of farms that would hire a worker like you. The Chinaman looked up at the many facets of tiny clock dials upon his top hat that all seemed to be ticking simultaneously’ And if you don’t mind me asking, where did you acquire such a mechanical piece of headwear? Dupin leaned back, laughing at his inquisitiveness. Let’s just say I have a knack for inventions that I designed from pure imagination.. Smiling together they clicked their mugs at their new friendship that renewed the broken spirit of the man who came from the Far East. Outside the rain had finally stopped with a streak of sunlight breaking through. Looks like the sun is on our side. Leaving some old coins on the table for the beer they steeped outside. A old fashioned car stood along the curb that resembled that of a model A. The paint job was fresh making it look like it too had driven out of the past. Is that your car? Dupin smiled saying, the deluxe coupe was the only horsepower he owned. His gloved hand opened the passenger door allowing The Chinaman to step inside. Starting the ignition, Dupin inquired..You haven’t told me your name.. The slender man who wore only tattered clothing & a small coin purse said, I am called DerSu Uzala named after the wind in Mongolia. The car drifted down the open road while DerSu told of how he was born a Mongrel among the wheat fields where life was harsh for his family especially in the winter. His father left home for work in the distant city, yet never returned. His mother caught pneumonia & died leaving him to fend on his own as a boy until he was adopted by a Chinese woman who lived alone as a wealthy widow. She took me in out of compassion, yet I could not adapt to the strict life of the city. The car kept driving as his story unwinded like the dark road they drove in the now darkened sky. Their was silence for a few minutes between the miles of highway that stretched underneath a full moon. Where did you go then, if you did not fancy the city? I tried to return to Mongolia, yet the Government would not allow me refuge having a civil war of renegade soldiers patrolling the woods that blocked me from returning to the house I was born into. I became a survivalist where the soldiers found my help while surviving among the high winds. How did you help them? I can gather sticks & straw in a matter of minutes to build a yurt when a storm breaks out. This is how I preferred to live, as a survivalist & teacher, rather than being confined to the restrictions of the city. And yet, you traveled to Alemania? The Chinese widow named Madam Ping had a cousin who was a baroness to a Deutsch Baron who owns the farm. Ping had gotten me the job. Why don’t you ask her for a ticket back home? I’d rather find my own way, it’s a matter of humility. And, What brought a detective to the quaint small town of Baden-Baden during the worst rainy season? I’m afraid I wasn’t aware it would rain so hard, my deer hunting in the Black Forest was swamped. You! A man of weapons? Dupin chuckled looking at his found friend, My crossbow is in the trunk. That’s a better way to hunt! I’ve heard many stories about the forest where even wild boar are said to roam near Hohenzollern Castle. I prefer Venison to pork, as I was looking forward to bringing one back for the festive season. I’m sorry you are returning empty handed. The cars idle slowed down as they had already crossed the border as Dupin exited the autobahn turning into a side road. The road turned into a lane that led to a narrow house surrounded by a odd looking trees that held what appeared to be gears. Vines grew over the brickwork giving it a old feeling. I guess I’ll have to have have something else for the holidays, maybe mutton stew. Dupin said as he parked the car walking to the mysterious house. DerSu followed as the moon seemed to glow a golden hue over the home. Pulling out a huge key the inspector opened the door where strange lanterns hung made of copper & brass. Ive never seen lanterns of this nature, why do they require water? Each lantern is steam powered inside an electrical vacuum. Dupin said switching them on as they began to bubble. DerSu looked around the living room, noticing a glass dome shaped object also covered with copper. Walking over to it, he had to see closer. Inside the glass there was nothing but a touch screen panel applied to the inside wall. What is this device used for? It’s an invention of mine used for time travel. DerSu couldn’t believe it, asking for a demonstration. Walking over to it, he hit a hidden side button. The dome lifted up where Dupin stepped inside. If you want to see how it works, you must also step inside. DerSu felt reluctant in fear it was dark magic. Would I disappear? Well yes, but it’s perfectly safe yet limited to areas where there are receptacle domes to teleport