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By Dennis FangPublished 7 months ago 4 min read
Photo by J. Balla Photography on Unsplash

Okay just to start this topic is gonna be weird because my imagination is really weird I've always been a creative kid but some of the things I imagine even make me go wait what the heck here are some of them have you ever heard the word impeached for anyone who doesn't know the word impeached means when a high-level government official like a president is charged it will sometimes mean that they are voted out of office but what I imagine when I hear is this walking into a room hey why is it so dark in here sorry Mr. Prez you're getting impeached BAM oh no beginning the ritual and then the president gets stuck inside a magical peach send him down with the rest of them okay on to the next one so I have these little creatures I made up called scrum bows and they look like this but me and my friends would always use our hands to represent the creatures and the way we did it was just using our index and middle fingers as the legs and they would walk around like this and there are two types of scrambles normal ones and sort ones the sword ones move really fast and slice people and here's what a fight between them would look like okay another thing I like to do is personify stuff like what if blank had feelings or could walk around and stuff I'm tired of being pushed aroud hey you got a text hey you got another text hey someone's calling you hey what if all these living things fought for their rights in a court of law like the dust particles would be like we demand that the oppression from the vacuum cleaners end another thing I like to imagine is what if the laws of physics were just that laws laws that could be broken but it was just illegal hey no defying gravity or what if two people were fighting in one person through the other ones so hard that he flew around the whole earth but then the guy harnesses the energy of going around the earth into an awesome kick kaboom what if you could draw something and it would just come to life and walk around with you and be your little friends so anyway that's just a tiny peek into my imagination I'm sure there will be a part two to this one because we are just scratching the surface thank you guys so much for read

I think it's pretty good but I've seen some people ask me about my intro so now I'm gonna tell you about it the little creature at the beginning is called a ham don't ask why I just like the way hand sounded anyways me and my best friends : Travis created them and they basically became the symbol of our friendship so that's what my name is ham Plus animations equals hammer Nations there's other ways you could spell it but I like the way this one sounded but some people get confused about which part is which these are the eyes this is the mouth and this is the tummy and these are its plushies the ham led up to the creation of many other creatures and things that I'm about to talk about so here we go my imagination you already know it's gonna be weird but this one is extra special because we have mozz here from the amahzing hey Bryson thanks for having me on mate and I love this topic so why don't you start it off me okay here we go the word encumbered to me that just sounds like some strange cucumber with legs that runs around absorbing people help okay that's a pretty good ones what else do you have what if microscopic life was like cartoony look into the microscope looking at the cells and lalalalala i'll hey there big guy looking down at me oh hey get out of here bacteria but I'm the good kind of bacteria oh okay oh my gosh okay I got one what if airplanes had to flap their wings to fly I think that would make them a lot more interesting to watch put a lot more frightening to be in I love it you know how a newborn horse can pretty much walk instantly and you know how a newborn human can't do anything well what about a newborn centaur the horse half would be able to run around well the baby part would just be flopping around think about that for a second teleportation is in a lot of sci-fi movies but it's anyone ever thought about this what if you accidentally teleported into the same space another person was occupying a longer teleport hmm walking to work so you guys already know that I like to personify stuff right so this one day I was walking to school with my friend and I picked a leaf off a tree and I said this is Big John the leaf he's a role model for all the other Leafs my friend didn't really care and he just looked at me like I was crazy I mean he's not wrong anyways I take the train to school so we waited for the Train and when it came the wind of the train blew Big John out of my hands I started walking to pick him up when my friend stomped on Big John and juiced him across the concrete Big John no so there you have it strange things that my mind has conjured up should I do it part three vote up in the poll thanks for being here Maz alright thanks for having me man we'll see you guys later hey guys me your boy hamon nations and not his friend


About the Creator

Dennis Fang

thank you for reading, happy reading

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    Dennis FangWritten by Dennis Fang

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