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Something Shady

The Conclusion

By umamanidrahPublished 11 months ago 29 min read

- He had mentioned... - That Kali's with me. - Had you? - Yes. Why didn't you mention it? - Your versions are different... - No, sir...

Your fancy fables won't fly in my police station! - He told me... - I came up and met Rahul.

I inquired about Kali and he said that she's in the car. I said, no, she isn't.

- He ran and I followed. - I did. He looked in the car and then we split up to look around the market.

So, let's say this is the car... So, this is the parked car...

Damn these daily mobile jokes... Continue! He looked in the car, Kali wasn't there. So, he ran.

- And I towards this... - The hotel... A bit further. A guy was standing a little ahead so I asked him...

That if he had seen a 7-8 year old girl? He wasn't answering my question but his phone kept ringing.

So I asked him to answer the phone! What's it to you? Shouldn't you focus on the girl?

Sir, won't you ask me to take my call if it keeps ringing?

- Yeah. So the guy took the call. - Yes. So, he took the call and I saw that it was this iPhone...

- This? - Yes, he was carrying the phone... - iPhone! - On screen... Rahul's picture flashed on screen and I realized it's Kali's phone.

- As I was calling her, right? - He was! Hold on... - His picture flashed on the phone? - Yes, sir.

What rubbish is this? That's impossible! Sir, when I call her, my picture appears with, Papa calling!

Excuse me? Papa what... You see my face with it!

Oh, that's so funny! I've called my daughter several times from my phone

but haven't come across it. - You'll have to save it first. - Save what? It'll flash only when you save your photo on your daughter's phone!

You'll need a camera phone for that. Your phone's a fossil, man! Hey, can't you see the camera? You think we're losers?

- Allow me, sir. Take a photo. - Correct. - Then you save it. - Okay. By a name, so when you call up... - Right.

- It'll ring... - My face will come on! Let me show you... Switch on your camera, please!

- I'm still confused... - Do it... - Yes. - Done? - So now when we take your photo... - Are you clicking me?

- We need your photo, right? - It'll flash on phone... No! If the photo is in this phone, it'll flash here, not there!

Once your snap is saved, whoever calls you from this phone...

Just take my snap. - Sir, your cap! - Oh, yes, wait!

- What a circus! Go on... - Ready? Where does Shrilal live?

One who makes the masks? - Masks? - You know him?

- Shrilal lives here? - Yes.

Who else lives here? I do. What's your name? - I'm Uma Devi.

What's this? I make masks for kids.

Shrilal sells these. - To kids? - Yup. Does he like little kids?

Don't know about that! We got to know that both of you are doing something wrong with kids...

No... - Sure? - I know nothing about that. Has the police ever picked him?

No, but some people did thrash him once because he gave a little girl an ice lolly.

- A little girl? - Yes. Are you dialing or meditating?

Need to recharge sim. Tell me the number. - 98219... - The home number, man!

- Doesn't she have a land line? - Yes. - It's 2345... - Yes. 2345...

- 4267. - 4267...

What does the mother do? Nothing. Who else is at home?

Her husband. That's all...

Hi, I'm decking myself up. There's a sale at Mango. Let's go.

Don't feel like stepping out. You should get out. What do you do anyway?

I watch TV, what else? Come on! Even he was asking about you.

- Who? - I told him that Shoumik's a cop. Know what he said?

No fun like dangerous fun!

Hello! Yeah, put the boss on line. He's busy.

Why? Is he bored of his wife? Have you met his wife? She looks like a filthy animal!

And rich... And she has a physical trainer.

Comb the market and all the areas around that hotel! You... Get me the guy who runs that child beggar racket.

- Get me everyone who's on our list. - Yes, sir! And send a search party behind the theme park with sniffer dogs!

- Hello! - What's up? Meaning? Is he there?

What? What do you want? Just drop Kali back on time.

Okay, sure. If the kid isn't found in 24 hours, we file it as a kidnapping case.

