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Man and Wife: A new Dawn

Chapter 2 - Longing of the soul

By Arazella SnowPublished 20 days ago 10 min read

~ LUCA ~

That faint sound of breaths.

For the past minute since I had awoken to the peace of day, the soft purrs of some person sleeping beside me was all I had found company in.

Whoever it was, remained snuggled to my form, the sound of their breaths fanning onto my bare skin.

At my abrupt motion, I felt the light touch of something atop my form. Whatever it was kissed my skin softly, caressing my figure, and while its touch provided every warmth the morning couldn't sum up, I sank into the tranquility I had been deprived off the previous night.

It had happened again.

Those darning nightmares!

I should be better used to it by now. Cause for every night for the past three years, it was yet the same sanity-threatening dreams-Me reliving that night whence the one woman who had made up my home, was snatched away from my life.

It would begin with me being tortured by her screams, and next, I'd be swept off into some dark hole.

Those dreams threatened to run me mad, and even after paying a visit to Pietro, father's own sought therapist, hoping the fellow would provide some solution to my condition, the idiot only fetched me some sleeping drafts, stating that the reason for my restless nights was as a result of stress and my choice of living in denial.

Perhaps he was right. I wasn't ready to accept what occurred that night.

How could I? When in fact...

"Good morning..."

Jolted off my thoughts, I steered in response, hoping to catch a glimpse of the face.

Turning to a pair of blue eyes which remained beaming at me, I took a moment examining the profile propped beside me on the bed. And only when she leaned closer, did I realize my bare form, right next to her naked one.

Face inching closer, I was left scrutinizing the lady.

She had eyes as bright as a Californian sea, lustrous blonde hair which bounced against her ivory skin at every little movement she made.

"Who are you?"

Perhaps my words had sent a wave of shock through her core, for only she only remained gaping at me, like I had just foretold the illest news to be spat.

"I'm Rhode..."

Her words came spoken in a tone that said, 'I just can't believe this situation I found myself in'

"I was introduced by a friend of yours at 'The White Rose'..."

Dammit! That voice was enough to ease the ache I had rose with, yet, that did nothing to clear my worries.

"What White Rose?"

And at those words, I watched her sit up in bed, gaze laden in mine.

"Really?" She spat. "We end up in your home having sex all through the night, only for me to wake up to whatever this is your putting up?..." A frown had now taken her lips.

"...I still can remember how you urged me to go on last night. Pleading that I ease the pain in your heart. So what then is this attitude?"

"It's true what they say,...All men are the same!" She poured in a breath, reaching for her black brassiere strewn over the bedside drawer.

"I informed Louie that I wasn't interested in all of his hookups...Fucking swine!"

And at the mention of that name, it all came rushing back.

How could I have forgotten a face like hers?.

I had shown up at the white Rose, in hopes of exhausting a stressful Friday night on liquor and entertainment, when Louie had invited me to the private lounge, and just as the lad had termed it, he was thanking me for my assist in raising his private club to the point where he was.

He made mention of compliments, and the next thing I knew, I was being introduced some dame as an object of his thanks.

Perhaps the fellow had studied enough of me.


I recalled the name. I could remember very well last night, while being beaten entirely by bourbon, I knew then I would retire the evening with this the lady.

Maybe, in fact, I had been too cruel.

Reaching forward, I snatched her hands in time just before she had a moment to get off bed.

"My apologies" I emitted a breath, pulling her back to my figure.

Her naked form collided with mine, and with the frown soon wiping off her lips, I noticed how her body eased while linked in mine.

"I sincerely apologize" My voice was of a mellow tone, hands caressing her tiny form.

Her sole focus now remained on me, eyes skimming my profile.

"...Even if you don't care, you could at least pretend to" Came her words. "I'm only here cause I was ordered to"

"Which I'm grateful for..." I was quick to say. "The liquor messed me up"

She let out a sigh, a pout now claiming her face.

"You know, you're quite different from the rest" Her words trailed, eyes fixed on my profile.

"How so?" I itched to know.


And in a moment, her words poured.

"You're the only man who's ever apologized, after having me in his bed...

The only one who has offered to take me to his home, and not to some hotel on the outskirts of London, like the lot of them do"

"You're the only one who's had me sat, all to listen to my story on how I ended up working for a guy like Louie" She dropped. "My only worry is how you ended up like this"


"Yeah. You." She sighed. "A gentleman with all, yet seem to have so little...A broken one you are, Luca Bonnucci"

Her fingers took a stroll around my face, coming to settle on my lips.

"What made you this way?" She enquired.

"I have no idea what it is you speak of, as much as I know, I'm fine"

"Nah" She scoffed. "Take it from me, only a lady bears such prowess to leave a man this wrecked. So tell me who the dame is"

And at her words, I froze in that gaze, accessing the curiosity in there.

"I perceive it on you, Luca" I heard her words just well. "You're broken...Battered. But perhaps, it's time to let go of whatever it is you've chosen to linger on"

"Don't you think you've been unfair enough on yourself?"

"We all have our ways of healing?" I bored into the lady's stare.

"Yet, I haven't found one who heals by marring their spirit.

"You have to embrace the pain, never set it aside, for only when you accept it, will you grow out of it"

Those words had left a twinge in my chest. I saw a smile play on her lips, eyes found skimming mine.

"I may not have mentioned this, but Thank You, Luca"

I paused, staring into the eyes of the lady.

