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There it was

A story of a paranormal incident that happened to this one women.

By SRenaSPublished 11 months ago 7 min read
There it was
Photo by Javier Grixo on Unsplash

    A lot of paranormal events happen everyday. We hear a lot of stories about it. Not everyone believes in it, thinking they are fake. But are they really fake? Such incident happened one day with Sieara.

    Sieara is a ceo of company that is well famous around the world. She does not have the slightest belief in ghosts. She believes that there is a scientific explanation for everything. She often comes home late at night as on some days there’s a lot of work to do.

    It was the morning of 12th of August. Just another ordinary day for the people of Cleankeli City. Sieara started her day like usual. She got up from bed, brushed her teeth, washed her face, had her breakfast, got ready to go to work. Sieara’s younger sister, Jazmin lives in a city far away from Cleankeli City with their mother. Jazmin wants to come to Cleankeli City to pursue her studies here in hopes of becoming a doctor. She is going to move in with Sieara. So Sieara is busy nowadays for cleaning up a room for her sister to stay in.

    While getting ready for work, Sieara got a call from Jazmin.

    “Hello?” Sieara said.

    “Hello, Sieara.. I’m calling to inform you that my flight has been cancelled due to the heavy weather. The next flight to Cleankeli City is on 14th August, so I’ll be arrive at 14th August instead of today. I hope there will no problem..” Said Jazmin.

    “Of course not! There will be no such problem. I hope to see you soon!”

    “Yeah, see you soon!”

    The call ended, Sieara looked at the time, she was going to be late for a very important meeting . She rushed to her office, fortunately she arrived just in time. The day went well like usual, nothing out of the ordinary. It was 8pm, she just finished all work and was ready to go home. Suddenly she got a notification on her phone. It was from the security camera of her house. Saying some motion was detected around the house. Sieara previously installed cameras all through out her house as recently the number of robberies in her area increased. Sieara checked the security cameras through her phone. She checked all of the cameras, but nothing was out of the ordinary. Not even a single fly in sight. She said to herself, “it was probably nothing, just the camera probably malfunctioning.” And she brushed it off.

    While driving home she got countless messages from her phone saying saying some motion was detected around her home. She paid no attention to it. Instead brushed it off thinking it was some malfunction of the cameras.

    She finally arrived home. But something was a bit strange. When entering her home, she felt like some sort of bad energy. The atmosphere around her felt a bit weird and strange. Like something changed in her home but she couldn’t see it.

By Brandon Green on Unsplash

Sieara ignored all of these. She took her dinner, watched TV, and headed to bed. She laid down on her bed feeling tired and a bit restless after these strange incidents happening. She couldn’t sleep. She knew she was tired and needed sleep. It was like something was bothering her and was not letting her sleep. She tried to close her eyes, nothing worked.

It was 13th August, early in the morning. Sieara did not get any sleep from last night. She was restless, tired, totally out of energy. She did not wanted to go to work today. But still mustered up some energy and went to work

After finishing work, she returned home like usual. But today was the same as yesterday. She felt some strange energy upon entering her home. She was not able to sleep just like yesterday.

It was 14th August. The day her sister was supposed to arrive. She once again woke up in the morning feeling drowsy, just like yesterday.

She thought to herself, “Something is not right! It’s been 2 days since I got a proper sleep. But what is the cause of this?” She was confused and disturbed. She decided she wanted a day of from work today and just rest and decorate the house for her sister’s arrival.

It was 6pm, her sister was still not here. “Where is Jazmin? She was supposed to be here 2 hours ago! I hope everything is alright..”. Sieara said worriedly.

Another hour passed by. Sieara got worried. She called Jazmin multiple times, but there was no response. She finally got on her car and went to the airport hoping to see her sister at least somewhere.

After arriving at the Airport she couldn’t find Jazmin anywhere. She asked many people around but no one has seen her.

A million thoughts were popping up in her head. “Where is she?”, “what happened to her?”, “is she alright?”

After hours of searching she she went home thinking, “ maybe her flight got delayed again or maybe cancelled? We can’t predict the weather anyway! Right..?”

