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3 days in the dark


By Sam Gabriel MilesPublished 3 days ago 3 min read

### Title: Three Days in the Dark

#### Chapter 1: The Call Handler

Alex Martin’s day started like any other. The hum of the dispatch center was a constant background noise as she deftly handled emergency calls with a blend of empathy and efficiency. Years on the job had given her an uncanny ability to remain calm, even when the voices on the other end of the line were drenched in panic.

Her colleagues often marveled at her composure. But today, something felt off. She couldn’t quite place it—an unease gnawing at the back of her mind. Alex brushed it aside, attributing it to the looming pile of paperwork waiting on her desk.

During her lunch break, Alex decided to step out for some fresh air. The precinct was located in a bustling part of the city, but she knew a quiet spot in a nearby park where she could collect her thoughts.

#### Chapter 2: The Kidnapping

The park was almost deserted. She found her usual bench and sat down, enjoying the rare moments of solitude. As she sipped her coffee, she noticed a man lingering nearby. He seemed out of place, dressed in a dark hoodie despite the warm weather.

Alex’s instincts, honed from years of dealing with the unexpected, told her something was wrong. She started to stand up, but it was too late. The man moved with alarming speed, and before she could react, a cloth was pressed to her face. The world blurred, then went black.

When Alex woke, she was in a dark room, her hands bound and a gag in her mouth. Panic surged, but she forced herself to breathe slowly, assessing her situation. The room was cold and damp, the only light coming from a small, high window. She could hear muffled voices outside the door.

#### Chapter 3: The First Day

Hours passed, each one dragging more slowly than the last. The door opened occasionally, and a man would bring her food and water. He never spoke, just left the tray and departed. Alex tried to engage him, but he ignored her.

Alex spent the first day carefully observing her surroundings. The bindings on her wrists were tight, but she noticed they loosened slightly each time she moved her hands. She made a mental note of everything she could use—a rusty nail on the floor, the tray her food came on, even the rough texture of the rope against her skin.

#### Chapter 4: The Second Day

By the second day, Alex’s wrists were raw from her efforts to free herself. She kept at it, using every moment she was alone to work on her bindings. She had managed to hide the nail in her sleeve, hoping it might come in handy.

Her captor’s routine was predictable. Alex knew she had to make her move soon. She managed to partially free one hand but kept it hidden, knowing her best chance was surprise.

#### Chapter 5: The Escape

On the third day, Alex’s opportunity came. As the man entered with her food, she quickly freed her hand and lunged, using the nail to stab his leg. He cried out in pain and stumbled, dropping the tray. Alex grabbed the metal tray and swung it at his head, knocking him out cold.

Her heart pounded as she searched him for keys. Finding them, she unlocked the door and peeked outside. The hallway was empty. Moving as quietly as possible, she made her way through the building. It was an old, abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town.

Alex’s escape was far from graceful. She tripped over debris, stumbled through dark corridors, and narrowly avoided detection several times. Finally, she found a back door and burst into the sunlight, her eyes squinting against the sudden brightness.

#### Chapter 6: The Aftermath

Alex ran until she reached a main road. Flagging down a passing car, she managed to call for help. Her colleagues, frantic with worry since her disappearance, were overjoyed to find her alive.

In the following days, Alex helped the police piece together what had happened. Her kidnappers were part of a small gang involved in a series of robberies. They had mistakenly believed she knew something about their operations.

Despite the ordeal, Alex returned to work with a renewed sense of purpose. She had faced her darkest fears and emerged stronger. Her colleagues noticed a change in her—not just the scars on her wrists, but a steely determination in her eyes.

Alex Martin was no longer just a call handler. She was a survivor, and nothing would ever make her feel powerless again.

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Comments (1)

  • Esala Gunathilake3 days ago

    Amazing work.

SGMWritten by Sam Gabriel Miles

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