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Porn Again-Part Five

Happy’s journey continues…

By lazarusInfinityPublished 2 months ago 36 min read
photo courtesy of lazarusInfinity

Continued from Part Four…


The text message vibrating close by sent a surge through her that may not necessarily have been dread or remorse. The smoldering guilt laced with a growing sense of excitement brought out a rather sneaky, yet girlish quality in Candy. Refusing to let on that Marcus was texting her at that very moment, she quickly put the cell away.

“How on Earth did this even start?” a perplexed but nonetheless curious Pamela asked.

Vigorously stirring her drink, the question was one that had marched through her mind from the very moment the news broke. The house was a virtual asylum of calm and serenity, a vibrant contrast to the days that preceded it. Chas was out for another long day of work attending to the sick and uninsured...and pissing and moaning all the way. Candy tried repeatedly to adjust her position on the couch, feeling as if she were in a confessional. Pamela’s eyes never left hers, and Candy wasn’t sure if she saw bewilderment, hostility or compassion in them. The woman was definitely a tough one to read.

“He’s been our neighbor for quite some time now,” she continued. “I guess it just started in the wind one day; just small talk, nothing serious. Then the next thing you know, he’s complimenting me on things Hap never notices anymore, looking at me in ways Hap never looks at me anymore. I just...I know that what I did was wrong and yet...-“

“Go on,” Pamela urged her. The tension was stifling, and Pamela couldn’t resist the urge to nervously chew on the ice cubes in her drink.

“When Hap and I first started dating, it was almost as if I’d met the perfect man. He was so sweet, smart and funny. He had this ‘look’ in his eyes...the look of a man who had the confidence to take on the entire world. He had this way of making me feel like I was the most precious thing in his life...and that every day with me was like the first.”

“And now?”

“Now...not so much. Everything with Hap is work and numbers and catering to the corporate office. Somewhere along the line he stopped paying attention to the things that mattered...little things. I mean come on Pam, you know what it’s like to feel wanted and needed in that certain way. I’m sure you enjoy it when Mr. Downman pays you that type of attention.”

“Yes,” Pamela muttered. “But he has ADD.”

“I love Hap. I truly love him, but somewhere along the line it seemed almost as if the more time I spent around him, the more I felt as if I wasn’t living...and I resented him for that.”

“So you justify it by sleeping with another man?”

Candy stirred in her seat.

“Don’t you think I feel horrible about that? There’s a part of me that wishes I could go back to that night and take it all back-“ “But?”

“But...there’s another part of me that doesn’t regret it one bit. Does that make me a bad person?”

“Candy, there’s nothing wrong with having feelings like the ones you’re experiencing. After all, we’re human...and at times we’re prone to experience feelings of want in the physical sense. The question you must ask yourself now is if this one night was worth the years of hard work you’ve put into your marriage.”

Candy slumped deeper into the couch. That lump in her throat felt like a bag of bricks moving further down into the pit of her stomach.

“What?” Pamela asked.

After a few brief moments of awkward silence, she finally mustered the strength to let it out.

“I never said it was just one time.”

The words could have knocked Pamela over. Instead she sat there in astonishment, albeit doing her best at hiding it. For a moment, she just stared at Candy, chewing on ice cubes.

“I know already. You don’t have to give me that disdainful look.” “Does Harper know?”

“Of course he doesn’t know. He thinks the night he walked in on us was the first.”

“Oh for Christ’s sake Candy, you have to do the right thing and put an end to this. Your husband is in New Orleans with Lucky, and God only knows what trouble he’ll try to get him into. He’s already claimed that he’s leaving and moving there of all places, and now this.”

“Well what am I supposed to do? He won’t return my phone calls!”

“Well can you blame him? You did a bad thing Candace, a very bad thing-“

“Yeah well maybe it’s time to be a little bad for a change.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Pamela, I’m tired. I’m tired of only being a housewife...and also dealing with the idea that I may never have kids. Do you have any idea how that feels? I want a husband who wants me...who needs me...who fucks me.”

The emotion overwhelming her, she could no longer hold back the tears of grief that constrained her for a very long time. Pamela tried her best to be reassuring, but this was something beyond her control.

“I love Happy...but I’m not happy. And regardless of how morally wrong and sinful it may seem, I’ve found a man who awakened something in me...something that’s been dead for far too long.”

“Well...let’s talk about that for a moment. What makes you think this guy is going to stick around any longer now that he’s obviously gotten what he wanted? I mean for God’s sake Candace, you slept with your next door neighbor...and a Black man of all things!”

Candy turned to her, flashing a scary look she had never seen before. “Would it have been better if he were White?”

“ would’ve been better if you’d stayed true to your wedding vows young lady. You may not want to hear this right now, but the Devil is all around. He is out to seek and destroy that which God has put into place. Believe me, I understand the power of temptation, but you must be strong and vigilant for your adversary-“

“I didn’t come over here for a sermon Mrs. Downman.”

“Well what exactly did you come over here for? And what about this...what’s his name?”

She let the name drip from her lips as if it were made of the sweetest honey.

