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Ten strange true stories (Part 2)

Strange true stories

By Mosap HomaPublished 6 days ago 5 min read

1_ The story of the king who died from a monkey bite
King Alexander inherited the rule of Greece after the death of his father Constantine in 1917 AD. He was known for his great love for animals, and one day while he was walking his dog in Athens in a park called the National Park, a monkey attacked the dog, and when King Alexander tried to keep them away from each other، Another monkey bit the king's hand, causing him severe complications that kept him bedridden for nearly ten days until he died in 1920 AD due to a monkey bite.

2_ The story of the quintuplets
It tells the story of a French-Canadian woman who gave birth to five female twins who were born before their natural due date in 1934 AD. Despite the fear of their death and incomplete development, they survived, as large sums of money were offered to the girls’ father in exchange for displaying them at the Chicago World’s Fair. However, The Canadian people considered this an exploitation of childhood, which prompted the father to refuse to display them again، After that, the Canadian government took the girls from their parents as part of the guardianship system over them, and their nursery site was transformed into an exhibition that contributed to their fame, and their pictures were published in magazines and newspapers, and they were used to present advertisements, and their pictures were placed on postcards, and in the 1930s, four films were produced that dealt with Their story

3_ The story of shipping children via mail. In the past, postal and shipping companies shipped anything weighing less than 32 kilograms and measuring less than 275 cm in length, and among the appropriate things for shipping with these specifications were children, as the parents, in order to save the value of the train card that They used to pay it to their children, instead shipping them for a small amount in exchange for postage stamps only، It took postal shipping companies about a year to close this loophole in their system, and during this period many shipped their children in this way

4the story of the simple worker and the precious watch This story tells of a simple worker who noticed an expensive watch belonging to a senior official falling into one of the non-hydrogenated oil stores, and when night fell, the worker went undercover to get the watch and sell it to a German jeweler, and to benefit from its price by buying food and drink, but it was found The worker's body was found in non-hydrogenated oil the next day، This is because the worker does not know that non-hydrogenated oils have a lower density than water, and therefore it is considered impossible to be able to swim in them, which led to his death.

5_the Story of Helping Voices In 1997 AD, the British Medical Journal published a report stating that there was a woman who told them that she had heard two voices asking her to visit a specific address in London, and to go there immediately because she was suffering from a brain tumor, and the woman who was not suffering from any pain By going to that address to finally arrive at a brain scanning hospital in London, and when the woman performed the tests, it was found that there was indeed a brain tumor، She began immediate and intensive treatment sessions, and after a while she heard the same two voices again telling her that she had recovered from the tumor, and they thanked her for believing them. Indeed, the woman underwent tests and it was found that she had actually recovered from the tumor.

6_the story of Julia Pastrana Julia Pastrana, who was living in Mexico in 1834 AD, suffered from a hereditary strike called Hypertrichosis Terminalis, which caused black hair to appear all over her body to the point that it reached her ears and nose in an unnatural way. Theodore Lint in the United States of America proposed marriage to her.; This was aimed at pushing her to work in shows aimed at scaring people, and she was called the ugliest woman in the world, but she was distinguished by her beautiful voice and her taste for music and dancing، In addition to speaking three languages.

7_the story of cows Cows in Switzerland have the rights of a citizen, as a birth certificate is issued to them, and in the event of their death, the Swiss authority undertakes to investigate the causes of their death as if they were a human being

8_ Roy Sullivan Anti-Thunderbolt

Roy Sullivan was the national park ranger
The state of Virginia, who died by suicide at the age of 71 in 1983 from a gunshot wound, after being rejected by a girl he loved dearly.

Even here there is nothing surprising, but this Sullivan broke the Guinness World Record as the person most struck by lightning in history, and every time he miraculously survived.

The first time this happened was in 1942 when he was a child. Then in 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1976 and the last thunderbolt in 1977.
This situation is considered even more strange if we know that the probability of exposure to lightning is 4.15 in 1 billion or a trillion years!

9_rainer is the only person in history who was a dwarf and a giant at the same time.
Born in Austria. In 1917 he was tested to join the army, but it was too short to join.
During the test, his height was measured at 4 feet 6.3 inches at the age of 18. And 4 feet 8.3 inches by age 19.

After that, as a result of a tumor in the pituitary gland, it was growing significantly and rapidly. In 1930, Adam Rainer underwent surgical intervention, after which he measured his height at 6 feet 9.1 inches, which caused him a curvature in his spine . Due to the failure of the operation, he died in 1950 at the age of 7 feet 8 inches and weighing 241 pounds.

10_ The next person on our list is a man who appears to have come out of an ancient mythological book. His name was Li Qingyueen, and he is probably the man who lived the most on this planet, as he was 256 years old.

However, there is no conclusive evidence of Yuen's longevity .Yuen himself claimed to have been born in 1736 while disputed records indicate 1677. It was not possible to determine his true date of birth when Li was asked about his secret, Li Qingyueen replied: "Keep a calm heart, sit like a turtle, walk wonderfully like a dove and sleep like a dog"

Some said he buried 23 wives when he died ،
He lives with his wife, number twenty-four, at the age of 60, and has grandchildren from eleven generations.
In 1930, Professor Wu Zhong of Chengtu University found records that the Chinese imperial government had congratulated Li Qing in 1827 on his birthday.

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