- Kali's not home yet. - What did she say? She asked me to drop Kali back on time.

Did you tell her, she's missing?

- Status? - Sir! No one recalls the girl in that crowded market. But we found some of her things.

- Checked it? - Yes, sir. Are these the belongings? - Yes. A few people did see her but no one remembers anything.

This way... No one knows how the dead man got her phone. He used to sell toys and lived with his aunt in these slums.

- What about the search dog? - Yes, sir. The market was so crowded that the dog lost her trace, sir.

What's going on? - The dead man's name was Shrilal. - Shrilal!

- Is this all his stuff? - Yes, the rest is at home. - Home? - Yes. Then why'd he sleep here?

I'm his aunt, not his mom. How'd I know?

Keep an eye on her. - Does this happy creature know he's dead? - No, sir.


- Yes. - Jadhav here. Meghwadi police station. - What happened? - Sir, a little girl's missing.

Her dad's an actor... A Rahul Kapoor!

Look, we honestly told you what happened. Then you made us wait, later called us back for tea!

You assured that you'd find my daughter. Now, you're accusing me of kidnapping her. Correct!

Sir, can you make sense? Are you calling me nonsensical?

Am I senseless? You kidnapped your daughter as sir's wife doesn't let you meet her.

Do you think, I'm a fool? Not at all! In fact, you're making a fool of us.

- Come on, sir? - Excuse me? - Why are you... - What? Sir, he was at my place when his daughter disappeared.

honestly told you every detail. Every last bit, right? - Yes. - Then, why repeat yourself?

- Why? - But you're implying that he... If my boss says he's the kidnapper, then he is.

My boss is way more educated than you two! And my boss' word is final!

- Rawal! - Yes, sir. - Searched his house? - Yes, sir. Spoke to his family?

They're at the police station. Hey, why are they at the police station? They're just old people, now you guys are bullying us!

Our daughter's been kidnapped and you harass us?

- Why are you hitting him? - Shut it!

Is she your daughter? - Is she? - No...

Offer tea and evict him. - Be seated. - Sit.

Shoumik, enough of this, buddy! I'm not your buddy!

Why would I kidnap Kali? Boss's personal matter!

Go home and sleep it off.

Why can't she stay? I don't want her meeting you or your sleazy friends. Besides you're ridiculous when you're drunk!'

Shalini, even you used to drink! Your friend used to force me. And when you would pass out...

He never touched you, I never passed out. - What? - You told him your sob story.

Asked him if you could become an actress? He was lying! You told that loser cop the same story...

He fell for it and married you. Kali won't stay with you tonight and that's that!

Next time I won't even send her. But you too drank. In fact, you drank through your pregnancy!

Because I was sick of being with you! I don't, anymore. Neither will I.

I don't care. Just drop her home at 8. Don't want to go home, dad!

She wants to stay. I will decide what she wants. Just bring her back on time or I'll tell Shoumik.

I'm not scared of your husband! Just bring her on time, okay? One day I'll take her away and your cop won't be able to do a thing!

Your voice, right? You tap your wife's calls?

Remember how you beat me in college? You loved beating people, didn't you? How about now?

On your feet! Are you a cripple? Get up!

Flop hero!


- Hello, Just Dial! - Hello. Need the number for Meghwadi police station. - Opposite? - No, the other one... After that.

- Your name, sir? - Why do you need my name?

Got pre-paid sim cards? Give me one.

I swear on you. On Kali... I didn't kidnap her. We were kids back in college. Move on!

I haven't kidnapped Kali. I swear on Kali, I didn't do it.

Please, forget... Please, buddy!

It's a U.S based company in Singapore governed by U.S laws. So sending information will take time.

Yes, sir.

- Hello? - Want your daughter alive? - Who is this? - Your boss!

1 million if you want her alive. I will call tomorrow.

Track this number. Need a 9-10 year old girl. Call whoever you can for an urgent audition.

The scene is that a girl has been kidnapped. The kidnapper makes her talk to her dad on the phone.