After returning home she ignored all the feelings of the presence of bad energy. She went straight to bed hoping to get a call from her sister in the morning. She knew she was not going to get any sleep due to the incidents happening for the past two days, so why bother to try?

In the morning she still had no idea about the whereabouts of her sister, on the other hand she got call from the office, asking for her presence. She, having no choice, unwilling went to the office.

Days went by, but still not a call from Jazmin. On the other hand, the feeling of the presence of bad has not left.

It was 20th August, Sieara arrived home very late at night. Upon entering her home, from a distance, in the dining room, she saw what looked like a black figure, maybe a women sitting on one of the chairs. She rushed towards the dinning room, thinking it was probably her sister giving her a surprise. But when she she reached the dining no one was there. Sieara didn’t think much of it. She thought it was probably a trick of the light.

Feeling tired and exhausted and went straight to bed, hoping she will get a good night sleep today.

It was 3am when she suddenly heard a tapping sound on the door of her bedroom. She woke up and went to check. No one was there. She went to bed. After couple of minutes later, the tapping sound came back. But this time it was a bit more louder. She went to check again. And once again no one was there. She was annoyed this time, she waited for sometime for the tapping noise to come back again. It did not. She thought due to exhaustion she was probably imagining things. She went to bed once again.

Through out the night the tapping noise came back and forth again and again. But each time it got louder and louder almost loud enough to wake any neighbours beside her home to be awaken. The banging was so loud that the door could almost break.

By Leiada Krozjhen on Unsplash

She finally thought enough is enough. She got up, and straight walked towards the door. She opened the door.

Suddenly all the noise stopped. It was pin drop silence. She could only hear the noise of her breathing nothing else.

What she saw before her eyes was just an empty hallway, with no one in sight.

By charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

She sighed. She felt a bit relieved seeing no one was there. But if no one was there who made these noises?

Suddenly, something pushed her from behind, locking the door of the bedroom, and leaving her alone in the empty dark hallway.

For the first time, she felt scared. “Who pushed me!? No no no, ghosts are not real!” She screamed. Sieara turned back and tired to open the the door to her bedroom. But the door won’t even budge. She tried to bang on the door. Nothing worked.

Suddenly the door opened by itself. No was behind it. She proceeded to enter her room, when suddenly, for only a split second a long black figure appeared in front of her and disappeared. It looked like the exact black figure she saw earlier in the dining room before going to bed.

Sieara was shocked and so scared to the point she couldn’t move. When she realised what was happening, she rushed into her room and locked the door. She leaned against the door and slowly slid down on the floor. She sat there scared, unable to move. This was the first time she was this scared in her life. She sat there for half an hour, thinking what she should do.

And suddenly she heard banging from her window. She glanced to her window.

By Isai Ramos on Unsplash

After seeing what stood before her eyes, she can no longer deny the presence of the paranormal. She quickly grabbed her phone searched online for anything to make this go away, make this thing go away, anything will do for her. The banging got harder and harder, almost to the point the window was gonna break. Sieara searched continuously but still found nothing.

Suddenly the window cracked a little. Sieara looked towards the window, the shadow was gone. Everything was quite. Sieara got up and walked towards the window. She slowly made her way. Nothing was there. “Is this all over?” Sieara said while still afraid of what happened.

Her bed was opposite of the window and the door was just middle of the bed and the window. She turned towards her bed, it was there. A black shadow, hanging from the ceiling right on top of the bed. She can finally see its face. A pale face, looking right at her with a bone chilling smile. She could see it’s teeth, far from what a ordinary human’s teeth looks like.

There it was.

To be continued…

This is the first time I wrote something like so this might not be the best, I’m open to any suggestions that can improve my writing. I hope you enjoyed this. This story is short but it didn’t end yet..

ThrillerPart 1

About the Creator


Writing is one of my many hobbies. I love writing stories whether it is fiction or horror, everything is written from the top of my imagination. I occasionally write on other communities and topics aswell.

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    SRenaSWritten by SRenaS

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