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Where the Sidewalk Ends (the story) - Part 3

Camp Sentinel

By Heather Zieffle Published 3 days ago 8 min read
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**This is Part 3, please see my profile page for the first two parts.**

Well, she lied. Kayden thinks as he eyes the woman in front of him. Einith had said their camp was only a few minutes' walk, but it’s been nearly twenty with still no sign of it.

Slowing his pace further, he widens the gap between himself and the two adults a little more… just in case. At least they were heading away from the walled city, which made him feel a slightly better.

He’s been using this time to study them, and so far, he didn’t sense any ill intentions. They chatted to each other without trying to hide their conversation.

It was only the distance Kayden put between them that made it hard for him to hear what they were saying.

The man’s bulky, not fat, just well muscled. His blond hair was unkept and looked like it could use a wash.

The woman was older, but they both appeared healthy and fit. Their clothing was simple, the colours blending into the surroundings so perfectly that Kayden knew it was intentional.

Einith glances back at him yet again. Probably wondering if I’ve slipped away into the trees. But the more he sees of this wilderness, as pretty as it is, the more he knows it wouldn’t have gone well for him on his own.

He hears the camp before he sees it. A murmuring of voices and other noises associated with manual labour. His pace nearly stops as his nervousness picks up.

Einith and Bowden have no such qualms and he soon loses sight of them as they turn a bend in the path.

Patting down the pockets of his jacket, he tries to think if he has anything he could use as a weapon. His headlamp was useless, as was his canteen.

My protein bar is definitely hard enough and might cause a bruise if I throw it at em, he thinks and huffs an uneasy laugh. Well, Jace, I’ve trusted them this far, so why stop now? Squaring his shoulders, he heads after them.


Einith holds her breath as she waits to see if Kayden comes out of the trees. She knows how important it is to let it be his decision to accept their help… or not.

She and Bowden have stopped a couple of yards from the camp's entrance as they wait for the boy.

Noticing Tash and Vigo heading their way, she waves them away. Everyone was curious about the newcomer, but introductions would have to wait.

They nod in understanding and make themselves scarce.

She’ll introduce him to the camp's residents soon enough. For now, she doesn’t want to overwhelm him more than he already was.

Besides, what she wants from him will require his trust.

Relief rushes through her when he emerges, his grey eyes landing on her briefly before shifting to the camp behind her. Halting, he backs up a step, uncertainty clear on his face.

He looks like a scared deer about to bolt. Her heart goes out to him, but she quickly tamps it down. His whole world’s changing. He can’t be jumping at every new experience. The sooner he realizes that, the easier it’ll be for him.

Einith clears her throat, motioning him forward with a relaxed wave of her arm. “This is Camp Sentinel. It’s one of many small forward camps for our principal town of Verdant. Come on, I’ll show you around and maybe we can grab some grub if you’re hungry.” She keeps her voice neutral and calm, hoping not to spook him.

Squaring his shoulders, he remains silent as he continues to study the camp. He’s a careful one… that’ll benefit him, and us. She thinks as she watches the play of emotion over his pale face. Caution wars with his want… no, his need to trust them.

Coming to his decision, Kayden steps towards them.

“Finally,” Bowden says under his breath before spinning around, his long strides quickly leaving her and Kayden behind.

Einith shakes her head at her grumpy second in command as he disappears into the camp. Bowden was excellent at what he did, but his people skills were abysmal.

“What’s his problem?” Kayden asks, coming up beside her.

“He spends too much time alone. Don’t worry about him. Why don’t I show you around,” she says again, adding what she hopes is an encouraging smile.

The kid nods but doesn’t return her smile. He’s going to be a tough nut to crack. Einith thinks as she tries not to blow out a frustrated breath. Keeping the smile in place, she turns to lead the way.


Kayden frowns as he follows Einith into the so-called camp. Camps were small and flimsy affairs. Quickly set up when workers needed to remain at a job that was too far from their dorms. At least that’s what he knew of them.

This place was big, with several wooden buildings that appeared to be permanent. The tents he could see also looked permanent and a lot larger than what he expected.

Einith keeps up a light chatter as they walk, casually pointing out and naming some of the buildings they pass. Most of their uses make little sense to him, but he nods, committing them to memory all the same.

Hard packed earth and wooden walkways separate each structure. Containers filled with flowers add a happy splash of colour wherever he looks.

The few people they see keep their distance, but he notices their curious stares following him as Einith leads them to the biggest building in the camp.

A wide porch runs the length of it, with benches and tables placed neatly along the railing.

“This is our group hall. It’s where we gather to eat our meals and socialize.” Einith explains.

“Similar to our mess hall in the dorms,” Kayden mutters, glad something here makes a bit of sense.

“That’s right. Although I think you’ll find our food is much better than the bars and broth you’re used to.”

Kayden glances at her. “How would you know what we ate in the city?”

