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Man and Wife: A new Dawn

Chapter 6

By Arazella SnowPublished 15 days ago 7 min read


Those hunger-stricken eyes.

Those eyes belonging to Edoardo which had been latched onto my form all through the time I emerged from the washroom.

Clad in just a bathrobe which merely did enough keeping my bum underneath its hold, I undid its rope, stepping out of it, slowly advancing onto the bed.

He watched me, utterly relished, and while I remained scrutinizing that figure, deciding how best to take the miser, I could see the perspiration of desire build on his forehead.

Damn Bastiano for putting me in such situation. But who I really was I to complain?, I had taken up this role religiously, and here I was, doing a job quite deadly for a woman.

Fingers now prying at the lacing of my lingerie, I undid its clasp, baring myself in all of my glory.

"Cazzo! Sei una donna straordinaria" Sighed Eduardo, his form now relaxed back on the head-rest, while I crawled into bed with him.

My figure straddled the beddings, legs spread wide on the soft cotton sheets.

I could see the longing held in the gaze of the lad before me all the while I grinded on the bed, and soon pushing back on my form, I had my legs stretched out, parting it wide just as his gaze settled on the vision I had put before him.

My figure sat opposing his, giving the fellow a view that had left that gaze of his dancing in utter desire.

Our forms were to be found in a one-point dimension, mirroring the other.

The fingers of Edoardo played with the string of his briefs, and while he slapped hard onto his pot belly, motioning that I come to him, his scrutiny never left mine.

Meanwhile, here I remained, only giving the man a tease hoping it would be enough to fetch more time, as I remained lost on how to grapple my prey.

I crawled closer to the fellow, gently settling on his figure in a straddling position, and with my naked body propped on his, I could feel the heaves of his chest grow faster.

Not to blame the fellow, there was every cause for him to grow apprehensive if only he knew the reason why I was in his bed.

Slowly, I pushed down on him, fingers trailing all around his crotch area.

Hands now prying at my bosoms, he groped and fondled each one, sitting up in a moment to settle a kiss on my lips, but I turned the other way at once, a grin which played on my lips, leaving the man laden with distress.

"You tease me" He muttered, eyes meeting mine.

And with those flabby arms of his now encircling my form, he pulled me closer to his chest, lips roaming all around my neck.

I could hear the slop of his tongue as it glided down my arms, and while a famished Edoardo satisfied his cravings on my skin, I was grabbing onto the wine glass by the dresser.

"Tell me what to call you" He gobbled hungrily, having a glance up at me for a moment before returning to busying himself with all of me.

"Some call me the witch" I whispered into his skin, nibbling on his earlobe. "But I go by the name Donna Chiara"

"That's not what the gossip says" Came his response.

"I thought a man of such profile like yours wouldn't spare a listen to tattle-tales on the streets"

I tightened my grip on the wine glass.

"Not when it revolves around a dame as delectable as you" He muttered, running his tongue from my chest down to my belly button.

"As much as I've heard, they call you Isabella"

And at his words, I grew still, gaze coming to settle in his. Perhaps reading the air of melancholy which had come surrounding me, I could tell Edoardo regretted ever making a say on the issue.

"That lady you speak of died years ago, and I'd rather it be the last time you speak of her name" I slurred in his chest, hands having a grab at his ballsack which had left the fellow purring with delight.

"Buon Dio! I would give my possessions to spend the rest of my life in this bed with you"

I chortled in response, running my hands through his hair, picking and prying at his waves.

"purtroppo ho altri affari di cui occuparmi" Followed my words.

The lad was still lost busying himself with sucking and playing on my fingers when I gripped hard onto the wine glass by the dresser, and in a second, I slammed it down on him.

"Puttanna!" That bellow from the man had at once set me off his form, as I was left rummaging through my purse.

I still could hear the cries of Edoardo behind me as his figure tore out of bed, running to and fro the room.

He was merely an inch from the telephone, perhaps to ring room service, when my hands gripped onto that cold metal settled in the depths of my purse.