Write down the lines or you'll forget them! Stop following the dead man's trail...

- What was the name? Alright. - Shrilal... We'll go covert now! - Dismissed! - Sir.

- Vijay Kumar Jadhav? - Yes, sir. - Police Station? - Meghwadi, sir. From now on, you will assist us in this operation.

Mother, I'm off. Where to, early in the morning?

Jadhav, let's go. Jadhav. Let's go!


Greetings, sir! Yeah, I came in early today.

Anyway, what are my debts over the last 2 films?

Speak! Our hero's friend just called his accountant.

He's sinking in debts! You recorded the call? It was diverted, so, yes!

Take him in!

Where's your helmet? Was going to wear it right after. Is it? Were you choppered in this morning?

Sir was careful while beating him. He has received minor injuries. Make him look presentable for his remand at the court today.


Stand up!

Extend this arm. Make a fist... Now, rotate it.

Now, bend it. Touch your shoulder. Rotate it!

Does it hurt? - Please uncuff the other hand. - Sure.

Hey, what the hell... Let go! Let go...

Wear the cuffs! You too!

Give me the keys... Quick!

You can't escape. It's a police colony!


Okay. Your first choice escaped!

What do you mean? The hero you chose over me.

He's clearly not much of a hero! And Kali?

I'll find her, you don't have to worry. I know exactly how much her parents love her!


Go, have your medicine and sleep! Go!

Please don't... Please don't tear them! Please don't...

Why are tearing my dad's pictures? Why do you have a problem? Don't tear them, please.

You said, I can put them up anywhere! You said so...

No... Bose's not a bad person. Rahul and I used to bully him a lot in college.

As he once asked me out with a cheesy Valentine's Day card. Rahul beat him up very badly.

After that, he never looked at another girl. It's from home, sir.

Hello... Hello...

Hello, are you there? Are you there? Hello...

Are you there? Talk to me. Talk to me, please!

Talk to me... Talk to me...

I beg you. Please talk to me. My marriage was falling apart.

I had a fling with his friend. Have you seen the house? Even if you become a superstar...

You still won't be able to construct such a house. You choose to believe your friend over me?

I'm talking to you. I'm talking to you. You think, I had a choice?

I know that... He never questioned his friend. Never did!

That day he beat me up so bad that I called the cops.

And Shoumik reappeared in my life! Mom, please open up.

Shalini! - Shalini... - Who is it?

Who is it? Who? Shoumik Bose.

Did you think swapping a sim will let you escape? It took us 30 minutes to figure that out! Look. Your phone's registry number. It's never generic.

It helped us trace you. I made that call to save... - Why?

Because you got his father... - What? - Your boss' personal agenda. Does this feel personal, delinquent?

- What are you saying? - What's the point of hitting me, sir? - Then what? - I'm just telling you the truth.

You're getting cheeky with me? I'll beat you to pulp!

From where did you... - You were... - What are you saying? Thought the cops were friends... Friend? You imbecile, a friend!

Public's friend! Patnayak, Balve... A friend, is it? You moron, a friend...

I'm a friend to the citizens, not to thugs like you! Why did you go to your office this morning?

I had to repay a loan! - Do you have any money to do so? Do you have any?

Why'd you call the accountant when you're broke as hell?

Updates on the gang shoot out case? We've found 4 unique numbers...

How do we know they're unique? One of the personnel was looking into it.

Weren't you going to get the money through ransom? By kidnapping the girl, right? Confess, you moron!

His phone's ringing. Receive it...

Answer it... Hello... Hello, Chaitanya...

Where are you? After you left, Bose roughed me up.

I'm going to the press! I'm outside CNN-IBN. Want to come? Hello... Chaitanya?

- Your friend kidnapped Kali. - He's lying... He's lying, Rahul!

Didn't you call from the railway station and ask for a million as ransom? Right?

Didn't you? We were all together yesterday.

You intimidated him into doing this, right? Why will he ask for ransom when he knows you're watching me?

