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Friday the 13th: I lost you... Saturday the 14th: The whole world lost you

The whole world lost you

By Ken DaklakPublished 27 days ago 17 min read

She married him when she was 19. Still as innocent as a cloud and as innocent as any young man around that age. A first-year student at the University of Foreign Languages, she appears to be sharper than any girl she often meets, because of her observation and gaze that seems to penetrate the soul of the other person. She is passionate, worshipful and has a deep belief in astrology, or what many people call it by its beautiful scientific name: Horoscope. So much so that, after just a few contacts, she can guess what zodiac sign that person belongs to and what their personality is. This makes her incredibly confident about herself.

Cancer girls are always bitter and harsh, like the first time she and he met...

At that time, he was 25 years old, thanks to the "blessing" of his father who was a high-ranking mandarin, he climbed to the position of department head without much difficulty after only 2 years of working. Having the same air-conditioned car as anyone else, he suddenly burst out laughing when he saw her - in the middle of the vast Hanoi, with a flowing pink dress, a beautiful bicycle with a rattan basket full of purple flowers, strange like never before. He was stunned, then without knowing what to think, drove next to her, honked loudly, and teased:

- Chopsticks stuck in the rim!

She was startled. Lime bent down to look as an unconditional, natural reflex. Suddenly I saw him in the car burst out laughing mischievously. She was dumbfounded: "Uh...if chopsticks are not stuck in the rim then they are stuck in the ground...". Her face was hot and embarrassed, but she still replied:

- Your teeth are stuck in your gums!

His bright smile suddenly faltered, becoming extremely ungainly. She gave him a kiss that lasted a kilometer and rode her bike straight. Fluffy pink skirt still charming. He died in the middle of a crowded street. He kept looking at the "pink dress" until her shadow disappeared behind the rows of green trees at the end of the road, then he was startled by a series of car horns behind him. Someone shouted angrily:

- Who the hell is standing there blocking the way like that? Break the damn car now!!!

He quickly drove, turned to another road, thinking to himself:

- There are still cases like you in life, when will the traffic jams stop?...???

The second time he met her, unexpectedly, in his own company. She seemed a bit "cool" in her tight outfit. When asked, she worked part-time at the company, translating English documents and contracts, and today was her first trial. When she quietly pushed open the door to the human resources room and walked in, recognizing him, she was surprised:

- Manager?

He nodded, smiled triumphantly. She cried:

- Oan family has a narrow alley. See you again?

- Did you find me yourself? What are you complaining about?

- It's just for the sake of food and clothes - she sighed.

- Well... fate and destiny collide... - He quipped.

She frowned, put the file down on the table, and angrily said:

- Pressing oil to press fat, but who can force fate like this...!

The following days were a busy day. He bombarded her continuously with gifts, care, and attention. Sometimes threats like:

- On behalf of the head of human resources department, I request intern Ms. Hoang Thanh Huyen to accept my invitation to have lunch with me!

At first, she avoided him as if avoiding evil, even cursing at him silently: "You... old guy is as stubborn as a leech", but somehow, she gradually got used to that excessive attention, and felt like she was lacking.. .remember remember... Soon I accepted my love for you. The first question she asked after officially becoming his girlfriend:

- When is your birthday?

- December 14...

- Sagittarius..?! - she exclaimed softly.

"Sagittarius men are very elusive, both literally and figuratively. They move like horses, and appear like arrows."

She likes men like that, mysterious and charming. Perhaps she has never loved anyone so much. Her feelings are genuine, childish, but passionate. She loves when he teases her and makes her laugh, loves when the two of them argue loudly, she gets angry and cries making him rush to apologize, loves his clumsy hands wiping her tears and his face when he's worried. unbearably cute. When she got off work, he went to school to pick her up, asked him to park the car so they could hold hands and walk through the sunny and windy streets. Love when he takes her out to eat ice cream, the cool lake breeze caresses her pussy. Love your unexpected messages, just 3 words: "I miss you". While he was sitting on the 4th floor and she was on the 2nd floor of the same office building. One time she coyly asked:

- Why do you love me?

- I do not know. - He calmly - Love if there is a reason, is it any different from me taking advantage of you?

She is very happy. She is very proud of him, she admires herself for having him, the most wonderful man. Then one day, holding her in his arms, he whispered:

- Marry me, will you?!

She thought he was joking, so she grinned:

- I'm only 19 years old, let me grow up first.

- What a baby - He said cheekily - In the mountainous areas, if you're not married at this age, you're already lonely!

She opened her eyes wide, bewildered, hesitant:

- But I'm still going to school..?!

He gently kissed her hair, lovingly:

- And you're about to get old...

The dream wedding took place magnificently after 11 months and 23 days of love. She thought she would tie him to her life forever...

