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Just a Bunch of Awkward Moments

Let me walk you down some of my funny and weird moments in life.

By Ravi VajaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

All of us regret one or more things we have said or done so far. Sometimes it is very scary or nightmare-ish to even think about it. But other times it is just a riot of laughter at how funny the whole scene looks now from the future. It could be something as simple as pushing a door very hard when it clearly says pull. I am very often caught without my spectacles/lenses. Someone, I know ways at me from quite a far distance, and all I can see is a blur of images. And the next day, they confront me and there are all sorts of awkwardness. It is very easy to type out a long emotional, personal, or sometimes professional email and sending it out to the wrong person.

Let me walk you down some of my funny and weird moments in life.

Scene #1:

We had a close friend circle of 5 girls from middle school through high school. The five of us were very close to each other and spent all our time in school together. We had the habit of sharing our lunch boxes. There was one special coconut tree on the campus under which we regularly had lunch. We sat in a circle, opened out tiffin boxes, and laid them out in the middle space. This was a routine and any one of us could eat from any one of the boxes. We particularly loved the "puliyogre" from M’s home.

On Wednesday, M told us in the morning break that she got our favorite lunch from her place. All five of us were very excited to get to the lunchtime. The bell rang at sharp 12.00 pm. We went to our usual place and opened our boxes, totally ready to dig into M’s box. She took her box from the bag and removed the lid. The shock and surprise on all our faces would give anyone a thousand giggles. She brought a box of coriander instead of the puliyogre that her mum made in the morning. You really had to see the look on her face. It was one unforgettable and memorable day that we recall even today and have a great laugh.

Scene #2:

N and I were classmates in school. During our 9th grade, he asked me out. The year was 2008. I liked him as a friend but I felt I was too young for any relationship yet. Furthermore, I was 14 and not so smart. I did not want to break his heart. Therefore, instead of saying no, I said, “let me know if you feel the same way after 10 years, then I might consider.”

The year is 2018. I was living with my partner in a different city. It was a December night around 11 o’clock when my phone rings with an unknown caller-id. I pick it up wondering if it was an emergency, I heard N’s voice. I lost touch with him once school was over, about 8 years ago. He asked me how I was doing and reminded me of the 10-year incident. He said he still felt the same about me and I was dumbstruck. I felt like a fool, embarrassed, and did not have a clue as to what to reply to him. I just told him about my partner and our relationship and cut the call. It was one nightmare phone call.

Scene #3:

We were graduating from junior college. The year was 2012. It was “The Graduation Day”. There he was standing, with a perfect fitting blazer and tie, all decked up for the day. Then, I mustered every ounce of courage necessary to go and make a conversation with him.

He was clicking pictures with a bunch of his classmates as I walked up to him hesitantly. I said “hey”. He said “Hi”. Then I said, “Did you know that I had a crush on you for the last 5 years?”. Later, he replied, “Oh, yeah, I know!”. Then there was complete silence. It was one great awkward moment and I just walked away. I still regret the whole episode and it gives me goosebumps.

Scene #4:

I was getting dressed up for the office event. G wanted to see my attire since the day, I purchased them. I told her I would give her a call once I finished dressing up. While I was still getting ready, I got a call from her and I answered without realizing that it was a video call.

She saw parts of me that I would have never been comfortable showing her. Was it embarrassing for her or me? Well, it was for both of us. And we don’t speak of the call ever after. We swore that the incident never even happened in the first place.

So, these were my most embarrassing moments so far. While there might be a couple more, but they are way too awkward to share. And hence, I leave you here.

Teenage years

About the Creator

Ravi Vaja

I am Digital Marketing Junkie, I breathe Digital Marketing Innovation, SEO, Social Media Marketing and Build #DigitalMarketing experiences with ❤ for great #brands.

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    Ravi VajaWritten by Ravi Vaja

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