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[The Laundry Can Wait]

The RAW truth of parenthood post pandemic

By Katie GillilandPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
[The Laundry Can Wait]
Photo by Svitlana on Unsplash

Lets take a small trip back in time pre pandemic when our lives were full of running. Full of sports, full of school and packing lunches. Weekends were spent in crowded grocery stores. Stopping by your loved ones houses to stop and say hi! Running to your grandmother's because she made "extra" of your favorite dessert. Now, lets add in a full time job on top of it all and making sure you remember snacks for little league! You were invincible , your schedule was engraved in your soul and you knew no different . This is your life you made and are proud of and have become so used to !

Then in an instant this life you know is stripped from you overnight, your state is shut down . The trips are no longer a thing, what sports? Your children will no longer be in school . Bills are still piling up loved ones and neighbors are loosing their jobs. You are the lucky one right? You sister friend get to work from home . Sounded great didn't it ? I can still pay my bills and take care of my family and also now become a teacher. I can do this I am invincible ! I welcome the slow down , you thought!

Fast forward a few weeks in you are on edge you are scared you have a child looking at you for the reasoning that they can no longer see their friends and teachers and families. We are told the precautions , we are kept in the loop. We are not told or guided in any way shape or form how to handle this . How do we go from passing by and grabbing a sandwich and running out the door to everyone is in the house and not leaving?

Fast forward a few months, this is your new normal and its becoming overwhelming on top of your work video calls you are not trying to teach your children in elementary school how to operate video calls, work PowerPoint and all of the above. Software that you as an adult were not familiar with until your early adult years. Long story short we adjust but at what cost? As a working mother you always have wore many hats, why does this feel so different? Why are the normal household chores feeling as they are piling up on top of you , why does the dog have to get mud on the floor, why cant we find toilet paper? You start to second guess everything and find yourself so overwhelmed and you shut down.

Fast forward 6 months you are tired of being in the house you are tired of your life never being outside of 4 walls . Chores become such a hassle because yes we are all mentally drained. Where did it ever say that all your hats must be worn in one single day? Why do we over exhaust ourselves to feel accomplished? Do the kids care laundry isn't done NO! Do they know the difference in a grilled cheese vs homemade lasagna No!

Fast forward one year and the things I have learned , I look back at the mother who would sit on the basement steps to have a small cry because I felt I was failing . I look back at the mother who wanted to make things as normal as possible in a very uneasy period of time. I look back at the mother who held every ounce of stress in her shoulders to the point I would wake up and barely be able to move. I refuse to keep looking back at that person .

We all in life have such unrealistic expectations and goals that yes, are very much worth perusing. But , in my opinion not this past year . This past year we were challenged to the max in every aspect. Its ok to give your self a pass and small pat on the back . Laundry it cant wait, dusting and mopping it can wait, make the easy dinner ! If you see sunlight go and sit and give yourself a minute to just really take it in . Be so grateful you made it this far , give your spouse a kudos . Watch a movie eat some popcorn and let the past be in the past .

You are a survivor, you overcame obstacles that seemed unbearable ! But, you did it ! Be a friend, be a giver , be a listener , be there. We are all doing our very best and guess what? That is ok!

Morale of this, dust if you must . Who cares to use a towel on day 2 , easy dinners are ok! Take care of yourself, as they say "you cant pour from an empty cup" . Check out all those crazy colored birds in your back yard that you have never once paused to appreciate. Sit down and actually engage and watch you kids favorite movie with them! Build a fort, dance in the rain ! Whatever it is that brings you even a small amount of joy and embrace your victory at monopoly you have played 100 times !

Mental health is so very important, and this past year has really pushed folks to their limits. Please be patient , be kind. If you see someone struggling offer support, a phone call a joke let them know they are not alone. Embrace them with positivity and help everyone you know fill their cup back up !

My hopes is that if this only helps 1 person, my job is done.

Remember always " The laundry can wait"


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    KGWritten by Katie Gilliland

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