“Scorpio. Marcus actually.”

“Ummm...ok. Marcus. And what is it about Marcus that’s so special that you’re clearly willing to throw your marriage away? And what the hell kind of name is ‘Scorpio’?”

She laughed a bit. “It’s just a nickname he had back in college. He used to be a dancer.”


“No. Exotic.”

“Oh God give this up Candy, right now while you still have time before you get yourself in even deeper trouble.”

“Oh please, my marriage was thrown away a long time ago; neither one of us had the guts to admit it. It would be one thing if we argued a lot, at least there’d be some sort of passion in Happy. He’s just always so...contained and repressed. Not at all like back when we were in college, this isn’t even remotely the same. Ask him an honest question and he either rifles off some lame, generic answer so as to not hurt my feelings or something really obnoxious. Ask him to try something new and exciting and he refuses.”

“And this Marcus fellow?”

A girlish smile danced across Candy’s face.

“Ever had a man look at you as if it were the very first time? Ever had someone want you so badly that they would do anything to have you? I remember the first time I met him years ago. He’d just moved in and introduced himself to us, nothing more. Fresh off his visit to the gym, he came over and only spoke to us briefly. It wasn’t so much what he said...but how he looked at me when he shook my hand. I was so madly in love with Happy at the time...he was the most loving and gentle soul back then. Yet, there was this...feeling deep within that we both felt. Of course Hap didn’t know...but I did, and so did Marcus. At that moment, I knew I was willing to risk it all and give myself completely to him.”

Pamela couldn’t believe her ears. This was the same woman whom years ago, she raved about to Happy. Everyone in the family loved her so much, Happy was virtually ordered to marry her. When that magical day finally came, it appeared as if they were the picture perfect couple. That of course...was years ago. The words sent an uneasy surge through her as she sat on the couch, chomping down on ice. The poor woman wasn’t prepared for what came next.

“Again...I know it’s wrong but Pamela, this man,” she groaned. “Every time I’m around him, I get weak and lose all sense of myself...and I’m sure he knows. He enjoys every moment of it. He’s so attentive to my needs in every way, taking his time...almost teasing me...torturing me. It’s almost as if I become hypnotized by him, longing for his breath on me...his lips on me. Between his hard body and his skin...I love the contrast of his dark skin merging with mine. He has this way of taking me, touching me, devouring me until I can take no more...then he takes it even further. Pamela...this man...this man makes me do things that I have never dreamed of doing before. And he has the most perfect cock I have ever seen; long...hard...thick and reaches places inside me Happy never has. It’s almost as if it calls to me...”

An awkward silence.

“What did it say?”

At that moment, the pressure from her grip cracked the glass in half, startling Candy out of her daze.

“Oh hell,” Pamela muttered.

“Are you alright?”

“’s just these damn nerves of mine,” she continued. I get this twitch sometimes. I must be getting old. Umm...what were we talking about again?”

Candy tried to help clean up broken shards of glass but Pamela quickly waved her away.

“Oh honey, don’t worry about it, I’m just being clumsy as usual. I swear I don’t know what got into me. This isn’t the right way to go Candy. Chas and I wanted so much more for you.”

As she was talking, Candy could feel that familiar vibrating of her cell coming to life inside her purse. Interesting how it virtually mirrored something else that was throbbing somewhere deep inside her. Pamela’s words became as a monotonous blur of indecipherable banter about ‘good Christian living’, marital vows, blah, blah, blah. She would have longed to be somewhere else at the moment, and even the inherent guilt itself became not only palpable but also invigorating. For all that was wrong about this situation, it was also exciting. It felt amazing to be desired and lusted after, instead of carrying around the feeling of being nothing less than an emotional accessory. Moral majority aside, Candace Downman was beginning to come alive again.

“I’m sorry Pam, but I have to go. Something at the gallery has come up. Can we continue this some other time?”

Lying was of no use; evident by the disapproving look Pamela flashed her.

“Be careful of the choices you make Candace. Not everything that seems good is.”

The look was enough to send a flutter of disappointment and introspection surging through her...but not enough to make her put out the flame that was lit. She said nothing, only collecting her things and disappearing behind the door.


A few hours later, Candy arrived at the designated location-a plush, low-key hotel on A1A overlooking the beach. Unknown to Happy, it was a place they’d agreed to meet sometime long ago. Pulling up to the hotel, that uneasy feeling that marched through the pit of her stomach the first time made its way back.

You’re a married woman. Happy loves you. You know what you’re doing is wrong. You are committing adultery. You can still turn back.

Of course she could turn back, but the first taste of sin was so tempting, so exquisite that she could barely contain herself. From that first day she was forever stained; cursed with the scent of Marcus Halloway on her...the taste of Marcus Halloway on her...the feel of Marcus Halloway deep within her. Finally putting the car in park and glancing at her reflection in the rearview mirror, she looked for some resemblance of the woman that once was. Maybe in those moments that beautiful, girlish and innocent version of her would resurface with reason and wisdom. Maybe that image would smile back and whisper to her that this was a bad idea. Only that version of her was now gone, seeming never to return. What stared back at her was a full, lively, insatiable who’d been denied the most primal of instincts for far too long. She had needs, deep, intense needs that were even further confirmed by that familiar feeling of slick wetness and heat below. That subtle throbbing, coupled with her breath getting even more intense, Candy quickly exited the car. Each step to the entrance felt as if heavy shackles were attached to her. Unfortunately those shackles would be broken soon.

