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The Blade - Part 2

Should Mia really be trusting this stranger?

By KA Stefana Published 9 months ago Updated 5 months ago 4 min read
Images from Canva

If you would like to start at the beginning, please click the link: The Blade - Part 1


"Now that you have sworn fealty to me, tell me your name," she ordered, still holding his sword.

He needed her to return his sword without incident, so he answered, "Travis."

"Well, Travis, what do we do now?"

He looked around, knowing he needed to rest; he suggested, "I think it is best if we find somewhere safe to spend the remainder of the night. Gia, please tell me you have no more tracking charms. I'll not be able to keep us safe if you do."

"I don't."

He took her hand in his and softly said, "Come. Let's find a safe place to rest." Twenty minutes later, they settled between the brambles and a boulder. It wasn't comfortable but offered temporary protection from intruders.

With nothing but her traveling clothes and her signature red cloak, her teeth were chattering, but her pride kept her from asking for help. He was so near, and every glace sent shivers down her spine. She tried to pretend that she was asleep in her feeble attempt to ignore the feelings rolling like thunder through her mind.

Travis looked at her longingly, desperate to touch and keep her warm, but he was afraid to speak of such things. They ignored each other, their feelings, and fears through the dark and bitter night. Foolish young hearts.

When she couldn’t deal with the frigid temperatures any longer, she moved toward him and whispered, “We will perish if we don’t keep each other warm.”

Without a word, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly, not wanting to let go, careful not to let his skin touch hers. His breath tantalized her exposed skin, waking up feelings she wasn’t allowed to have inside her, knowing she belonged to another. After all, Travis was nothing more than a stranger to her. Her abductor. Right? But didn't he offer her fealty?

She was so confused. What was wrong with her?

Sleep finally took hold in the warmth of his arms, and strange dreams invaded her thoughts. Images of a faraway castle, a young vampire who chased after her, screaming her name. When she drew near, she gasped. Just as she recognized the boy, memories of him slipped away, and she woke up staring into Travis' red eyes. They were softer now, almost loving and tender towards her. He broke the fog surrounding her thoughts with a new warning, "Gia, I have recovered my strength. We will fade as often as I can manage."

As they readied, she asked, "Travis, where are we going?"

He stopped rolling up his cloak, deciding how to respond. Finally, he replied, "It's best if you do not know, lest we are captured before we enter the land. It is for the safety of your new kingdom, for they are the ones that sent me to save you."

He knew she was upset, watching as she pursed her lips and snapped, "Fine."

"I am sorry, Gia. It is for the best. I'm not trying to keep anything from you. I'm only waiting to tell you the rest until I deliver you to your new home."

Shaking her head, she whispered, "Give me something. Something to help me understand. To trust you."

"Gia, doesn't my oath of fealty mean something to you?" he asked in exasperation.

"Travis, you've not given me the chance to mourn my father. Yet we flee my land without an honest explanation!"

Holding out his hand, he said gently, "Come here."

When she was inches from him, he explained, "Gia, you know King Reginald from the Maze of Darkness?"


"He corrupted your father with a black curse. Your father's men feared for their lives and sent out scouts to the kingdoms loyal to your father, seeking help. By the time we arrived, your father was beyond the veil, and the castle was set asunder."

Their eyes lingered on each other as she processed his words. "Travis, why didn't I see the darkness within him? I was his daughter. I should have known. Was this not trickery by traitors?"

"No, Gia. I was in the chambers before he passed. He had betrayed the light."

"Don't you mean that the curse had taken hold of his heart?"

"Yes, Gia. Now, may we continue our journey before his enemies catch up to us?'

Pulling her close to him, he was about to fade when a fireball exploded just feet from where they stood.


Hi Readers,

Thank you for reading The Blade. Please continue on to Part 3! If you love my stories, please follow or comment. I'd love to hear your feedback.

The Blade - Part 1

The Blade - Part 2

The Blade - Part 3

The Blade - Part 4

The Blade - Part 5

KA Stefana

Young AdultRomanceFictionFantasyCliffhanger

About the Creator

KA Stefana

I started writing as a hobby during quarantine. From a hobby, a passion bloomed. Author of Dark Fantasy with a twist of romance. Available on KU - The Origins of Darkness, The Daughters of Darkness and The Forgotten.

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    KA Stefana Written by KA Stefana

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