This man pays my rent as I'm that broke! So play this game with someone else, Bose.

And let me find my daughter!

- Hello... - Hello!

You want to find Kali, so do I and so does the police. She's your daughter as much as mine.

But if this hits the news, we'll only find her corpse. Do you understand?

Now you need to sit tight. We'll find Kali.

The food's on me!

Moron's pretending to be her father now.

He doesn't care that the poor girl is missing. He has probably hidden her himself so I can't be with her!

- Now you're sounding like him. - Feeds us after bashing us up. - Forget it! - Come on, man!

Bashed me in front of all those people! See? Who will cast me now?

Like I got VIP treatment inside, right?

The imbecile will pay for every scar on my face!

I know what I have to do! There's no ransom call in 80 percent kidnapping cases!

I've seen Kali's photo. She's pretty, sir!

I'm sorry, sir.


Go check... - Whose kid is this? - She's with me, sir.

These gangs usually pick up fair skinned kids

as they have a big market here whereas dark-skinned kids are preferred by foreigners, sir!

Nobody buys a 10 year old!

- Wake her up! - She's sick! Come on... Move!

Child... What's her name? Hey, nab him...

This girl is missing. She was in a maroon Lancer at Andheri.

Sir, I had abducted a kid some time back. I'm out of that business now. Why drag me into this?

I don't know whether you're at fault or not! It's your job to find her.

If she isn't found in a day's time... You're all history!

Remember the face. I've auditioned 40 kids, delivering the same line.

'Dad, I miss so much... Take me home!' My name's Surma Bano.

Dad, I miss you a lot. Take me home, dad... Dad, I miss you a lot. Take me home, dad...

Dad, take me away from here. I miss you a lot.

Dad, take me away from here. I miss you a lot. Dad, take me away from here. I miss you a lot.

Hello? You have a credit card, right? Send me the details.

I want to use it online. Don't worry, man. I'll pay you when you get the bill!

Text it to me, now!

I wonder where it is!

Two... Two million! Come on, man!

Two million! All you have is 24 hours.

Two million! Two million! Two million!

You have till tomorrow to arrange it. I'll call tomorrow. "In the fields seize me, in the grass tease me."

"Touch me, brush me." "Let me wring you out."

"Shake me up!" "Let me shake you up.

You have an international call.

+401... I don't know this number! - Who could it be? - He beat you real bad, huh?

That's why, I say, one should marry after giving it much thought. The way you did, right?

Hello! - Dad, take me away from here. - Hello! I miss you a lot.

Hello... Kali? I have your daughter. Get me two million if you want her alive.

You have 24 hours. And if you breathe a word to the cops

I'll leave her body parts where I found her!

No negotiations, whatsoever! You will only do what I tell you! Get it?

Why's the voice so distorted? Sir, it's recorded.

The kidnapper has placed the phone on the speaker and played a recording.

Hello. Where are you? - What happened? - Chaitanya and Rahul. I got a call!

I heard Kali's voice. He's asking for 2 million. Who is? - How the heck do I know? - The kidnapper, who else...

Are you with Rakhi? How will I get two million?

You could ask her new dad! I won't speak with that imbecile! Put your ego aside, emotional fool! How will you get two million?

I say, speak to him! He'll either give you the money or find the girl! He won't do anything. He will only flaunt his power.

The kidnapper will torture my daughter to death. Why aren't you here, man? I'm a little busy right now!

Upadhyay! Yes, sir. - Find out who's the girl with them. - Okay!

- Where's Rahul right now? - He's home, sir. One of our constables is already positioned there. He's home.

- And Chaitanya? - He's in his office. - What of the ransom call? - We're still trying to trace it.

It's an overseas call from where that gangster Pujari used to call! - Pujari is in jail now. - But his henchmen are still out!

Anyone could be working for him.

Ma'am, have you informed sir that you're stepping out?

He has forbidden you to go out without his permission! Ma'am, at least message him.

Pujari, I hear your men are operating from abroad now? Come on, sir, how will they go abroad when I haven't ever?