“I was beginning to wonder if you’d show,” Marcus beamed as he saw her approaching the hotel bar. He was dapper, distinguished and sexy as usual; his massive arms announced themselves through the fine fabric of his suit. “Hibiki?”

Without even thinking, she agreed to his suggestion. Marcus smiled that familiar smile while motioning to the bartender. This hadn’t even started yet and already she was losing her senses. He leaned in to kiss her on her cheek. Candy almost recoiled at the notion, but it wasn’t what was expected. Instead of kissing her, he placed his hand firmly on the curl of her waist, getting close enough to feel her energy reacting to his while whispering in her ear.

“Did you think about me last night?”


He got even closer. “Did you touch the last time you thought of me?”

“We need to talk,” she continued as the bartender produced the drinks.

Albeit a bit nervous, she didn’t hesitate in sampling it. “I’ve made a terrible mistake.”

“Is that what you think or what you’ve been trained to think?” “I beg your pardon? Marcus, I’m a married woman.” “Interesting. And how are the benefits with that gig?”


“You’ve been married for several years, solely existing on the promise of a great life, great rewards and the overall feeling of belonging. And if you work hard enough and remain faithful, the rewards will grow exponentially. Tell me something Candy, do you feel rewarded? Or do you just feel employed?”

She had to take another sip of whiskey on that one. No this motherfucker didn’t.

“Where is Happy?” he asked. “Haven’t seen him much since the fight. By the way, I do owe you an apology for that.”

“You? Apologize? I’m the one who cheated on him. This whole thing is my fault, which is why I’m here. Marcus you’re a great guy but I don’t-“

With that, he placed his hand firmly on her thigh and kissed her. Every inch of her wanted to pull back, but she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. Happy had run off to New Orleans and here she was with a man who’d given her something she hadn’t had in a long time. So much much remorse...and yet it all tasted so sweet. How could one resist?

“Excuse me. I need to go to the restroom.”

Marcus held onto her hand, lingering on for a moment before she finally mustered the courage to let go and walk away. The perspiration in her fingers told far more than words ever could. She carefully walked away, measuring every step with caution amidst dizziness and delirium. As she continued, she looked back, wondering if he was watching her and undressing her with his eyes. He was...of course he was.

The exhale that erupted from her echoed through every inch of the restroom. The place was virtually silent. She approached the mirror, attempting to gather her thoughts. Why am I here? Why am I not home attempting to communicate with Happy and fix this? Maybe I don’t want it fixed. Maybe I just want to play for a while. The proverbial angel and devil on her shoulders, each thought and contradiction danced through her mind...until he walked in.

His reflection in the mirror approaching, she readied herself. This guy didn’t take ‘no’ for an answer...and he looked so damn sexy.

“I believe this is the ladies room.”

“I gather. Taking a break to apply your lipstick?”


He flashed that slick smile she often saw in her dreams. “Might be a bit complicated without this.”

In his hand he held what appeared to be a tube of lipstick. Only this was no ordinary lipstick. It was the vibrator she got as a gift from the toy party in Miami. It was the same toy that was used repeatedly during their previous encounters. That damned Stacy.

“What are you doing with that?”

“You left it over at my place after a certain night by mistake. Or maybe it wasn’t a mistake at all.”

Marcus slowly approached her, playfully clicking the vibrator on and off. She smiled.

“You sir, are a bad man.”

“Would you have it any other way?”

Candy continued moving backward, toward the stalls. Was it tension and guilt that compelled her steps...or was it a deeper compulsion, luring him exactly where she wanted him? The door of the stall slammed against the wall as they exploded inside.

“You’ve made me wait too long,” Marcus whispered. “I don’t particularly appreciate that.”

“Really? So what do we do about that?”

He inched closer, getting a firm grip on her ass. His long fingers aggressively groped and caressed the surface of her skin, making their way between her thighs that were already twitching. That first splash of intense heat tempted him further. He kissed her passionately, slowly savoring the taste of her lips. She returned the favor in kind, ingesting him deeply while feeling his muscles bulging.

“You do know I have to punish you for making me wait so long, don’t you?”

“Is that so?” she said with a wicked smile forming across her face.

Marcus placed his hand deeper inside, feeling the wetness of her enveloping him. The rush deep inside only made him bulge further. She enjoyed the sight of his bulge growing stronger, and he couldn’t wait to enjoy her. Only this time it wouldn’t be so simple...

“There’s a reason why you should be careful what you wish for,” she whispered in his ear.

Marcus smiled back; he clearly never saw it coming. At that moment, Candy pushed him up against the wall. Grabbing him by the throat with one hand, she ripped off his shirt with the other. His flesh, his smooth, dark, ebony flesh gleamed in the light.


