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From Heartbreak to Self Love

My journey of letting go and holding out for the one who truly deserves me

By Achem Grace Published 10 days ago 3 min read

It’s taken me a long time to gather the courage to write this, to put into words the tumultuous journey my heart has been on. For years, I have wandered through the labyrinth of love, seeking a connection that felt true and pure. Each time, I was filled with hope, believing that I had found someone worthy of my love. But time and again, I found myself shattered, my heart in pieces, left to pick up the fragments alone.

I am a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. My friends often tell me that my openness and willingness to love are both my greatest strengths and my most vulnerable points. I have always believed in the magic of love, the kind that makes your heart race and your soul sing. But in my quest for this elusive love, I have encountered more heartbreak than happiness.

I remember my first real relationship, the way my heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation. He was charming, sweet, and seemed to genuinely care for me. But as time passed, the cracks began to show. He wasn't who I thought he was. He was selfish, indifferent, and ultimately, unworthy of my love. When he left, I was devastated. I cried for days, wondering what I had done wrong, how I could have been so blind.

But I picked myself up, determined not to let one failed relationship define me. I threw myself back into the dating world, convinced that the right person was out there waiting for me. Yet, each new relationship seemed to follow the same painful pattern. There was the guy who treated me like an option rather than a priority, the one who lied and cheated, and the one who simply lost interest and drifted away without a word.

With each heartbreak, I lost a little more of myself. I became wary, guarded, and skeptical of love. I began to believe that maybe there was something wrong with me, that I was destined to be alone. I questioned my worth and my ability to find someone who would truly appreciate and cherish me for who I am.

But then, something changed. I had an epiphany. I realized that the problem wasn't me; it was the choices I was making. I was so desperate to find love that I was settling for people who didn't deserve me. I was giving my heart to those who hadn't earned it, hoping that they would see my worth and change. But people don't change unless they want to, and I was only hurting myself by holding on to false hope.

So, I made a promise to myself. I vowed that I would no longer settle for less than I deserve. I decided to take a step back and focus on myself, to rebuild my self-esteem and remind myself of my worth. I promised to be patient, to wait for the right person, someone who would love me for who I am and not what they wanted me to be.

I know it won't be easy. There will be moments of loneliness and doubt. But I believe that true love is worth the wait. I deserve someone who sees my value, who cherishes my heart, and who will stand by me through thick and thin. I deserve a love that is reciprocated, a love that is kind, respectful, and true.

I am no longer in a rush to find love. I am content to wait, to let it find me when the time is right. I am focusing on becoming the best version of myself, on living a life that I am proud of. And when the right person comes along, I will be ready, with an open heart and a healed soul.

To all the girls out there who have been through similar heartbreaks, know that you are not alone. Know that you deserve the best, and never settle for less. Love will find you when you least expect it, and it will be more beautiful than you ever imagined. Until then, be patient, be kind to yourself, and never forget your worth.


About the Creator

Achem Grace

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