How come you used to call from outside the country? Who knows, sir, ever since your thrashing

there's been eternal sunshine in my spotless mind! Aren't you missing home?

Yes, it has been too long! Here, it's yours!

Unlimited talk time! Why the generosity, sir? A girl's been kidnapped.

Yours? Some big shot's brat?

Yes! That's why I'm being stroked so lovingly.

Sir, I have a request. I get damn bored here! Can I get a portable DVD player in which I can hear songs too?

Done! Oh, headphones too! - When will give the information? - As soon as I get my goodies, sir!

- They've asked for Kali's ransom. - Ransom? You know, the money they ask for, after the kidnapping!

But Rahul has just hidden Kali and run away somewhere! Why would he do that? Where would he hide her or escape to?

That's what Shoumik said. Kali has been kidnapped and the ransom is two million.

Who told you? Is it two million? I'll speak with you later.

Trace the location of Mrs. Bose's phone.

Jadhav, this girl... This dancer, Rakhi Malhotra... Yes, sir.

- Match her voice sample with the song. - Okay, sir.

- Where are you? - At home, sir. - Where's ma'am? - She's also home, sir. Okay.

But a playback singer sings the song, Rakhi only dances!

How do we match the voices? It's always better to pay up.

My husband was threatened by the underworld when he was producing my film. He paid up quietly

and that's why we live in no fear! Besides, the kidnapper doesn't know yet

that Bose is a cop or Kali would be dead by now!

But I don't know whom to give the ransom to or how to arrange it? Need money for a phone.

I'm in serious debt, dad won't help.

My phone is broken. People will be looking for me. They'll think I'm avoiding them. I need the money to buy a phone.

I don't have any money, Siddhant. Where's the cell phone that I gave you?

I don't have it. - Where is it? - Siddhant, stop it!

- Siddhant, stop it! - What's going on? It's okay, he's my brother. Leave!

Keep the money ready by tomorrow.

- Yes? - Don't you read the newspaper? Have you read about a kidnapping where the kid survived?

They're chopped and thrown off. I tried to tell Bose this but he's too busy reminding me

that he topped in Chemistry! Okay, listen. Can't we borrow two million?

Who will lend such an amount? You can't repay a dime and I'm already battling debt!

Someone has to come to aid! - What about a robbery? - Meaning?

There's this gang that robs jewelry shops. We can do it too.

See, it's easier to rob a jewelry shop than a bank! Have you lost it?

Damn you! You're broke and you won't ask Bose. What will you do?

Listen... What if we pay the ransom by kidnapping someone else?

Who? Rakhi's husband, the producer. No, man. What are you saying?

It's not as if Rakhi loves him. Let's first meet, man. We'll decide later!

- We'll decide later! Okay? - Alright.

Maybe people are right that you can't act.

Maybe... Maybe, it's true.

Maybe, I'll never become a star. I came here to act and that's what I'll do till the end.

Even if I get a break at 60! Understood?

And me? To hell with you! Do what you want! How long will I take money from dad to run the household?

That's pocket money for your lifestyle, not for me. - I don't ask. - As you don't provide anything!

That's because I don't earn! You're free to leave whenever you like.

I can't do a 9-5 job. What about Kali? I'll look after her. Leave!

- Please, just talk to dad. - I don't want to. You chose to elope along, right?

Leave if you're unhappy. I'm not stopping you! I'll do this, even if it means being a junior artist!

You're so stubborn and so stupid! Yes, I'm stupid! I'm sorry, I'm stupid.

- Stop saying sorry... - Sorry! Sorry!

Don't cry now! - I want to. - Then cry.

Ma'am, ever considered acting? - Me? - You're beautiful, you can be an actor!

I'm not joking. I swear! - Come here. - Go to mom!

Come... Sit here and play with teddy! Don't disturb mom, she's busy!

- When will Rahul be back? - He'll be late! Usually when we meet, only Rahul and you talk.