“Shhh. Don’t talk.”

With those words, she kissed him. Her grip tightened around his neck, and she kissed him some more. She locked the stall door behind her. Marcus tried to grab her ass again, but she smacked his hand away.

“Are you-“

“Shhh. I said don’t talk.” Who the hell was this woman and where did she come from?

She opened his shirt wider, tracing her hands across his chest and abdomen. The subtle licks and kisses soon turned to nibbles...then furious bites. He winced a little from the pain, completely caught off guard by what was happening.

“You have no idea how many times I’ve had to wake up in the middle of the night and listen to you fucking one of your usual girlfriends next door.”

With her words, she slowly traced her tongue from his navel all the way up to his neck and back down, sucking and nibbling at his nipples. The scent of his cologne turned her on even more...awakening something hungry. Desperate. Ravenous.

“At first I was pissed off and annoyed at being awakened by all of them moaning and screaming so loud,” she continued. “After a while I thought, well of course no woman really sounds like that. Then I began to watch.”

Marcus’ expression changed suddenly.

“Oh come on. Do you really expect me to believe you just happen to leave your window and drapes open that wide? You wanted a show didn’t you? You wanted me to watch...didn’t you?”

Words escaped him. She grabbed his throat again, this time even harder.

“You wanted me to watch, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” he replied softly as he kissed her.

“You son-of-a-bitch. You knew I was married, met my husband, all the while knowing what you really wanted. You wanted this from the beginning, didn’t you?”

Marcus tried to kiss her, but she forced him back up against the wall. “Didn’t you?”


She kissed him more, allowing him to lift her skirt. He could feel her wetness increasing, and she didn’t hesitate at undoing his pants.

“Is that why you had Stacy blowing you in your car that morning?” Busted. He’d almost forgotten about it. Marcus clearly wasn’t the monogamous type, but he never expected her to find out about Stacy. On the morning when Happy saw Marcus getting some rather generous head in the driveway, he never expected that it was Stacy. Marcus never expected him to tell his wife. Small world.

“Was she good?” Candy asked as she snatched the mini vibrator from him.

He didn’t answer. He couldn’t answer. Who was this woman standing before him? A well-known alpha male, he was usually the one who gave the orders and set the pace. Not this time.

“I asked you a question. Was she good?”


“Hmmm. Interesting.”

That sudden buzzing wasn’t his blood pressure or his heartbeat. It was the awakening of her vibrator approaching him. She’d completely stripped him of his pants and boxers, with the sight of him bulging and twitching directly in front of her. His erection was full and throbbing, begging for her...aching for her. She took it in her hands, softly stroking it, feeling every vein pulsate until she reached the base of it, squeezing him tightly. Marcus let out a groan that was uncommon. The brother was out of his element on this night.

Candy slowly sucked and licked the sides of his cock, making him think about what was to come after smearing his pre-cum all over the tip of him. She could feel him squirming; the reversal of roles was quickly becoming a more intense turn-on for both of them. She continued, stroking and licking every inch of him. While the length of Marcus was much appreciated, it was his girth that really turned her on. She’d never been filled in such a way until he came along and it became even more of a challenge as she eventually took the first inches of him deep inside. He let out a gruff, primal moan as his head slammed against the stall. With each time, Candy increased intensity, stroking him harder and sucking him deeper...and then it came. Marcus’ eyes lit up as the familiar whir of a buzzing was soon followed by a tingling sensation he’d never felt. She sucked him in deep strokes from the middle of his shaft to the engorged, bulbous tip, followed by a large pop, all the while introducing the vibrator directly underneath his scrotum.

His head smacking against the wall a second time with a thunderous echo, Marcus had never felt such a sensation. Never before had he been sexually involved with a woman willing to take control of him for a change.

Be careful what you wish for.

The force of his weight shook the stall in such a way that it nearly disturbed two women suddenly making their way into the restroom. Candy could recognize that familiar click of high heels tapping against the tiled floor. A smile slithered across her face as she increased her grip around the base of his shaft, pushing further and further on his cock. Growing dizziness aside, Marcus struggled to maintain himself. It was no use. The blood rushing from his brain danced in delight with delirium and desire. Who was this woman he’d awakened from the dogmatic slumber of domestic boredom? He grabbed her by the back of her hair, attempting to push her deeper. At that moment, she quickly pulled away, giving him a nibble directly on the tip of his cock while waving his hands away. She looked directly into his eyes.

“This isn’t for you. This time, it’s for me.”

The two women in the restroom looked at each other in confusion...but also couldn’t resist the urge to eavesdrop. Their curiosity grew in synch with the sounds of Marcus beating his hands against the partition of the stall. Damn, it was so hard to concentrate and pace himself, with his breathing becoming labored and all senses draining down below. Hushed breathing and groans ensued, followed by the continued sounds of slurping and a loud pop. Candy took complete control of him, challenging herself, going deeper and deeper onto him. For all his bold, brazen and commanding masculinity aside, Marcus now felt what it was like to be controlled completely. There was a subtle sweetness in submission, as the feel of a woman completely devouring him sent his body into frenzy complete with twitches and compulsion. Toes curling beneath the confines of his leather shoes combined with the shortness of breath, he could soon feel himself deep inside Candy’s throat. She wasn’t his...he was hers.

