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The moment I realise.......

Life and it's turns

By Alecia HarriottPublished about a month ago 3 min read
The moment I realise.......
Photo by Shalone Cason on Unsplash

Life has a way of unfolding its secrets at the most unexpected moments which catch us off guard and leaving us with revelations that shift our perspective forever. This is one such confession, a moment of clarity that changed everything for me.

For years, I had lived what many would call an enviable life. I had a stable job, a loving family and friends who cared for me deeply. From the outside, everything seemed perfect. But beneath that cover of perfection, there was a growing sense of dissatisfaction and a nagging feeling that something was missing.

I often brushed off these feelings, attributing them to temporary stress or the inevitable mid-life crisis. I told myself that everyone feels this way at some point and that it would pass. Yet, it didn’t. Instead, it grew stronger, a persistent whisper that I couldn’t ignore. I tried to silence it with distraction such as new hobbies or reading but nothing seemed to fill the void.

Then came that day, a seemingly ordinary day that would become the turning point in my life. It was a Sunday afternoon and I was sitting alone in a coffee shop, sipping on my french vanilla and reading a book. The café was bustling with life, filled with the comforting hum of conversations, the clinking of cups, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. It was a familiar setting one that usually brought me peace.

As I looked up from my book, my eyes fell on a couple sitting across from me. They were older, perhaps in their late sixties or early seventies. They were holding hands, their fingers intertwined in a way that spoke of decades of shared experiences, of love and hardship, joy and sorrow. They were not speaking much but their silence was comfortable, filled with an unspoken understanding.

That’s when I realized. It wasn’t their silence or their age that struck me, it was the profound connection they shared, a connection that transcended words. I watched as the woman gently squeezed the man’s hand and he responded with a soft smile. There was a sense of contentment and fulfillment between them. Something I had longed for but couldn’t articulate.

At that moment, it hit me like a wave crashing over me. I had been living my life in autopilot mode going through the motions without truly engaging with the people and experiences around me. I had built walls around my heart, protecting myself from potential pain and disappointment but also shutting out the possibility of deep meaningful connections.

I realized that my dissatisfaction wasn’t about external circumstances but about my own internal barriers. I had been so focused on achieving societal milestone such as career success, financial stability, social acceptance that I had neglected the most important aspect of life which is genuine human connection.

This realization was both liberating and terrifying. It meant I had to confront my fears, vulnerabilities and insecurities. I had to break down the walls I had carefully constructed over the years and open myself up to the possibility of being hurt. But it also meant I had the chance to truly live to experience the richness of life in all its complexity.

From that day forward, I made a conscious decision to change. I started to prioritize my relationships, making time for my family and friends, and allowing myself to be present in the moment. I began to listen more, to engage more deeply, and to express my feelings more openly. It wasn’t easy and there were times when I faltered but the rewards were immeasurable.

The more I opened up, the more I realized that my fears were unfounded. Yes, vulnerability brought with it the risk of pain but it also brought immense joy, connection and fulfillment. I started to feel more alive, more connected to the world around me. The void that had haunted me for so long began to fill with genuine love and friendship.

Looking back, I am grateful for that seemingly ordinary Sunday afternoon in the coffee shop. It was the catalyst for my transformation, the moment when I realized what truly mattered in life. I learned that it’s not the external achievements that define our happiness, but the depth of our connections and the authenticity of our experiences.

That’s when I realized that life is not about perfection or control but about embracing the journey with an open heart, allowing ourselves to be fully present, and cherishing the moments that make us feel truly alive.

SecretsStream of Consciousness

About the Creator

Alecia Harriott

I am excited to share my passion for history, storytelling and poetry with readers around the globe and look forward to continuing my journey as a writer, one word at a time.

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Comments (2)

  • Esala Gunathilakeabout a month ago

    Keep going.

  • angela hepworthabout a month ago

    Embracing the journey is so, so important!

Alecia HarriottWritten by Alecia Harriott

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