August 21.

Ni Ni - the little princess was born, turning the couple's lives upside down. The young mother trembled as she held the little creature in her arms, tears of joy hot on her sparkling eyelids. He gently kissed his child's forehead and held her tiny hand.

- Hello Baby...!

He said it was okay for her to quit school and stay home to take care of her child. He will never let mother and child lack anything. She pouted:

- I don't want to be known as a parasitic husband...

- How stupid - He gently patted his wife's head - Can you safely leave your child with the maid? What if someone...kidnaps Ni Ni and blackmails her?

She clasped her hands over her forehead, thinking for a while, then finally turned to him and nodded reluctantly:

- Then I will listen to you.

She obediently practiced being an exemplary mother. In her free time, she goes online to learn how to make new dishes, hang out, and chat with friends. Not long after, she started an online clothing business. So I can stay home and take care of my children and earn my own money without having to depend too much on him. She feels satisfied with her current life. He also spoiled his wife, selling the apartment he was living in to find her a small house that met the criteria: European architecture, with a lawn, a swing, and a white fence. She tries her best to take care of her home like any Cancer wife. When Ni Ni was 4 years old, he was promoted to the position of deputy director. Of course, with his own strength, everyone knows that he has worked very hard and is talented. Meals with family become fewer and fewer...

August 21 this year.

On Ni Ni's 4th birthday, just her and her mother blew out the candles. Ni Ni kept asking:

- Mom... mom! When will Phong's father come home to cut Ni's cake?

She did not answer her child, her eyes looked out the window, feeling sad. He always came home late, she wanted to be angry with him like before, wanted to be comforted by him like before. But she is not allowed to do those things, because she is an adult, and besides, he still has a job. She always comforted herself like that.

That night he came home, smelling of alcohol, the driver helped him in, she quickly opened the door, his whole body was limp and limp in his wife's arms. Drivers are concerned:

- Today is the big boss's birthday, the deputy boss drank too much.

- Yes - She smiled awkwardly.

She struggled to support her husband's huge body as it collapsed on top of her, moving slowly step by step. He fell back down on the bed, lethargy. She removed her shoes, change clothes. Again, I struggled to get a wet towel to wipe his face. She was at a loss... His shoulders were broad, but he didn't let her lean on her when she was weak and thinking. Suddenly she was terribly hurt. He can come home past midnight because today is his boss's birthday, but he doesn't remember that it's also his daughter's birthday. Tears of sadness kept falling. He gently stirred, sighing in a dream. The afterglow of yesterday's storm made the wind flutter the window curtains. She pulled the thin blanket to cover him and sat down at the end of the bed to watch him sleep. His face, still the same as 4 years ago...

He called home to tell her he had an unexpected meeting today and wouldn't be home for dinner. She pursed her lips, her heart heavy:

- Is that the rice portion?

- Are not. He finished meeting the company will go out to eat together. Remember to put your child to bed early.

- I know.

She hung up, leaned against the wall. Eyes closed, helpless. The calendar hanging on the kitchen wall seemed to be laughing at her mockingly. This month, today is the 20th day he hasn't eaten at home. Mother and child hung around each other, every time Ni Ni refused to eat or asked for her father, she had to lie to her child:

- Phong's dad is busy working so he can have money to buy lots of teddy bears for Ni Ni...

The girl raised her round, black eyes and asked again:

- Dad said he would buy a teddy bear for Ni, Mom?

- Yes - she nodded, turning away to avoid the girl's eyes.

Ni Ni has eyes identical to her father's, shining with radiant rays, making her very embarrassed when lying. She was afraid that the 4-year-old child would realize that her mother was dishonest. She had to promise to take Ni to the zoo if she would eat the entire bowl of rice without asking her father anymore. Ni Ni obediently nodded.

She left baby Ni at the neighbor's house, drove to the post office to send goods to customers, and by the way, she would stop by the men's clothing store to buy him a new shirt. She noticed that he didn't have any dark-colored shirts yet. and she thought a little change in her clothing style would make him feel more comfortable. Besides, it's been a long time since she's been able to take care of her husband herself. A beautiful smile had stuck with your lips. She saw incredible catharsis. The familiar men's clothing store where she often buys clothes for him is more crowded than usual. The security guard remembered her license plate number and spared her the cumbersome fare. She nodded to him in a friendly greeting. New goods arrived, she was overwhelmed with so many clothes. Suddenly she heard the saleswoman's voice whispering:

- Oh! This shirt suits me so well!

Curious, she tilted her head to look inward. The man walked out of the fitting room, wearing a purple shirt identical to the one she was holding in her hand. She was surprised, dropped the shirt in his hand.