We never talk! That's true. We've never spoken like this. I only know what Rahul told me about you!

Am I really beautiful? Yes.

- May I say something? - Sure! - You won't laugh, right? - No.

I was very fond of modeling once. Why didn't you tell me earlier? - I'll show you something... - Please do.

- Hold on. - What is it? I'll just show you.

Look at this! How is it? - It's gorgeous. - Right?

I bought it 6 years ago to wear it for one of Rahul's premieres.

I've never seen you in it. - Shall I wear it now? - Sure.

Give me five. Step outside please. Leave this here.

Five minutes.

Want some milk?

Kali, you've to have some before bed. - No... - Keep this here.

Come on in!

Wow! You look stunning. Amazing! - Really? - Yes!

If a director sees you, he'll cast you immediately.

- You went to my house? - Yeah. - What happened? - Nothing.

You don't have fuel money, couldn't you take a bus?

Let go of your ego and just ask Bose for money, man!

- Where are they? - Zaveri market! What're they doing there? - Every shop has a guard! - It is risky.

The guards have guns, man! We should pick a corner shop, after this festival season!

There must be some business with lots of profit and no guards! All make profits, man, but not in cash!

Most people pay by card. Only jewelry shops or banks keep cash. Look, think again, it might be easier to tell Bose!

iPhone! It's brand new, not the second hand crap you gave me!

Yeah, I've just reached. - Just park here. - In the middle of the road?

Stay quiet. I'll talk about the money!

Come in. This way...

- Hi, sir! - Mr. Producer, welcome! Please sit.

Sit, Rahul. He's the one.

Just a bruise... - How is life? - Same old!

- Murghan... - Yes. The guns, please!

Where's the restroom?

- The restroom? Thank you. - Down, to the right.

Jadhav, cover the front! And you go with him.

- And you block the exit! - Sir.

Where to...

Where's your buddy?

Hey, you...


What was the purpose? They'd come to buy guns, sir. Rahul escaped but we got Chaitanya.

We've seized the guns too!

Hey... Take the car too. No, leave the car here! But keep an eye on it!

What do you want, sir? - Rum! - We don't serve alcohol here.

Why are you asking then?

What? You want to call those cops, do you? Shall I dial the number for you?

I'll bury you right here. You wanted rum, right... Would you like it with some cola?

Our mutton mince is very famous. Try some! Please relax, sir. Hey, get him some mince!

Yes, sir. One bottle of rum, quick!

200,000... And a quarter... Discount of 3 percent!

Everyone, stay down...

- How much is it? - Half a million, I swear!

- How do you pay the interest? - How? Sir, I cast for movies. I supply artists and models.

So you're a broker, right? - No... - How much do you make? - Quarter to a million! - Is that how much you make?

You make that much money through casting? How much do you earn through it? Answer the question!

Sir, that doesn't mean I abducted the girl. Will you rob a bank? Steal? What will you do?

- Ask for... - You'll steal! - That's what... - How will you arrange the sum? Didn't kidnap the girl... We found a foreign Sim card in your office.

Where did it come from? Sir, I've beaten the crap out of him, yet he didn't speak! - Jadhav... Leave us. - Sir...

Will you have something? Yes...

Hey, get some food for him. Want some cyanide curry, you filth? You got a call from Mumbai but from an international number.

To do this one needs international roaming and we suspect Chaitanya! He won't confess to us, can you talk to him?

I know we don't like each other but it has nothing to do with Kali.

We've found 8 missing kids in trying to find her, but not Kali.


Want to eat?

- Can I ask you something? - Of course. When I came over the day Kali disappeared

how did you know, she was in car?

Do you suspect me, too? How did you know?

You had told them that we spoke. Didn't you? That was to protect you.

But I remember well that I never told you she was in the car!

Then you remember swearing at Shalini when you picked up Kali? Maybe! But why did you think she's in the car and not upstairs?

If she's not upstairs with you, she has to be downstairs, right? Could've been in the toilet! You should've asked where she was!