Her brown eyes hold his a second before she answers. “I was born in Pinnacle and for twelve years, I slaved away for the elites. I’ll never forget the first time I tasted actual food.”

He wasn't dumb and knew that if he escaped, others had as well. Still, her admission shocks him. “You were a Drudger?”

She nods. “I was a small kid, so I had the pleasure of cleaning blockages from the air purifier vents.” She visibly shivers from the memory. “Can’t say I have a fondness for tight spaces nowadays.”

Kayden can only imagine. Crawling through the ducts was bad enough, but the vents were an even tighter squeeze.

A new respect for her washes over him. “How’d you get out? The collapse where I escaped from can’t have happened that long ago.”

“Well, that’s one way to tell someone you think they’re old,” Einith laughs as she leads him inside and to a table.

The room is large with high ceilings and many windows that ensure the space is bright. A long wooden table dominates the centre of the room, with smaller ones placed randomly around the area.

“I meant nothing by it. It’s just the truth,” he says, pulling out and sitting on one of the sturdy chairs.

Craning his neck, he looks around. Everything appeared to be made of wood, or some other organic material. It gave the room a warmth he’s never experienced before.

“Yeah, well, you’re not wrong. That collapse happened well after I escaped. And yet people keep finding ways past the walls. Mine was a tunnel someone, or more likely many someone’s, had dug,” she explains.

Einith doesn’t sit but heads to a row of cabinets. Grabbing a mug from the counter, she fills it with water from a covered pitcher. She also plucks a small red globe from a bowl filled with them before walking back to him.

“Here, try this,” she says, placing the object on the tabletop between them, along with the cup of water.

“Uh, what is it?” Kayden asks, frowning at it. On closer inspection, it was an irregular shape, with the red fading to a light green.

“It’s a fruit, an apple, actually. You’ve probably eaten many of these, just in a condensed bar form.” She pushes it a little closer as she takes a seat beside him.

Kayden’s eyes widen. Picking it up, he rolls it around in his hands, amazed at the smooth feel of it. Putting it to his nose, he inhales deeply. The fresh smell of it makes his mouth water.

Noticing Einith watching him, he feels his cheeks redden. “It’s not like I don’t know about things. I learned about where our food comes from. There was just… never any pictures.”

Einith doesn’t laugh or even smile at his naivety. “I know. Those in charge kept many things hidden. When people don’t know what they’re missing out on, the easier it is to control them.”

A lump forms in Kayden’s throat. Because of that control, his best friend will never know freedom. Will never taste an actual apple.

His hand squeezes around the fruit, and he quickly brings it to his mouth. As his teeth bite through the firm flesh, the burst of flavour and juice nearly has him choking.

“Easy now! You don’t want to shock your system,” she chuckles. “And don’t bite too deeply. There’s a core and seeds in the centre.”

Kayden barely listens as he takes another bite. Closing his eyes, he savours the tangy sweetness as he chews. It doesn’t take him long to devour the rest of it, even nibbling some of the tough core.

“You can have another, but we’ll be preparing a proper meal for everyone in the next hour. Think you can wait until then?”

Placing the remains of the apple aside, Kayden eyes it with longing. “Sure. I can wait.” Taking the cup of water, he drains it. Even the water tastes better!

“Great. Why don’t I show you to your own tent and you can rest before the meal? The others are eager to meet you, but I figure you’ve had a long day and might be tired.”

Kayden didn’t want to admit how drained he felt. A bed sounded too good right now. “Yeah, that would be alright.”

A commotion at the door has him whipping his head round.

A girl stumbles into the room, her tanned face flushed. Several twigs and leaves jut out at odd angles from the tangles in her black hair. She looks younger than him by at least two years.

“Dove? What are you doing here?” Einith asks.

The girl ignores Einith’s question, her hazel eyes widening when she spots him and a huge gap-toothed smile lights up her face. “Hey! You’re him! You’re the boy we’re sending back into the city!”

Her voice is high pitched with excitement, and Kayden is so shocked by her sudden appearance that he doesn’t immediately grasp her words.

“Wait… what?” he stammers, jerking back and turning accusing eyes to Einith, whose face has gone pale. “No! I’m not going back! Ever!”

“Kayden. Just… just give me a chance to explain. It’s not what you think,” she pleads.

“Never, Einith… I’ll never go back,” Kayden rasps.


About the Creator

Heather Zieffle

I've been writing for a few years, and I'm grateful to have found my passion! I've self-published several sci-fi romance novels on Amazon, but want to branch out into fantasy soon. Any feedback is welcome!

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Comments (2)

  • Katarzyna Popiela day ago

    I just knew they wanted him to go back... Love the story, can't wait for part 4!

  • John Cox2 days ago

    Absolutely brilliant continuation, Heather! Looking forward to reading more!

Heather Zieffle Written by Heather Zieffle

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