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"The Anxious Cousin"

"Breaking Free from the Grip of Fear"

By IsraPublished about a month ago 3 min read
"The Anxious Cousin"
Photo by Tonik on Unsplash

As I sat in the dimly lit room, surrounded by the familiar scent of old books and stale air, I couldn't help but notice my cousin's restless behavior. Her eyes darted back and forth, her fingers drumming an anxious rhythm on the armrest. I had always been close to my cousin, but lately, she had been struggling with an invisible weight that seemed to press down on her shoulders.

"Cousin, what's wrong?" I asked, trying to keep my voice soft and non-threatening.

She hesitated, her eyes flicking towards me before quickly looking away. "It's nothing, I'm just... worried about something."

I knew that tone, that evasive gaze. It was the same one she had used when we were kids, trying to hide a secret or a mistake. But this was different. This was a deep-seated anxiety that seemed to consume her every waking moment.

As we grew older, the pressures of life began to mount. Our families expected us to excel, to make them proud. My cousin, with her brilliant mind and quick wit, had always been the star student, the one destined for greatness. But with that came the weight of expectation, the constant need to perform.

I remembered the countless nights she spent studying, pouring over textbooks and notes, her eyes red from lack of sleep. And for what? So she could get into a good college, land a high-paying job, and make our families proud? It was a never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety, with no escape in sight.

But it wasn't just the pressure to succeed that was eating away at my cousin. It was the fear of failure, the fear of not meeting those expectations. She had always been terrified of disappointing our families, of not living up to their standards. And so she pushed herself harder, sacrificing her own happiness and well-being in the process.

As I watched her struggle, I realized that this was not the cousin I once knew. This was a shadow of her former self, a mere specter of the bright and bubbly girl who used to laugh and joke with me.

But I knew that my cousin was not alone. I knew that there were others out there who struggled with the same fears and anxieties. And I knew that there was hope.

With gentle prodding, I convinced my cousin to seek help. We found a therapist who specialized in anxiety disorders, and together, they began to unravel the tangled web of fears and doubts that had consumed her.

It wasn't easy, and there were still moments of panic and despair. But slowly, gradually, my cousin began to heal. She learned to recognize the triggers, to breathe through the panic attacks, and to find solace in the present moment.

As we sat in that dimly lit room, surrounded by the familiar scent of old books and stale air, I saw a glimmer of the old my cousin. The anxious cousin was still there, but she was no longer alone. She had me, she had her therapist, and most importantly, she had herself.

Together, we would face the challenges ahead, one step at a time. And as we walked out of that room, into the bright sunlight, I knew that my cousin was ready to start a new chapter in her life, one free from the shackles of anxiety and fear.

As my cousin continued on her journey towards healing, I noticed a newfound appreciation for life in her eyes. She started taking art classes, something she had always wanted to do but never had the time for. She began to see the beauty in the world around her, the way the light danced through the trees.


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Versatile writer skilled in both tale & stories. Captivate readers with engaging content & immersive narratives. Passionate about informing, inspiring, & entertaining through words.

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    IsraWritten by Isra

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