You didn't. You said the car's door was open and Kali wasn't there.

You leave her in the car as she hates being around your work. Why was there a ransom call made from a tower in your area?

How do I make you believe me... - So, if it's not Chaitanya... - Receive the call...


Dad, you're coming to get me, right? Kali! Hello? Kali?

Kali, hello? Keep the money ready by tomorrow. I'll call at noon!

Who's speaking? We go covert!

What were you doing, pumpkin? Talking to someone?


Bose, Pujari speaking.

Do you know of the magical world of online calling services?

There are several such online services. Indians usually prefer ones from the UK.

It's difficult to trace which online service the kidnapper used.

Even if we do we can't predict a 7 digit random number that he picked.

And if we don't know the number

we can't track his IP address, sir. Check all the cyber cafes. The friends of our current suspects are suspects, too.

Seize their computers, laptops, smart phones... Find out who used an online calling service!

- All the cyber cafes, sir? - Yes. - Does one pay for this service... - Credit card, sir.

credit cards too and find out who made the ransom call.

- Hello? - Missing your kid? Who's speaking? Quiet! First make sure you're alone!

- Hello? Yes, where's Kali? - You alone? Kali...

She's asleep. Sir, at least you're married, think of me!

God bless... Stay happy! What do you want?

5 million! - Where will I get so much money? - Ask your dad! I'll call back at 5!

What happened? Who was that? He said... Don't call Shoumik!

What happened? Nothing. Just make us some tea please.

What does he want? Money. How will I arrange so much money?

I don't even have money to go to the salon. How much?

6.5 million! - 6.5 million? - He warned not to tell Shoumik!

Almost there, sir... Run or I'll break your legs!

I'm here!

- What took you so long? - Traffic, sir. You made me wait. - Switch on the light. - Yes, sure.

When dad eyed my lovely bride! Your film, huh? You're quite a stud!

- Is that the CPU? - Yes, sir.

- What are you doing? - Turn around. No, sir. I'm not into that! - Sir... - Shut up and give me your wallet!

- It's in the front pocket. - Slippery toad!

- Is it a debit or a credit card? - Debit. - Here. - Why, sir?

Just want to check your account. - You don't need the CPU for that? - You'll get your card back soon!

- But, sir, how will I work? - What work do you do anyway? I can't audition without my scripts.

Manage without it for 48 hours. If this box is clean, it's yours or you are mine.

But, sir... You'd mentioned a cyber cafe... Where is it?

- Hello! - Rakhi, where are you? I'm out, why? I need to keep some money with you. I can't keep it here!

What money? When can you meet me? Like, now? I'll be at your place around five, okay?

- Hello! - Got the money? I hear your door bell. Maybe, it's the money!

- Is it here? - Yes.

Thank you!

- Don't I get hard for you. - But for how long? A few more years and then you'll be like my old man!

Not tonight, darling, I'm tired!

She is Rakhi Malhotra, right? So you're squeezing her these days? Where's your computer?

Where do you keep it? Where is it?

I don't have one. Laptop? Nope. Sure?

- Okay, show me your wallet. - Why? I want the credit card...

- I only have a debit card. - Just show me your wallet, man.

Boss' orders! Don't slow down... Keep going!

I'm doing that!

Don't lie, my men are watching you! I'm on my way!

- Hello? - Something's not right! Ma'am is talking to some man and is driving somewhere!

Connect the call!

- Hello? - Dad? What are you doing at home? I read the papers today. Is everything okay?

Yes. Where's Shalini? She has gone out. Where? She just spoke to a man who told her where to bring the money!

You tap her calls? - Where is she, dad? - I don't know!

Don't lie to me! You have always trusted me more than your kids! Tell me where she is...

Honestly, son. I don't know.

- Yeah? - Car's headed towards Goregaon. - Western Express Highway. - Okay.

I'll fetch the money after a week. - Sure! - Here you go. Don't stress yourself out! Go home.

Kali will return, right?