It's you! It's your husband. And so on - the assistant who is two years older than her is still sweet every time she sees her and comes looking for him at the company. They walked together, they held hands and laughed and talked happily, the sales lady admired them and complimented them as a beautiful couple. She unconsciously stepped closer, he was startled and quickly let go of Van's arm. The eyes looked at each other, full of sadness and guilt. His lips moved as if he wanted to say something. Van looked scared and stepped back to hide behind him. She smiled bitterly, turned and quickly walked out the door to get the car, forgetting to greet the security guard as usual. He remained motionless looking at her. It feels like a crime has caused.


She became more reckless than ever. Breaking into the burning dust. She bites her lip till it bleeds. A house with a beautiful small white fence appears before your eyes. She rushed in, grinding the SH's two wheels on the artificial grass in front of the yard mercilessly. Throwing the car keys down the steps, she sat down on the porch, crying and sobbing.

Blood and tears... Salty and fishy...

He came home late again. When it was past midnight and the beginning of a new day. She doesn't sleep. The living room light turned on, he was startled to see her sitting there. Shrinking, devastated. Eyes dark circles, puffy. He timidly walked over as if it wasn't his home and sat down in the chair opposite. Burn a ***.

- I'm sorry...

Her voice was hoarse:

- You also know that you are at fault, right?

- I know...

- Know why you did that to me?

- I'm sorry...

- You are a person who has money but likes to beg, right?

He was silent. Burn the second ***.

- I don't want to hide it from you anymore, I really can't force my feelings...

She smirked:

- You always speak and act according to your emotions, you jerk!

- You can say whatever you want, I'll take it no matter how much you scold me...

He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, folded it into four, and hesitantly placed it on the table.

- What is this? - She asked.

- Divorce petition...I don't want to make you suffer any more. You can freely marry someone else. I will keep my promise, I will not let you and your mother lack anything, I will fully provide for you and your child...

- Shut up! - She shouted - Without your money, will my mother and I starve? Sorry, take your money and start over! Still have an application? I don't sign!

- Don't torment yourself...

- If it weren't for my child, I would be willing to slap the words "dead person" on your face. I don't want my child to be a fatherless child!

He shoved his pussy into the ashtray, frustrated:

- Then separate. All the assets in the house are mine.

He stood up and walked into the room to arrange his clothes. She sat as motionless as a piece of rotten wood on the sofa outside the living room. Then I fell asleep in a confused state...

Friday September 13...

"His body was exhausted, dissolving into the clouds.

A curtain of wind comes to me, wanting to wrap my arms and hug you, but why can't I?

You're so close but so far away.

Finally, I can see you smile, and then I will never be able to stop your tears from flowing to me in every dream, then leaving when the morning is bright, smoke blurs my eyes. The night mist surrounded him.

I live in a forest of white flowers, without the morning sun..."

Tears rolled down her eyes every time she heard this song again. She missed the old days, she longed to return to the old days, but she never regretted accepting to marry him. Because for her, he is still the person she loves the most, still her husband, still the father of her daughter. She laboriously typed the status line:

"Friday the 13th: I lost you... Saturday the 14th: The whole world lost you"...

Immediately, her friends started buzzing each other, asking questions and worrying, including a few curious people:

- What's the matter?

She remained silent, unconsciously closing all chat windows. There is something she has known for a long time, but never wanted to believe:

"Sagittarius is very affectionate, a breeze is enough to make him fall in love with someone. But that doesn't mean he will fall in love forever..."

She collapsed on the laptop keyboard, never stopping being helpless!

She decided to take Ni Ni on a trip. She craved the sea, craved the salty taste of the sea breeze. The 5 a.m. bus trip from Hanoi to Ha Long brought with it many emotions. Ni Ni couldn't sit still. This was the first time he went on a long trip, and on the way he wondered about many things:

- Mom, Mom! why the grass is so long?

- That's rice, that's a field. And that is a buffalo.

- Do buffaloes eat rice, Mom?

A minute later it continued:

- Mom, Mom! Are you coming to Ha Long?

- Almost there, baby.

- Can I go swimming, Mom?

- Yes- She looked at her child affectionately.

- Does the sea have as much water as a swimming pool?

The whole car burst into laughter because of the baby's cuteness.

Ni Ni happily ran around, splashing water. She instructed him to build a sand castle, and he worked hard to build handfuls of sand, diligently and attentively. Babbling mouth:

- Mom, look at this. Is Ni's sand castle beautiful?

Then he gave the little Ng'n t, pointing:

- This is Ni's room, this is mom's room, and this is dad's room...

Her heart ached. Ni Ni continues:

- Mom, Mom! Ni want to raise puppies. Mom, tell Phong's dad to buy a puppy for Ni?

