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Unbreakable Bonds

A fiction story

By Diani AlvarengaPublished 7 months ago 13 min read
Unbreakable Bonds
Photo by Suhyeon Choi on Unsplash

Chapter 1 Unexpected

I wake up to Jade’s music. Since it’s Saturday morning, I scroll through my TikTok while looking at what assignments need attention. Now that I’m in college, there are moments in which I am horrible at prioritizing what needs to be done. In high school, I would finish an essay a week before its due date, and I loved putting my thoughts on paper. Now, when I get assigned an essay, I procrastinate. It’s amazing how I’ve been able to pass my classes. Jade knocks on my door.

“Come downstairs, Altair! Your pancakes are ready," says Jade.

Our apartment has two bedrooms and one living room, along with a kitchen and bathroom. The walls are pastel turquoise, and we have pictures of us when we were little hanging on the walls. Because it’s just me and Jade who live together, we try to maintain it very well organized every day. One thing we both decided on when moving in together was that we were not just gonna arrive home and only care about ourselves. A home needs attention as well, because without any attention given to it, it can result in unwanted pests, dirty walls, and a lot of junk everywhere. Thankfully, our neighborhood, Wicker Park, is safe and we don’t have any problems with our neighbors.

Three years ago, Altair and I were living with our mom and her boyfriend, Nicholas, in the Belmont Cragin neighborhood of Chicago. We never agreed on the relationship because he only cared about himself, and he barely made enough money. Altair and I would always get into intense arguments with my mom and Nicholas. Nicholas acted childish and only played video games. I have nothing against forty-year-old dudes playing video games, but he showed us he was not ready to stay committed. Jade and I had enough and saved up enough money to move out.

“Let’s go to Mojo Spa; I’ve been wanting to go there for weeks. I tell Jade.

“What exactly do they sell there?”

I explain to Jade Mojo Spa is a small business that sells natural hand-made products.

“Fine, let’s go,” says Jade.

We get in the car, and I drive. It takes about fifteen minutes to arrive. We park nearby and then enter the store. Jade heads to the makeup section, being greeted by one of the co-workers. While she asks about the lipsticks and eyeliners, I look at the hair care products and a worker assists me. I ask her about a hair oil they have, and she explains to me that I can apply it to my hair and it will make it look shiny without making it look greasy. I’m convinced, so I decide to get it after she tries it out on me. People caressing my hair gives me tingles which I enjoy.

“Did you find anything that you wanna get?” I ask Jade.

“Yeah, this lip scrub! It smells like strawberry. This lipstick as well, it’s called Berrie Pie Mineral lipstick, I like how that sounds.”

We head towards the cashier, and I take out my card to make the payment. I then get a message from someone on Facebook. As Jade and I walk out, I read a message:

Danny: “Heyyy, saw you the other day at Target, lol how u been?”

“Be for real,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Guess who sent me a message.”

“Who?” asks Jade.

“Danny.” Danny and I went to middle school and high school together, but we were never friends. Seeing his message was the most confusing thing ever because he would always make fun of me.

“Are you gonna respond?” asks Jade.

Jade and I look at Danny’s profile; nothing interesting, just a lot of memes.

“No, let’s just go back home.”

“I wonder why he messaged you,” says Jade.

“Hopefully it’s the last time he texts me,” I say.

In my middle and high school years, I was focused on my academic work. I find it odd, yet satisfying when someone who never spoke to me back then sends me a message just to flirt. I honestly think it’s because of my change in style and the fact that I practice self-care now. I try to cut down on junk food, I use a skincare routine, and I wear a bonnet to prevent my hair from being damaged. How I look now is nothing like how I looked back then. Back then I had frizzy hair, my face had breakouts, and I wore skinny jeans with long-sleeved shirts. Now, I have hair that feels like a silky blanket because I apply oil to it, my face barely gets any breakouts now, and I wear dresses with sneakers or cargo pants with tank tops.

As Jade and I get out of the car, we start to head to our apartment. As she goes inside, check our mailbox, and then my heart beats fast. A letter from my best friend Marielos. The last time we spoke she told me she was focusing on her relationship with Blake. But I wasn’t hurt about that. The last message I sent Marielos was that I supported her in her decision on if she decided to stay with Blake or not, and she had sent me a text back saying that she needed to prioritize her relationship but that she had to cut me off just because Blake does not like women like me who like to be independent and have some fun. He sees me as a bad influence just because my idea of fun is different from his. I go inside the apartment and sit on the stairs. I unfold the letter to read it.