I didn't need to be told what next to do, I snatched it out, aimed it at the man, watching the life get knocked out of his gaze upon sight of the weapon in my hold.

"per favore, non farmi questo..."

His hands were now pressed tight against each other's and while my naked figure opposed his, I watched him get on his knees, pleading for that life of his.

I saw his legs quiver, breaths ragged, eyes struck with sheer terror, and in a moment, an outline of dampness had formed around his crotch area.

The twat had pissed himself.

"Per favore!" I saw the tears well in his eyes, voice doing enough to falter.

And while I only examined the man knelt at my feet, I thought of how I was yet to leave another family in distress, by altering the life of this stranger.

Perhaps, he had a home and wife to go to, kids even.

A family that would be out there in wait for his return, if only they knew what the tosser had come out on such cold evening to do.

But I didn't make the rules here. I only followed orders. And one of those orders demanded that I ran a bullet in him, and at that, I pulled the trigger.


The blare of my gun had caused some minute of stillness around me, with the body of Eduardo thumping to the ground.

I watched that still form belonging to the man.

Lips hung open, eyes rolled in, I stared at the open wound on his head where I shot him.

Perhaps, if I had a heart, I might have spared some minutes in silence for the departing soul, but the sound of footsteps incoming, had at once snatched me off my feet, hurrying to fetch my robe off the ground.

I heard the distant sound of voices draw closer, and making out the utterances, one could tell they were Edoardo's security.

It took not more than a second to pick my scantily clad figure as their utterances came overlapping right outside the door, all yelling something indecipherable to me.

The door to the room tore open the same minute bullets from my gun went dispatching in directions.

One. Two. Three men, I watched them all drop to the ground, and while the sound of an alarm going off began echoing down the walls of the hotel, I dashed out of the room.

My figure treaded the hallway, going off in no direction at all.

I could hear footsteps trailing behind me, those steps heavy, belonging to men who were out to make sure they ran a metal in the lady who had gunned their boss down.

But now wasn't the time to ponder on who raged or not.

"C'è la cagna! sparale!"

That voice commanded a batch of bullets firing at me.

They had now grown in number, and it was only then it hit me, that I was a second away from being tamed. I hurried my figure further down the halls, gripping tightly onto the weapon secured in my hold.

Who would have thought my end would come in an hotel lobby? Running through corridors, with men on the haunt for me.

Only that, surely warranted my pace growing, and at the sight of the floor's balcony now in full view, I hurried my feet.

Those figures never stopped trailing behind me, they chased me on, shooting at me all through the time.

I could feel the whoosh of bullets going past me, brushing by my face, and it was only fair, that I feared for my life, feared that I might just be gunned on this ground, but you see, such fear which had now grown in my heart was not in anyway of being killed, rather it was of the fact that I might not get a chance to be the one to bash the brains of Bastiano in for putting me up to such dastardly quest.

Bloody punter!

I pushed my figure out onto the balcony, not wasting a moment, and in a second, I had lunged onwards, jumping down its railings.

The cold night air slapped against my skin, while I went down the rail, and figure soon crashing to the ground, I picked myself off the floor, rolling through, as bullets resumed in my direction.

My figure dashed in the yard, pushing further with not a direction whatsoever, and it was only upon sight of that Bentley parked on the other end of the street, a figure whom I recognized propped behind its wheels, had I lunged onwards, tearing off in its direction.

I hurried forward, heart picking its pace, as Guilio started the ignition of the car, already to kickstart the vehicle.

I got into the passenger's seat, with those figures still chasing behind me, and with Giulio ramming the gears, we zoomed out of the area.

Tonight, I did it again. I gunned another man down. And at each new score, I could feel the sting turning faint. I was used to it by now, much so, that it seemed more of a routine than an assignment.

I was turning into a monster.

Perhaps that's what you get for working side by side with the Devil, Bastiano.


About the Creator

Arazella Snow

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    Arazella SnowWritten by Arazella Snow

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