The bridge of her nose was stinging, she wanted to burst and merge with the sea. The sea is so vast, and she is so small...

As soon as she arrived in Hanoi, she received a call from an unfamiliar number. Probably not a customer, because she used her own number to transact, and this number was only known to her friends and relatives. She hesitated:

- Hello...

- Huyen, right?

- Who is that? - Her voice was light.

- My name is Van. Shall we meet and have a talk?

Her throat choked bitter. She wanted to scream into the phone, "You despicable woman". But taking all her composure and suppressing her emotions, she asked again:

- Where?

Van sat perched on a white rattan chair, looking graceful. Indeed, Van is very beautiful. Seeing her, Van gave a wicked smile:

- Please sit down.

The waiter quickly ran over:

- What do you use?

- Iced cocoa - she said coldly.

Van said:

- Mr. Phong said you refused to sign the divorce papers?

- Which is none of your business?

- You seem to like to ask other people questions - Van said sarcastically.

- That's also an answer.

- Why don't you let him go?

- So that you two can achieve your goal? I am not stupid.

Van looked annoyed:

- Do you have no self-respect? That's what he said...

- If I had dignity, I wouldn't sit and talk to you. So you think that serving someone else's husband is honorable and honorable?

Van's face turned purple and he protested:

- Anyway, I'm still too young to understand life. With neither knowledge nor capital, Mr. Phong is a businessman. Needs a woman who understands and can share his difficulties with him...

She glared:

- River water does not violate well water, why does the well spit into the river? What do you know that you dare say I have no knowledge?

Van disdainfully said:

- No job, dependent on husband and children.

"This is ridiculous" - she thought to herself. This woman really doesn't understand the problem and is extremely arrogant. She didn't know how to say it so she could understand. She looked at Van challengingly:

- Do you want to drink Cocoa without a straw?

Van blinked:

- Ah! You're being very bitter as rumored.

She was annoyed and stood up:

- I don't have much time to sit and argue with you. I will never sign that form. As for you, I say this: never judge a book by its cover! You're the same, very flashy and flashy, but maybe behind that code, there are pages that have been torn horizontally and vertically...

Van's mouth stiffened, unable to resist. She walked away in Van's surprise and anger. She did not fail!

He bought a house and lived with Van for nearly 2 months. Van had him, became king and general. Aries girls are as cunning as anyone. Van asked him to hire her, whining:

- Look, if I cook and wash dishes, my nails will be ruined.

He sighed:

- I always want to eat a meal you cook yourself.

Van ignored it.

One time he went on a business trip to the South, but returned 2 days earlier than expected. Planning to buy Van a white gold rope to surprise Van, he left without warning. Just drove ten meters away from the house, when another car arrived. Van bend open the door, entered. Drove away into the night. He was dull. I suddenly felt pain in my heart...

It was pouring rain, so she sat down and folded paper cranes to hang all over the house for Ni Ni. She said doing so would be like heaven... She felt bitterly sad. Ni still believes that when he goes abroad on business, he will buy a lot of toys for her when he returns. She eats very well, sleeps very well, but never forgets to ask:

- When will Phong's father come home, Mom?

She opened her laptop, the lyrics rang out softly:

"Slowly, each passing day leaves this place, leaving only me missing you

Looking for you on that street, passing by, you still have laughter but are not with me

Another day is another worry, why is it so long even though I want to forget it quickly?

Waiting for you to return here

Waiting for someone to say something

I still love you..."

Her face was still sad, every song made her miss him dearly. Ni Ni lay down on the floor and practiced drawing. He looked painfully at his child through the window, heartbroken. Suddenly, he accidentally put his hand on the porch light switch. "Tch", the porch light lit up, Ni Ni looked up and met his familiar eyes. He screamed loudly and rushed out the door:

- Dad's home, Dad's home! Ah ah ah..! Mom, Dad Phong is home!!!

The little girl clung tightly to his leg and cried:

- I miss dad Phong! I miss dad Phong!

He choked and held his child in his arms, speechless. She walked out, saw me sobbing. Tears fell again, not knowing whether to be happy or sad, happy or sad. He hesitated:

- Wife...I...

She smiled, interrupted his words, and placed two Ng'n t on his lips, as gentle as that day:

- No... Don't say anything... Come back to me... Sagittarius!

Teenage yearsSecretsFriendshipEmbarrassmentDatingChildhood

About the Creator

Ken Daklak

Telling stories my heart needs to tell <3 life is a journey, not a competition

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Comments (2)

  • Hoàn Trần17 days ago

    It's great, I hope there will be more articles to come

  • HK Decor21 days ago

    Useful article, thank you for sharing

 Ken DaklakWritten by Ken Daklak

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