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The Blade - Part 5

Has Mia found true love?

By KA Stefana Published 9 months ago Updated 5 months ago 5 min read

Two days later, Gia and Travis emerged from their hiding place. Holding hands as they migrated to the throne room, she whispered, "It will be weird to call you by your real name in public. You'll always be Travis to me."

He stopped and turned toward her, teasing, "You can call me whatever you want when we are alone."

Her eyes grew large, asking, "Anything? Really?"

Grabbing her hand, he tugged at her, muttering almost to himself, "Well, not anything and everything." They started to ascend the spiral staircase, but she pulled back as they were about to enter the main castle. "Travis, how do we know it'll be safe for me now?"

He was nonchalant about her safety, saying, "Because you're one of us. That's how."

"But won't they fear that I'm both a vampire and a witch? Am I not even more dangerous than before?"

"You are," he said and tried to begin their journey again.

"Then why is it safe for me to emerge now? Will they not try to kill me?"

"They will," he calmly replied.

Gia took several steps away from him and hissed, "Are you not concerned for my safety? Do you think this is funny?"

He turned around and stepped toward her, saying, "Gia, I've communicated with my father. He has secured the castle for our return. You'll receive your title in a short ceremony, and then we'll be free to settle in our chambers."

She didn't want to believe him, fearing the near miss before he turned her. "Travis, then why didn't he keep me safe before? Why were they allowed to get to me upon my arrival?"

"Gia, he underestimated their concerns but has calmed the crowds down and is confident peace shall prevail. Our subjects will adore you once they get to know you." He pulled her up to the narrow step he stood on and kissed her lips before adding, "I need to teach you to fade, but for now, I'll manage without draining myself. Let's go."

They reappeared in the middle of the throne room to gasps from the crowd surrounding them. Taking her by the hand, they silently walked up to the dais where his father sat.

King Helmar stood up and walked down the stairs, standing before them. His voice rang throughout the room, "I, King Helmar, welcome Princess Gia to our lands. She has been the chosen mate of my beloved son, Prince Juri since they were children. He has turned her into one of us, and she shall lead this land one day by Prince Juri's side. Princess Gia will be a force to be reckoned with, but you shall not fear the power that grows in her, for she will use it to defend our people and not turn on us."

There were mummers of decent within the crowd at the king's words, but he quickly silenced them. "I have spoken the truth from the prophecy told many moons ago. You've my word and shall not fear this fair maiden."

His eyes locked upon hers, and he ordered her, "Gia, come here, my child."

Bowing her head, she walked toward him and whispered, "Milord."

"Princess Gia, do you promise to love my son with all your heart?"

"I do."

"Do you promise to lead this land, pure of heart, and defend this land as if it were your own?"

Without hesitation, he promised, "I do."

Placing his hand on her chin, he lifted her head and stared into her nervous eyes, asking, "Princess Gia, do you renounce the darkness, the evil that worked its way into your father's heart?"

"I do."

He smiled at her and turned to the crowd, announcing, "I, King Helmar, pronounce Princess Gia a member of our land, and upon my passing, shall fate allow, she shall rule by Prince Juri's side. They shall lead with honor and fairness." He then took his sword out from his hilt and placed it on the top of her head, saying, "Crown-princess Gia, may you always remain fair in heart."

Before his father could speak, Juri pulled Gia toward him and immediately faded into their bed chamber. "Now, Princess Gia, I shall spend the afternoon pampering you. Tell me, what are the desires of your heart?"

Gia wrinkled her nose and said, "I'd like nothing more than to bathe in warm water. Is that too much to ask for?"

"Not if I can join you," he teased.

"Travis! Juri! Whomever the hell you are, no way! No way!" She was mortified, knowing the intimacy he craved. She trusted him, but she was not ready to give in to her desires for him. Needing more time.

He raised his eyebrows and taunted her, "Well, I guess if you can't even remember my name, how could I dream of pampering you? For your insolence, an ice-cold bath and nothing but bread and butter for dinner."

Pretending to be offended, she replied, "Oh, then I guess you'll be sleeping in the trees instead of this nice warm bed by my side."

"Two can play this game, my love." He turned her around and embraced her, whispering, "I'll be patient, but please don't make me wait forever."

Moaning softly, she exhaled loudly, asking, "Will I ever be ready to give myself so freely?"

"When you trust me, I believe it will be easy."

She turned to face him and replied, "I do trust you. I let you turn me."

"My dear, you were taught to be pious in front of men your entire life, but I'm not just any man. I'm your mate. You don't have to pretend to be what you are not when we are alone together. Be angry. Be afraid. Be spontaneous. Be bold. Just be who you are, and I'll be who I am. Don't pretend we must wait, fearing that I'll think you are a loose woman."

She processed his words and whispered, "Thank you. I think I want to take a bath first. Alone. I need to think and process everything that has happened over the last few days."


The morning sun broke through the edges of the curtains and woke Gia up. She jumped back, startled, momentarily forgetting that Juri was beside her. As she watched him sleeping, something stirred within her for this man. She wanted to touch him. She wanted to be touched by him. Without thinking, she placed her hand on his bare chest and chanted a single charm, pushing her power into him.

His eyes shot open, and he grabbed her wrist, asking, "What have you done?"

She placed her finger to her lips and whispered, "I gave you the desires of my heart."

He stilled and closed his eyes, feeling her emotions.

"You'll always sense my desires. Do you know what I want now?"

Without hesitation, he growled, "Yes," before leaning in and kissing her sweet lips.

Here are the links so you can read the entire series:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 5


About the Creator

KA Stefana

I started writing as a hobby during quarantine. From a hobby, a passion bloomed. Author of Dark Fantasy with a twist of romance. Available on KU - The Origins of Darkness, The Daughters of Darkness and The Forgotten.

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    KA Stefana Written by KA Stefana

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