Dear Altair

I miss you so much., I don’t know what’s going on with my life. I don’t even know where to start. It’s the same thing with Blake. I’m nothing to him. I found out he was seeing another girl and confronted them at work. She looked like a scared little puppy, and instead of him coming after me, I was the one who came back to our apartment. I told him to no longer be in contact with her. And then I found out from someone they’re still in touch. I went to his job, ready to fight her, but my own boyfriend held my arms down. I thought he did it to calm me down, but he held me down just so this girl would be able to throw punches at my face. He’s known me for eleven years, and he decides to let this girl he’s known for six months hit me. I know what I did was embarrassing, when you read this, I know you’re gonna say what you have always said, to never fight over someone who does not treat you like a princess. What’s worse is I got fired from my job for being late, and my savings are decreasing. Tell me how it makes sense that this person has stabbed me in the back more than once and I never stained his name, but when I was seeing someone else during our temporary break, he called me the worst possible names. I’ve been crying so much that if I had a cup in front of me, I would be able to fill it up. I’m writing you this letter because Blake is such a control freak. He made me delete your contact information and told me to not message you. But I’m emotionally a wreck. I have no one; Blake’s family are laughing at the situation. What kind of family is that? What kind of family laughs at other people’s pain? I wish we could see each other again and watch our favorite 90s TV show. I wish I could go to your place to help you with your cooking skills. Honestly, I just want to see you. I never wanted to break your heart, but you need to know those words I sent you did not come from my heart. I just want you to know that I love you and I haven’t forgotten about you.


The letter is stained with my teardrops. Crescent moons on my palm form. I go upstairs and knock on Jade’s room door.

“Hey, I was just trying out my lip gloss,” says Jade.

“So, how would you feel about someone else coming to live with us?”

Chapter 2: The Visit

I try to convince Jade to go with me to visit Marielos. Jade and I have known Marielos since we were in high school. However, I formed a friendship with Marielos in my Senior year; before that, we barely talked and never hung out. The first time I visited her home, I met Blake, my first impression of him was that he loved Marielos because he was not ashamed of being affectionate towards her. Then, when I kept visiting often, what I thought was a perfect relationship, was a relationship that involved resentment. Marielos wanted an apology from Blake; she wanted him to take responsibility for his many infidelities, instead, he continued to act like a victim. Two years ago, Marielos cheated on Blake. Now, cheating is wrong. However, in my best friend’s situation, I can sympathize. Marielos, for years, has been begging Blake to be romantic. She tried to make Blake happy by learning how to cook his favorite meals, she ignored men’s flirtatious comments expecting him to also respect the relationship. She was talking to a wall, and she finally exploded. What killed her the most was the fact that she regretted her actions; she told Blake that it would be better stay apart, but he didn’t want to leave. They continued to stay together, which I did not believe was a healthy idea. Jade loves Marielos and hates the damage she’s been through. Jade is two years older than Marielos and me. When Marielos and I got close, she would come to visit me and Jade, and we would watch The Harry Potter movies and other shows.

“What if we disagree on the rent payment?” Asks Jade.

“Don’t say that” I tell Jade. “Marielos makes more money than us. She works as a mail sorter and they pay her twenty dollars an hour, I wish I had that kind of money. Don’t assume she’s a freeloader, Jade.”

“Okay, we’ll call and ask if she’s okay now with Blake,” says Jade while sipping her soda.

“Let me use your phone then,” I look at the time and it is 3 P.M. I take Jade’s phone and head to my room to call Marielos. She answers my call.

“Hey, it’s Altair,” I say nervously.

“Oh my gosh, hey!” says Marielos. “Did you change your number?”

“Nah, this is Jade’s phone. I got your letter, and I worried that Blake would become furious if he saw my number on your phone, so I asked Jade to borrow her phone so that we could talk about a lot of things. Tell me what’s been going on. Why didn’t you leave years ago? What is wrong with you?”

I hear Marielos crying; it gets to me. “Marielos, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I just want you to be okay.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m all over the place right now. I keep telling Blake I want a break from him. I don’t have a ring on my finger, and we don’t have any kids together.

“Come live with me and Jade,” I tell Marielos confidently. You don’t have a ring on your finger, and you don’t have any kids. But even if you did have children, they would thank you for separating from him.

Jade enters my room. “Wanna say hi to Marielos? I ask her.”

“Sure, give me the phone.” I give Jade the phone.

“What’s up, girl?” Jade asks Marielos

“Nothing, suffering,” says Marielos.

“I told you long ago to leave,” says Jade frustratingly.

“Love makes you do a lot of things,” says Marielos.

“Screw love!!” Jade screams. “No… love matters, but never use love as an excuse. You’re letting Blake step all over you. You’ve forgotten your worth. Do you not realize without him you would still be a shining star?”

I agree with what Jade is saying to Marielos. I want Marielos to shine again, and Blake can’t stand to see her be successful.

“Jade, please let’s have Marielos live with us, she’s not a stranger.” I plead with Jade.

“I’m not saying yes or no. I’m just saying we need to think about rent, bills, and the usual things discussed when people decide to live together,” says Jade as she holds the phone.

