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The Gym Intruder: A Night of Unease

Navigating Safety and Boundaries in a Crowded Gym

By Lily💜 Published 5 days ago • 2 min read

Before my days of running a fitness YouTube channel, I frequented a larger gym for its equipment. Two weeks into my membership at this new gym, amidst the after-work rush, I found myself in a crowded space, focusing intently on my upper body workout.

Using a straight bar on the cable machine for bicep curls, I noticed a tall man nearby doing pull-ups. His presence was notable, standing out in the sea of gym-goers. I guessed he could've been a college basketball player with his stature and demeanor.

As I moved on to shoulder shrugs at the dumbbell rack, I caught glimpses of him again. His height was unmistakable, and despite my usual avoidance of eye contact, I couldn't help but notice his gaze in the mirror. Gym etiquette breaches were common here, so I dismissed it as harmless.

The gym's layout resembled a sprawling 'C', with cardio machines on the upper level. I favored the stair mill, tucked away for privacy. That evening, I lucked out with a corner spot in the aisle, away from the dissipating crowd.

Lost in my music, I suddenly felt his presence nearby, seemingly texting against the wall. Adjusting my speed, I soon realized he was moving closer, still texting but visibly nervous when our eyes met. I sensed something amiss but hesitated to jump to conclusions.

Mid-climb, I noticed he had abandoned the pretense of texting, now inching closer along the wall. My suspicions grew when it became apparent he was filming me. Trapped on the corner stair mill, I weighed my options, feeling increasingly uneasy.

Taking off my headphones but keeping them visible, I made eye contact, hoping he'd back off. Instead, he continued his approach until he was directly behind me. With adrenaline pumping, I snapped photos of him in the act, his focus clearly on filming my movements.

I decided to confront him indirectly by heading to the front desk, heart pounding. When I explained the situation to a gym employee, my urgency was met with skepticism. It took showing the photos for them to take me seriously, but by then, he had disappeared.

Frustrated, I contacted my boyfriend for support, and together we returned to the gym to escalate the issue. The assistant manager assured us they would handle it, revealing that the man had been caught filming another woman shortly after our encounter, prompting police involvement.

Though relieved he was banned, I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling of knowing he might move on to another unsuspecting gym. Despite my efforts, the gym's corporate office remained silent, leaving me with mixed emotions about their handling of the incident.

Reflecting on that night, I realized how vulnerable gym-goers could be to such intrusions. It underscored the importance of vigilance and gym safety protocols, which sadly, not all establishments prioritize.

This rendition aims to capture the tension and unease of your experience while highlighting the broader issue of gym safety and personal boundaries.


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    Lily💜 Written by Lily💜

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