She returned to pushing the vibrator deep beneath his scrotum-the sensations pushing him further. She looked deeply into his eyes as she sucked him harder...taking him in deeper. Marcus could feel himself growing dizzier, staring down at the now watering eyes of his lover, as she owned him. Harder and harder...deeper and deeper, until he could no longer hold it in, releasing a stream of angst and delirium down Candy’s throat. The partition behind him moist with his sweat and tension, he couldn’t control his twitching as she continued. Dropping the vibrator, she began to stroke him even harder, this time with both hands while only sucking his swollen tip...torturing him. The women in the restroom began to giggle a bit from his groaning and whimpering. This was too much. He couldn’t take it, quickly pulling Candy’s head away from him. The force from her finally releasing him erupted wit a thunderous pop as her head rocked back, lips dripping with his cum.

Marcus tried to catch his breath but she pushed him back against the partition, giving him a deep kiss. Tongues merged into one as Marcus’ angst sloshed back and forth between their lips.

And then it was over...

“The next time I ask you not to call the house directly, I expect you to respect that,” she said while wiping his lips and savoring the taste of him off her fingers. “I’m in a tough place right now...but I can’t help the fact that I like where this is going.”

He was at a loss for words. She reached down, grabbing his cock, still feeling the throbbing and twitching weight of him.

“Wipe yourself off. You’ve made a mess.”

And with that, she adjusted her clothes and exited the stall. The two women eavesdropping quickly jumped, giving a poor attempt at minding their business. She said nothing, only checking her appearance in the mirror and reapplying her makeup before leaving.


“Who are you really and what were you before? What did you do and what did you think?"

As Humphrey Bogart quizzed Ingrid Bergman about her past life over champagne, Happy often wondered the same about Candy. The classic lines from Casablanca blared from the screen in the living room. Falling on deaf ears, he was more engrossed in something else...

“GONZO: This particular genre of film is basically no storylines, just straight action with the director sometimes being in the shot. BUKKAKAE: This is where a woman will allow multiple men to gather around and shoot cum all over her face. CREAMPIE: These heavily feature men fucking women in either their pussy or ass and leaving cum inside. FEATURES: This genre is basically porn with a storyline to it. Think Pirates of the Caribbean, only you’re actually seeing them fuck. ANAL: Self-explanatory-multiple sex scenes where the girls are getting fucked in the ass...”

Over the past few hours, Kitty filled Happy in on the different genres of DVDs in the adult film marketplace. The information was stifling. Through his research, he’d found out that the sex industry alone raked in more money per year than all of sports combined. Who needs to rush 250+ yards per game for millions when you could make more owning a studio that produced films showing men just well...fucking women in the ass???

With Lucky out on the town showing Chris around, Kitty was obliged to clue Happy in on all the inner workings of porn, sex toys, etc. Over the past several days, he’d virtually read up on everything from sex toy manufacturers, product lines, health & hygiene, you name it. He was becoming quite the valuable encyclopedia of all things sexual, even though it didn’t necessarily fall in line with his views on life, love, etc. As they relaxed in Lucky’s condo, surrounded by a plethora of books and sex toys, he had to admit that it was a bit refreshing to openly talk to a now sober Kitty. For someone who worked in porn, she was pretty intelligent.

“Now for toys. One of the biggest questions you’ll get is about this baby here.”

In her hand was a large, red, phallic-looking object complete with sets of buttons along with some sort of butterfly attachment on it.

“This is what’s called a ‘Rabbit’ or ‘dual stimulator’. It’s a very popular toy that became famous due to an episode of ‘Sex & The City’. Once that show aired, nearly every woman had to have it, and they’re selling a shitload of these things to this day.”

Happy looked on with growing interest as she described the speeds and functions of the device. His eyes grew as the motorized shaft of the toy filled with pearls rotated up and down, back and forth and round and round in multiple patterns of intensity and rotation. The butterfly attached to the device was no mere cute ornament either. As the rabbit continued running through its different ranges of vibration, the little butterfly buzzed and flapped its wings accordingly, applying the much needed clitoral stimulation. Happy had to admit: modern technology was indeed a thing to behold. Kitty pulled out another dual stimulator, this time one that he had gotten to know well. It was the LELO SORAYA.

“Now while the rabbit is a great toy, and trust me, there are hundreds of variations, it does come with a drawback.”

Happy looked on as she continued holding the toy, watching the beads swirling to and fro inside the shaft.

“The beads swirling are great for vaginal stimulation, but some women’s contractions are obviously stronger than others. For example...”

With one hand, Kitty clenched down on the rabbit’s shaft. Nothing. The hum of the vibrator suddenly stopped and the pearls stopped moving.

“Now if you’re in the middle of some really good toy action and this happens, this can be a pretty fucked up situation. And if you’re a girl with pretty strong muscles, you don’t want that happening so that’s why I use this.”