to. DerSu decided to trust the contraption, stepping in while the glass moved back down covering them. Where would you like to go? To the city library or the floating prison? Where is your favorite place? Being a detective, I enjoy strolling through the labyrinth of the city cemetery where my most unfortunate cases reside in elaborate crypts. Show me! The inspector used the miniature touch screen, programming the course. Almost instantly they vanished in a flash of terabyte light appearing far across the city inside the cemetery gates. The domes door lifted up where the atmosphere glowed of millions of lit candles making it look absolutely stunning. Huh? I have shifted from one area to another! DerSu felt a surge of excitement as the transition completely opened his skeptic thinking. What a head rush! Dupin stood proudly with his mechanical top hat & cane overlooking the candelabra of wax, smiling at his inquisitiveness. I’m guessing that they haven’t these domes in Almania? Not yet, that’s why I drove my auto. How did you get permission to install such a device? I didn’t, but no one has vandalized them or asks questions as visitors think it’s an art object. The two strolled down the cobblestones while statues of angels stood guarding the tombs with flower offerings making them the graves seem more like an eternal resting area & not entirely buried. They came to a clearing where a white painted porch swing stood among the tall grass. Sitting down upon the swing, DerSu took a small pipe from his pocket. Lighting the fire he puffed out smoke, exhaling at the experience. I should return home now friend, I have a new case I must work on. Of course, I can’t wait to time travel again.. What other inventions do you have, may I ask? They stepped back inside, teleporting back through time & space. I shall tell you of one other invention, but first we must eat, bathe & sleep since it is almost four am. A large pendulum clock chimed with bells that chimed as he spoke. The two had grown so hungry from traveling they ate a dinner in complete silence. Afterwords Dupin led the way to a outdoor hot tub where the misty water soothed away the sweat. Dupin took the mud drenched clothes of DerSu placing them into a washer & steam dryer. He then found suitable new clothes for him that matched his style. I havnt a guest room as I rarely receive visitors. It’s alright, I would be happy to sleep here in the garden. Dupin gave him a blanket while the inspector went upstairs to his bed chambers. The following morning DerSu was anxious to know of his other invitations. Alright if I can trust you to tell no one. I have no one to tell! Dupin walked over to a cabinet made of French Decor. Opening it he took out a Golden disc resembling that of a record. The grooves seemed to glisten as the rings of Saturn. Holding it before the cleanly shaven & dressed Chinaman who sat upon a Rococo velvet sofa, Augustus explained. This is a record of all recorded time of everything that happened on Earth from the beginning of time until the New Year of 2024. Where did you acquire such a artifact? Can it see my life? My wife, who talks to angels only knows it’s true origin. Augustus held the record with cotton gloves, carefully not to imprint a smudge. It sees all life from their birth to death as recorded from the heavens. The record reminded Uzala of a golden Buddha sitting high up in the sky. Has it a name? It does’ it’s called an Akashic record. Described as a compendium of all Universal events, thoughts, words, emotions & intent. He went on with the description.. A record of all occurrences in the past, present or future in terms of all entities & life forms, not only human. How is it so? Augustus walked over to a sophisticated record player opening another glass covering to place the artifact. It is believed that the record was encrypted vibrationally from the inherent fabric of space from the laser light of God creating a holographic picture of what exists below. Nirvana! I’d like to see it! Placing the record within the receptacle where a silver needle began to play out recorded history on a above screen that held a overhead projector. Augustus dialed in a time date as the screen displayed what he indicated was the lost city of Atlantis. Ocean waves washed over a undersea sunken city while people swam like mer people that few would believe. I never studied history, but I’d like to see Confucius, 551 c - 479 bc. There on the screen appeared the body of a elderly man holding a sermon along the yellow river. The sky looked more golden with clouds in the shapes of dragons. Flowering trees stood within the tall grasses blowing lotus petals making DerSu shed tears’ It is so beautiful, they say China once was called, the sleeping dragon. How do you use this device? I just recently received it, as