- Hello! - Paid him off? Yeah? You got your daughter back? Happy, now?

Shoumik! Couldn't you bloody fools call me? Now drink champagne with your dad. Celebrate... Witch!


How much did you pay? How much?

- What's her name? - Rakhi Malhotra! Is this Rakhi Malhotra's house? Call her. We need to talk!

- Yes? - He's asleep. Sleep for a couple of hours, I'll keep watch.

Why did you ask for 6.5 when the ransom was 5? Where is the other 1.5 million?

What were you going to do with that money? Answer me, Shalini?


I asked you something.

What do you want to know?

What? Have you ever asked me how I am?

If I need anything? I was going to use this money to buy things that you never gave me.

Why did you marry me? To seek revenge for what happened in college?

To show me that I was wrong to choose Rahul?

And that you're great?

You married me and made me your prisoner!

Have you ever touched me lovingly? You even sleep with your door shut!

Ever noticed how I stare at you like a starved dog when you eat?

Ever asked me if I've eaten?

Why did you marry me if you hate me so much?

Okay! Your...

- Yes? - Well... The call that ma'am got on her phone, sir... It was from

her brother, Siddhant! I'll be right there.

Your friend Rakhi has run away with the money. Now what?

If you need anything, tell Vinayak!


5 million! Don't do anything, just follow the kidnapper's instructions!

Get it? We're hearing your calls carefully and will be right behind you! Your car is still outside the bar

and here's your debit card! Yours, right?

And this is your friend's. We returned their debit cards... Their cards don't work online, so we returned it.

And their computers? We'll get reports of Chaitanya's computer from the lab shortly. And Rahul doesn't have a computer.

Keep me posted.

He's here, sir.

- Hello? - Throw your phone out. - What? - Throw my own phone out?

Just do as I say! What's he doing?


- He just chucked his phone, sir! - Why? He's holding another phone now.

Maybe, the kidnapper left it there for him!

He knows about the GPS! I think the kidnapper knew about it.

He chucked the GPS too, sir. What's going on now? He's driving away, sir!

He's going towards Vashi, sir.

I've reached the mall!

He has entered the mall's parking lot.

The car hasn't exited yet, sir! Shall I go inside, sir?

Okay, sir.

- Waiting for the same car! - But how can he... Sir, he didn't take...

Enlarge this!

Sir, ma'am's gone!

- Hello? - What's up? You sound tired. Cat got your tongue? - Where are you?

Oh, how I miss that starchy arrogance!

Because of you. I have lost my wife and my daughter!

You were so proud of your uniform! You thought you are this super cop and I'm a super loser!

Where is Kali?

Look, just tell me if Kali's not with you. I'll hang up!

- Hello! Detection 2, Mumbai? - Yes? Tell me.

Calling from Special Task Force, Lucknow. I'm inquiring about an old kidnapping case!

Do you have the case number?

The police know everything. You're being investigated.

Turns out you did time for 5 years! It's a child abduction case. - Yes. - Get it? And our boss suspects your nephew!

This woman and her nephew sold masks to children in trains. That's how they picked up kids and then sold them.

We've also found out that Shrilal is actually not her nephew. I've told my department that you've cleaned up your act now!

That you make an honest living! But if they find out that you're withholding information

then I'll have to arrest you! - Is he your nephew? - Yes...

- Raised him like a mother? - He hasn't returned for 5 days.

We're watching her but so far we've got no clues on Kali!

Only she can lead us to Kali. The public will burn him alive and I won't be able to save him.

You both will be burnt alive...

I'm with Shrilal's aunt, sir. She's brought me near Chaitanya's house, where Kali disappeared!

Sir, it was Shrilal, who kidnapped her and left her here, unconscious.

- Sir, pass the matches! - Sir...

We could have saved her.......................................................(THE END)


About the Creator


Hello to all, My name is Umama Nidrah and by profession I'm a physiotherapist and I am seeking for Article writing , Blog writing that is related to health with some interesting initiatives which are also uptodate.

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