Kitty handed the LELO SORAYA to Happy, placing one of his hands on the shaft of the toy and the other on the clit stimulator.


“What? Am I about to orgasm or something?”

“Just pay attention.”

As she turned the toy on, Happy could feel the basic vibration, soon followed by a rhythmic pulse pattern. This was soon accompanied by a throbbing intensity rushing from the base of the toy all the way to the top, coupled with the throbbing of the clit stimulator. Impressive. He was beginning to understand why women would spend $200 on such a thing.

“This thing is awesome!”

“I know. You’ll definitely sell a ton of them once you get the store in shape Hap. You’ll do a great job. Lucky’s told me so much about you.”

Happy almost winced at the thought of his brother speaking about him in glowing terms.

“Let me ask you a question. You seem like a very smart woman-“

“Let me guess. Why would I be a porn star?”

He nodded.

“Well I’ll let you in on a little secret...I didn’t come from a broken home. My parents are both college graduates and are still married to this day. I wasn’t molested and didn’t get lost in drugs, prostitution or whatever else you conservatives love to brand us with.”

“Then why do you do it?”

“Honestly put, I love to fuck. I love to explore human sexuality- defining who I am not just as a woman but a sexual being. I love sex with multiple men and women, provided it’s in a safe, controlled environment. It’s empowering.”

Happy nearly spit out his beer at the thought. Pornography as a means of sexual expression might get one off, but as a means of empowerment? Somehow he didn’t see a gangbang or a bukkakae session granting one acceptance on the board of MENSA.

“But don’t you find this all a bit wrong in the moral sense?”

“Tell me, what’s the greater sin-murder or free sexual expression? How many movies do you watch where someone’s getting their head blown off by a gang member or hacked to pieces by a crazed serial killer? They show that to teenagers every week and it’s perfectly okay. Yet show a scene of people openly having sex and it’s offensive. Only in America do we condone this type of ignorance and call ourselves intelligent people.”

He was shocked by how articulate her argument was. Clearly there was more to this woman that met the eye. She certainly wasn’t the coked-out mop of hair from that night in the backseat.

“Now I’m not waving a flag for the sex industry and saying everyone should openly watch porn. I do believe that it should be monitored, and kids shouldn’t be exposed to it-“

“But it’s a sin,” Happy added. “The Lord gave us sex, which is a beautiful thing, and we turned it into something ugly and perverse.”

“So you believe that sex should only be reserved for marriage?”

“Without question!”

“And how’s that working out for you?”

An awkward silence. The words hit him deeply, and he knew it. Maybe to a certain degree, he even had it coming.

“I’m sorry. That was mean.”

“Don’t worry about it. I just can’t fathom how we’ve come so far in this world where absolutely nothing is sacred anymore. What about self- respect? What about love? Wouldn’t you like to get married and have kids one day?”

“Why, because that’s what society says you’re supposed to do? Hap, being a porn star doesn’t mean I’m an uneducated freak who had a rough life and now is in league with the Devil. And even if I did decide to get married and have kids one day, it will be to a man who respects me for who I am and appreciates all of me. Where do you get this crap from?”

“Well according to the Bible-“

“Oh my God Hap, you can’t be serious.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“So you’re telling me that you base all your actions and decisions on the Bible?”

“I take offense to that,” he remarked. “I’ll admit, maybe I’m not as adventurous as you and my brother are but at least I have standards and morals. At least I have my faith to keep me going, which is more than I can say for most people today. The Bible is the word of God and-“

“ it’s not.”

He began to grow angry from the level of arrogance and blasphemy coming from her.

“Excuse me?”

“No offense Hap,” she continued. “I don’t mean to insult you or your religion, but have you ever truly read the Bible? Think back in all of your life, have you ever read the Bible just as a text from cover to cover?”

As much as she’d pissed him off, he relented, thinking back to his many times in church where the priest would recite a passage from the sacred text. After a few moments, he’d come to the humbling conclusion that while he knew key scriptures and quotes, he’d never actually read it from beginning to end.

“Obviously I’m not the most religious person in the world and I’m not trying to put myself in some moral position to argue, but the Bible in my opinion is not what you think it is.”

Happy braced himself for what was to come next. No this motherfucker didn’t.

“I tend to look at the Bible as a helpful guide, not an instruction manual from IKEA that has to be followed to the letter.”

“Go on,” he insisted.

“I don’t necessarily see the Bible as the literal word of God Hap. If it were, why isn’t there a book written in the first person of Jesus himself?”

He was at a loss for words.

“It’s a collection of stories written by men inspired by God. And like all texts written by men, there are flaws, contradictions and some rather obvious absurdities.”

Happy began to stir in his seat with subdued agitation. “Such as???”

“Such as this ridiculous idea that the Earth was created in seven days and everything was perfect until a talking snake came along and fucked everything up.”

“Now hold on just a damn minute! I appreciate the intellectual jousting, but now you’re going too far! Now you’re telling me you don’t believe in Creationism?”