my wife teleported it from our home world. I plan to use it to solve unsolved cases where the criminals were not found. Yes, you can find the victims & arrest them with proof if a court would believe. But tell me, where just is your significant wife? You spoke of a home world. She & I are time travelers from a galaxy light years away known as a bird galaxy’ oh my, fireworks in stars! I know how cloud dust forms such things, yet to travel from them at light speed I not know the secret?? It’s alright, I can explain more although there’s an urgent case I must use to find a missing boy. Stepping over to a desk that displayed a computer, the inspector stood viewing an amber alert. Uzala followed to view the screen. There on the screen was a face of a boy about ten years old with a report of his disappearance. Writing down the time & location of the occurrence as a code, Dupin keyed it in the Akashic device. There upon the screen one could see the victim. Oh ! I see he’s an oriental child, with strong facial features resembling Buddha! DerSu exclaimed. Rewinding the time, the inspector caught the moment the intruder entered the home. There was only one problem, the dark figure had no physical characteristics to identify, as his features had been scrambled. Dupin tried turning the sound up for voice tracking, yet the only audio heard was the muffled scream of the child. Remotely rewinding, then playing in slow motion, Dupin hoped to detect a unscrambled face. The perpetrator had been smart, as though he had known about the holographic artifact. You said it can see also the future, try playing his whereabouts until the current time! Dupin let the record play until he could see the victim sitting in a locked room, where he couldn’t tell. What do you do now without an address? I’m not sure, I must consult my wife who has psychic abilities. After sending a teleported message by tube, a message came back saying that she had to be in there in physical form to feel the psychic energy. Crumbling up the note she had hand written, Dupin said she would be there as soon as she could. It takes time for real detective work, I wish there weren’t bad people in this world. DerSu lit up his pipe of cherrywood fruit, puffing when a light glowed from the teleport. It was brighter since the distance from ESO 593-8 was 650 light years from Earth. Each side of the teleport contained a bubble meter that churned steam pipes that DerSu hadn’t noticed before. Slowly the form of a body inside the dome condensed into a solid body out of the void. The dome lifted, revealing a woman dressed in a Victorian dress with brown hair stacked like a layered cake & holding a traveling bag. She is beautiful! Having the same style as her soulmate, if I do say. Mrs Dupin greeted her husband where he kissed her checks in the manner of a Frenchman. They sat down on the couch divine to discuss the urgent matter. Leading her to the computer, he showed her the face of the missing boy. There were no questioning of the parents since they had seen nothing. She then requested to see the Akashic record that documented they case. Closing her eyes she envisioned what she described as a twirling fan spinning outside a farmhouse. Oh I know what she means, one of those windmills as they have where the tulips grow! DerSu could feel her thoughts it seemed. Could she be in the Netherlands? It would take time to locate all windmills throughout the country. I should need an item belonging to the victim, a coat or something he wore to see more. I shall visit the abduction scene at once! It took some time to obtain a belonging of the boy, his folks felt sensitive to the situation. Returning home with a woolen coat, Dupin handed it to the clairvoyant Madam. Running her palms over the material she concentrated deeply. She began to cry out in the voice of the child. Help me mom, help me.. I’m in the room of a orange farm house in the wooden shoe district of Amsterdam. Her feelings were emotionally straining to hear as she wept for the child. After giving the computer the clues & location, an address was found fitting the description. It’s very far, I’ll inform the international authorities to send a car. Waiting the day out seemed like an eternity until the telephone buzzed with an answer. The inspector clutched the antique French phone waiting for the news. Setting the receiver down, he announced..They have apprehended the boy, a suspect was taken in for questioning.. DerSu hugged the Madam stating that she must be an Angel! And that’s how detective work is done in the world of Inter dimensional travel using an old fashioned method of using steam inventions.

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About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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