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But What If You Don't Like Christmas?

No, some of us do not wish it could be Christmas every day.

By Rebecca SmithPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

It’s getting to that time of year again. Cafés have their festive drinks out; the high street is all lit up and you get smacked in the face with Christmas music every time you enter a shop.

It must be Christmas.

Everyone is expected to get excited at this time of year/ But what about those of us who don’t like Christmas? Those of us who don’t actually want to celebrate it? We get called Scrooge or The Grinch, but I don’t think that’s fair. Take my nan, she lost both her grandmother and her son around Christmas time, so she doesn’t like this time of year and she chooses not to celebrate – does that make her a Grinch?

No. The answer is no. And if you said yes, please stop reading.

I like this time of year, in terms of the dark mornings/evenings, the cold weather and Black Forest hot chocolates. But I don’t like Christmas. The cheesy films, repetitive music, the smell of cinnamon literally everywhere (I hate Cinnamon; it makes me physically sick). The pressure to buy people presents; even though you don’t celebrate, etc.

I liked Christmas when I was younger. My mum died when I was twenty-one, and since then, I’ve just not been interested. It actually annoys me now. My mum was big on Christmas. We went to all the Christmas markets, listened to the music as we got ready to go out, and we always had Christmas dinner at a restaurant, because she refused to cook Christmas Day. But yeah, since my first Christmas without her, I’ve hated it.

My favourite Christmas song wasn’t even intended to be a Christmas song – so that tells you everything you need to know. And it’s always been in my top three Christmas songs. It’s just the past ten years or so, that it’s been my favourite.

Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. Christmas decorations come out earlier than the Halloween ones do in some stores. What happened to the ’12 Days of Christmas’? It’s more like the ‘3 Months of Christmas’ now. Dreaded family gatherings seem more and more frequent now too. Before, you only had to put up with those annoying relatives once, now, it feels like they’re over at least once a month from October.

It’s horrible for people with anxiety, like myself. But, spare a thought for those who have to spend time seeing abusers from their childhoods. Or those in the LGBTQIA+ community, who feel like they can’t be themselves around extended family. Having to pretend they are people they’re not, just to save unwanted comments or arguments. A lot of people dread these gatherings, thus ruining their Christmas. Meaning they don’t like it.

Also, certain workers probably dread this time of year. We have to see people at their worst. Cashiers dealing with angry customers because the line is too long. Or because something is out of stock. Police getting abuse from drunk people causing a nuisance. And front-line NHS workers having to cope with crowded A&E departments because some drunk idiot thought it would be funny to do something, that ends up in them having an accident. I know everyone wants to have fun at Christmas, but please be careful. And don’t lose the manners you were raised with, just because something doesn’t go your way.

We all need something to look forward to, after these past few years, and I get that. Celebrate away! But don’t call people like me Grinches or Scrooge. You never really know what is happening in someone’s life, or where they’ve come from, so if someone isn’t in the ‘festive spirit’, just respect that. You don’t need to force it upon them. You do you, and let them do them.

If you need someone this season, check out the numbers below:

UK: *

Samaritans – 116 123

National Suicide Prevention - 0800 689 5652

NHS Direct – 111

Anxiety UK - 0344 477 5774

Young Minds - 0808 802 5544

USA: *

Family Violence Prevention Center 1-800-313-1310

GriefShare 1-800-395-5755

LGBTQIA+ Helpline: 1-800-398-GAYS

Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE

*These were correct as of December 2021

Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, have a fun and safe December. Don’t hide your true self from others – shine brighter than Christmas lights! If you’re missing someone that little more at this time of year, I hope you’re able to find comfort in the happy memories, and if you or your loved one is religious, light a candle in their memory, to keep them part of your Christmas.

Take care, stay warm and safe and have fun – whether that’s Christmas fun or just regular fun!

Bad habits

About the Creator

Rebecca Smith


Just be f*cking nice 🙌

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Rebecca SmithWritten by Rebecca Smith

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