“Have you ever heard of fossils?”


“Aside from the fact that it’s written in a book you’ve tried to live by your entire life, just attempt to think about that from a logical perspective. You’re basing your beliefs on a book written over 2000 years ago back during a time when everyone thought the Earth was flat and nobody knew where the fuck the sun went at night.”

Happy stood completely dumbfounded.

“I’ll meet you halfway Hap. The only way I’ll believe it took seven days is if God is actually a woman.”

“What kind of babbling bullshit is that?”

“Consider this Hap. It takes a woman an average of nine months to create a single life, right?”


“Nine months Hap. For nine months women go through all sorts of mental and physiological changes, not to mention mood swings to create this one beautiful, perfect life. Do you honestly believe that a man could create this entire world, with all its diverse forms of life in only seven days...and not fuck anything up?”

He could not believe it. Who was this woman?

“Yes Hap, between sucking cocks and taking it up the ass on camera, I also read books and vote. Strange world we live in isn’t it?”

No words whatsoever.

“Now I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, so let’s just change the subject to something a bit more light.”

With that, Kitty pulled from a large duffel bag a huge silicone prosthetic of a person’s arm outstretched into a fist.

“Now this toy here is called a fist. Some women use this for vaginal stimulation. Some women and men also use it for anal...”


Beautiful. Impeccably beautiful it was on that bright, glorious morning as the sun graced the Earth from Heaven’s doorstep. Birds danced across the sky and the land was plentiful with life and love from the Creator. The clouds swayed through the atmosphere with a subtle beauty and splendor reserved for most classic oil paintings. The air was filled with laughter as Happy ran through a vast field, chasing Candy. Completely oblivious to the fact that they were naked, he chased her through the field to a beautiful garden plentiful with all manner of plants, animals and fruit. Her skin glowed against the warm rays of the sun, perfect poetry in motion. She giggled and teased him relentlessly as she ducked and dodged his attempts while running behind the trees. Finally, she stopped near the base of a massive tree in the middle of the garden, towering over everything. Happy quickly tackled her to the ground, placing himself deep inside her. They fucked madly for hours, devouring the flesh of each other as if their lives depended on it. Happy had never felt so alive since, well...forever...

When they were done, Candy reached up and pulled from a branch a shiny, perfect apple. Taking a bite, she offered some to him. While he was in fact hungry, Happy knew that this was a big no-no. While they were allowed to eat the fruit of every other tree in the garden, anything coming from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was expressly forbidden. It was commanded that if they ever were to eat from that specific tree, they would surely die. Happy hesitated as Candy took another bite. She was so beautiful, and with his erection still bulging ferociously, he wanted so badly to know what it tasted like. He looked on as she took yet another bite, juice dripping from her mouth as she fingered her engorged clit, urging him to join in.

The cost of sin was deadly...and the taste could drive a man insane...

As he ventured forward with outstretched fingers, a strong gust of wind blew through the trees, shaking each branch and leaf until they all began to fall. Thunder crackled through an ashen sky as all the animals ran for cover.

“Happy,” she called to him. “Come and taste it baby,” she pleaded while rubbing her clit faster and faster. “It tastes so good.”

He continued to inch forward; rolling thunder marching through the sky so hard that the ground itself began to shake. Candy pleasured herself in such a state of delirium that her nipples hardened to near bullets and her skin began to burn. His breathing growing rapidly, Happy began to sweat. He wanted so badly to taste it. His cock swelled to the point of feeling like steel encased in veiny flesh. He was almost about to explode.

“Please baby. Come taste it.”

He pressed further as the sublime wetness began to explode all over his torso. He finally reached for the apple and took a bite. Out of nowhere, a snake slithered right up to where he was sitting. Consumed by the paralyzing grip of fear, Happy stared directly into the eyes of the serpent. It was then that he was shocked to hear the entity speak to him:

“Are you fucking kidding me?”


Happy awakened from his slumber to the calming roar of the plane’s engine, nearly startling the passenger next to him.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

The older lady stared at him appalled. For a moment, he wondered why she was still staring at him, until he noticed her looking down at his crotch. The apparent dream had left him with a profound bulge in his pants. He immediately lowered the tray table and focused his attention out at the lights of the buildings below as the plane made its way back to Fort Lauderdale. Between Lucky’s nagging and Candy’s deception, he’d decided to take the position. In the weeks that had followed since his exodus from South Florida, he’d had a meeting with the director of the company, outlining his view of the store, what it would take to be successful and what he’d do differently. While he didn’t necessarily like what his new job was, he knew he was between a rock and a hard place. Besides, Happy knew sales, and the new job was a challenge for him.

When he finally arrived back to his old neighborhood, everything seemed the same, minus the smell of Candy’s cooking emanating from the windows. Once again, Marcus’ Ferrari was missing from its usual space. Maybe that meant he was out with another woman for a scandalous night of carousing. Maybe that meant he was back out with Candy. The house still looked the same, boring and placid as usual. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. Candy was nowhere to be seen, and maybe that was for the better. Happy could pack his things and leave for a hotel where he could book the next flight back to New Orleans. If he were lucky, he’d never have to face least for now.