Such sincerity laid in there was all I caught onto, the delight filling that gaze and however much I sought to clarify it all, I couldn't rid off such joy now, could I?

How could I tell the damsel that every single night right on that very spot where she laid, another woman, some stranger I knew nothing of would lay there beside me, feeding pleasure and ecstasy to the longing of my soul.

How could I tell her that it was nothing serious, and it was the same routine I did to every lady who ended up in this room with me.

Perhaps I did that to kill the guilt which would later eat me up, come morning.

But I tell you, my sins, remained imprinted in my heart.

Enquiring about the lives of some call girls, sparing a listening ear to their stories, and how much they missed their family, in no way made me a saint.

It was Lucy yesterday, Eloise before that, and the day before then, Mila.

And it all began with the same question.

"What brought you to this dark corner of London?" It would end up with them telling me heart-aching stories of their families, and the next thing, they were wrapped in my arms.

Such comfort was to last for merely minutes, just before we drowned ourselves in the sins of our copulation.

"I'm sorry, Ronda..." I spoke at once, prying into that watchful gaze belonging to the lady.

She opened her lips to speak, but shut them back in place, at the touch of my hands against her left cheek.

"I really wish we could speak more, but I awoke with the darnest ache in my heart, and all I seek is some means of alleviation"

Those gaping lips of hers never spoke a word, they only remained apart, eyes peering into my thirst-filled ones.

"I'm famished" I dropped.

And in that minute, I snatched the lady in my arms, laying her onto the warmth of the beddings.

My lips sought no minute to spare as they crashed onto her bare skin, roaming around the supple feel of her bosoms.

It settled in just fine.

Fingers left roaming around her thighs, I trailed past every bit of her skin, reaching for the warmth of her cervix.

Fully naked, and perspired with longing, I unfurled her legs, setting pace on her lady.

My Johnny was fully welcomed by the warmth of her cervix, inching further into her while her figure sank even deeper into the bed at each thrust I gave.

I could feel her trying to accommodate me fully, and however much the delight in her eyes seemed, I could see she struggled with fitting me whole.

Figure arched on the bed, her Pink-polished nails dug into my skin as the rapidness of my thrusts grew.

Her body jived in response, legs quaking while I rammed in and out of her.

Her eyes were now rolled in, the sound of her moans, more like some ache to me. And while my hands remained pressed against her hands, securing it atop her head a bid of keeping her in place, she bustled with the fullness of my phallus.

Her voice had taken an ascent in pitch, and with her juices coating my Johnny while I slid in out of her, I knew she was a second away from the peak.

I took in all that came with this figure.

Everything about her seemed flawless-The sound of her voice while she pled for me go on, the plump of her lips, which bit on every now and then as I copulated with her, and the jiggle of those two divinities which would bounce her and there as the movements of our figures threatened to undo the stand of my bed.

Everything seemed perfect. Most beautiful, yet, I felt nothing while I laid with this woman right here.

One would think after engaging with multiple women on this spot, I would have developed some twinge in my heart which would leave me at peace with just any of them.

But no.

It was yet again some routine.

It felt more like a ritual that just had to be kept up with at this point.

And one thing remained-My heart was found bland, empty.

I thrusted faster, pushed harder, waddling out of those damning thoughts.

And all the while I channeled my rage in working up some pleasure in this dame, I could hear her moans shift from pleased to apprehensive. Still, I could see the gratification which built up in her gaze.

"...ugh...Don't stop!" She cried. "Please don't stop!" She pled.

Rhode was one majestic lady. Not a single fault to be found in her, and that, I tell you, was the fault in it all.

It was all too good.

I just might have to ring a call to Louie, telling him that his damsel might in fact turn up late to work today.

At the propel of my phallus in her, she emitted a cry, scooting backwards in pain, but I was swift to hold her back just in time.

I gripped her hands firmly in mine, holding her in place on the bed, preventing her from making any more movements, and while I drove into her, I could see the look of relish building in her gaze, accompanied with those tears which were now dropping to her cheeks.

I wiped them off with a finger, ramming harder into her, and only at the break of her voice, the call of a word, had I halted in my movements, gaping at that figure before.

"...Don't stop, Love" It was those words she had moaned just before I paused.

And whilst that innocent gaze remained laden in mine, I pulled back at once, getting off of her.

I could feel those eyes belonging to the lady boring into my back, as I got to my feet, fetching for my clothes.

"Did I say something wrong?" Her voice poured in wavers, while I got dressed.

I only shook my head in response, tossing her things over to her, and searching for my keys.

But of course, I knew the answer.

Love?... Only one person called me that.

Only one person I knew who made my heart grow in pace whenever she uttered that word. And it was the very lady who the world tried to convince me to pretermit.


I heard Rhode call, gaze only watching as I paced around the room.

I paused feet away from the bed, my gaze meeting hers.

And in a low voice, my words followed. "Get your things and leave...and I never want to see you again"

That was the utterance I left the lady burdened with, right as I set leave out of the room.

Maybe, I was in fact the problem.

Cause no matter how many ladies I slept with, it all ended up with me thinking about the one woman who for years now hadn't take leave out of my head.



About the Creator

Arazella Snow

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Comments (1)

  • Sweileh 88820 days ago

    Interesting and delicious content, keep posting more now

Arazella SnowWritten by Arazella Snow

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