“Marielos, are you still working as a mail sorter?” asks Jade.

“That and I also do Uber Eats; for some extra income.” Responds Marielos.

“What is Blake doing tomorrow?” Asks Jade.

“He’s going to work, the night shift. He works from 9 pm to 5 AM,” says Marielos.

“We’re gonna go visit you once he leaves the house. We don’t wanna see him at all,” says Jade.

Marielos says goodbye to us and then I get a notification. It’s a message from Danny.

Danny: “Hey Altair, I know what you’re thinking, out of all people why am I messaging you? I wanted to apologize to you for being such a jerk to you before.”

I am in shock. Danny apologizing to me? I never expected that. Honestly, it is a great feeling when someone apologizes to you. I respond this time.

“Hi, Danny. I appreciate your apology. I never forgot what you put me through, but with this apology, I think I can let go of my resentment towards you.” I press send.

I start to get sleepy and then I get under my bunny print covers.

The sun hits my face in the morning, I look at the clock: 11 AM. I head downstairs to eat with Jade. I ask if Marielos has called or sent a message.

“She just said to stop by at her place around 9 P.M.,” says Jade as she is eating her pancakes.

I tell Jade I will be at the library for a couple of hours to study.

I drive to the library for about ten minutes. I start to get my things ready after I find a parking spot. As I’m walking, I see Danny. I have no idea what to say.

“Hi Altair,” he looks at me with his hazelnut eyes. “Are you heading to the library?”

“Umm yeah… you know, exams,” I don’t want to say this, but Danny looks sweet. His presence just doesn’t throw me off.

“What class are you studying for?” Danny asks.

“Finite mathematics, not my best subject.”

“I took that class at my previous college; passed with a B, I could help you if you’d like,” says Danny. I’m not sure how to respond. I do need to pass the exam. I give in and tell him yes. We go to the library together and I talk to him about the problems I have trouble with. To my surprise, Danny explained everything better than my professor. I never saw this side of him. The Danny I met in middle school and high school was a complete jerk. I wondered what happened. I look at the time, it is 6:15 P.M. I start to say goodbye to Danny, but he asks me to go out to eat with him.

“Some other time. I really gotta go because I gotta meet with someone in a couple of hours,” I smile at Danny.

“I understand, I hope you pass your test. I’ll see you around then,” says Danny.

I wave Danny goodbye and then drive back home. I take a bath to calm down the pain in my legs. I play classical music for my mind to be at peace. I look at my two-piece outfits and decide to wear a mint-colored shirt with blue flare jeans. I then decide to make my hair wavy.

“Wow, you look amazing, like always,” says Jade smiling at me. She’s wearing a pink crop top with crop leather pants.” I let her know too she’s rocking her outfit.

We both get ready to leave the house.

On the way to Marielo’s house, Jade and I talk about Marielos coming to live with us. Jade suggests we split bills evenly.

“Sounds good to me, I don’t think she’ll be against that,” I say.

Finally, we arrive at Marielo’s home. I knock on the door. I am greeted with the biggest hug ever from her.

“We got into a fight before he left,” cries Marielos. “He just started going off on me and insulted me.

“I’m telling you, Marielos, this should be a sign,” says Jade as she is comforting her. I tell Marielos the same thing.

Marielos orders Pizza, as we are eating, she tells us that Blake does not help around with the bills. “Oh, and last week he went out with his friends to see a movie, and when I wanted to go out, he began acting all dramatic, telling me it’s not a good idea. I swear, he cheats on me and then acts like I ruined the relationship. I do it once after ten years together and he just explodes,” says Marielos.

“It’s not getting any better. We’re talking about Blake here; do you think he will ever change for you? Don’t think he loves you just because he was hurt. He was only hurt because he never expected you to be capable of being with someone else,” says Jade.

“Blake can dish it, but he can’t take it,” I say.

“I appreciate you guys coming over and trying to help me in this situation. Just let me speak to Blake first and if he does not take me seriously, I’ll give you a call.”

Out the window, I see a car parking. We all watch. It’s Blake, then he goes to the passenger side to open the door and we see a girl with a killer-looking dress. He kisses her on the cheek and then on her neck. Marielos’s heart drops.

“So, Marielos,” I ask. “Do you still want to talk to Blake?”

“I’ll slap the hell out of you if you ask him for an explanation,” says Jade.

“Let’s go to my room, help me pack my things, please? She can have him. I’ll thank her on my way out for stealing my problem,” says Marielos.

Jade and I are ecstatic, feeling proud of Marielos for knowing her worth. We all embrace each other; looking forward to living together and doing girls' night every week.

ResolutionYoung AdultNonfiction

About the Creator

Diani Alvarenga

“I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of.”

Note: feel free to leave tips if you liked my stories! Would be greatly appreciated!

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    Diani AlvarengaWritten by Diani Alvarenga

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