The bedroom was eerily quiet, solitary in its palate and demeanor. Happy glanced out the window to the bedroom across the way. No grunts. No groans or disturbance of any kind. Marcus was definitely out expecting a late night. A haunting resonance crawled through him as he surveyed the room. This was where he’d always dream of days where he and Candy would make love and share beautiful memories. The pictures on the dresser held nothing more than vague memories of days never to be seen again. So many years invested in a love that turned out to be a lie. He felt as if his life had been one big joke, not knowing what to believe or which way to turn. The old man’s words back in New Orleans called to him: “Gotta get busy living sometime.”

“Damn right,” Happy mumbled as he reached into the closet for his suitcase and began packing.

After a while, he’d been in such a hurry stuffing his suitcase that he never noticed Candy standing in the doorway watching him.

“Going somewhere? You could’ve at least had the balls to face me. And what the hell have you been doing in New Orleans?”

He rose from the floor with a look of utter disdain forming across his face.

“You really think you’re in a position to pass judgment on how I do things? The last time I was here you were fucking another man in our house, in our bed no less. So what in God’s name do you think I owe you?”

“I’m sorry Hap-“

“Spare me the sorry ass repentance speech Candy! If I had done something like this, you and all your little girlfriends would’ve been all over me in a heartbeat and you know it. You betrayed me!”

“Yeah, I did Hap. I did. And you neglected me.”

“Oh please.”

“No let’s put all the cards on the table for once. All you’ve ever cared about the last few years is your shitty little mediocre job and paying the bills. You took more care of that store and this house than you did me! What was I supposed to do Hap? What was I supposed to do when I needed you to open up and you left me hanging high and dry? You don’t give me enough Hap. You never did.”

In his growing anger, laughter ensued.

“Oh that’s great. That’s really great Candace. You go out, fuck another man, and now you play the martyr role and I’m the bad guy? Is that how you justify this? No matter what problems we’ve had with each other, I would’ve never cheated on you!”

“Yeah? Well maybe you should have. Maybe at least then there’d be some sign that you can still get it up.”

“Wow, and why would I do that? So I can be just as scandalous as you were in here fucking some nigger in my house?”

No sooner than the words escaped his mouth did she retaliate with a sharp slap across his face. After that, there were no words between them. None were needed. Happy erupted with a force that was uncommon, grabbing Candy and forcing her down on the bed. Passions getting the best of them both, they kissed passionately, ripping each other’s clothes off. Never before had Happy seen his wife this way. Never before had she felt this way. Candy rubbed her hands across his face where she could get a good look in his eyes. He looked back at the beautiful face of his wife, now seeing tears form for the first time in years. Welling with regret and deep pain, there was a part of him that so wanted so badly to forgive her; to put the past behind them and escape to a time where things weren’t so chaotic. Still, betrayal was betrayal...and she had gotten used to having her cake and eating it too. She’d made a complete fool out of him in his own house...his own bed. Whether her actions were provoked by whatever he was lacking physically or emotionally was a moot point. Wrong was wrong. Happy leaned forward, giving his wife the most beautiful kiss.

“This isn’t for you bitch,” he whispered. “This is for me.”

In a split second, he lifted her from the bed, spinning her around before bending her back over. Her confusion was quickly met with a sharp smack on her ass. This was a Happy she’d never seen before. Grabbing a mane full of hair, he ripped off her panties and forced himself inside. Pain coupled with pleasure overwhelmed the woman as he rammed his way deep into her ass, pumping away with all the anger and fury he could muster. This wasn’t about love. This wasn’t about rekindling some flame that hadn’t been lit in a while. This was pure angst and anger. She was no more the love of his life than she was a piece of meat. What did it matter at this point anyway? She’d already betrayed his trust. Was she someone deserving of love? Not in Happy’s mind. Not in Happy’s mind at all.

When he was finally finished, he pushed her off onto the bed, vigor and a growing sense of remorse welling up inside him. This wasn’t who he was, and he knew it. What was he becoming...and more importantly where was this all headed? Happy relented to his suitcases and zipped the bags shut. Candy said nothing, sitting on the edge of the bed with a dazed look of acceptance on her face.

“I’ll get the rest of my things when I can. Don’t bother calling me. I’ll have a lawyer get in touch at some point.”


The cab ride to the airport days later seemed to be an endless one; cars, street signs and people all merging as one desolate blur. Happy couldn’t keep himself from second-guessing. Was he doing the right thing? Was New Orleans such a great move after all? Would he succeed in this new position or would he just falter into more mediocrity and embarrassment? Further more, what the hell was Lucky getting him into? Happy Downman had become a man blown completely out of his element, tumbling down the rabbit hole to the magical and decadent land of Oz indeed. Only God knew the events and adventures that were surely headed his way…


SubplotRomancePlot TwistFictionCliffhanger

About the Creator


Writer/Creator-New Orleans.

In continuation of my work, tips are much appreciated!


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    lazarusInfinityWritten by lazarusInfinity

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