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K.A.R.E.N. (Concept Title)

A Sci-Fi Novel Exploring Hermeticism (Feedback Requested)

By EYHCSPublished 11 months ago 8 min read

You are about to embark on a journey of supernatural exploration via multiple concepts surrounding meditation, mindfulness, and the teachings of Hermeticism and The Kybalion: (A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece)


Setting the stage

Pulled from her thoughts, Karen looked up at the night sky and exhaled. She had been studying square roots and regression analysis for an eternity, and her brain felt like mush. Karen wanted to graduate Summa Cum Laude and complete this grueling statistics course. She wasn't sure what the future held after that, but deep down in her intuitive membrane, she knew she was destined for something big – either in this chapter or the next.

As she gazed up at the stars, Karen couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness. She knew there were more than the equations and formulas in her textbooks. She just didn't know where to find it.

It plagued Karen with thoughts that kept her up at night. She envied her partner of 15 years, who could shut off her mind and slip into a peaceful slumber. She also silently envied that while she pulled 60 hours at work and 21 credit hours at the university, her brilliant and employable partner couldn't hold a job for over a few months. Oblivious to Karen's inner turmoil, her partner lay sleeping in bed, cuddled alongside her, and purred, "Are you still up?".

A sharp pain shot through the back of her head, traveling upward toward her parietal lobe. Karen gasped and closed her eyes, bracing herself for the worst.

But instead of pain, a vision greeted her. She was back in her collegiate study hall, surrounded by her study group. The conversation had drifted from macros to spirituality and the impact of unbelief on the mind's ability to cope with reality.

The unexplainable mysteries of the universe that seemed just out of reach had always fascinated Karen. Her study group felt the same way. They discussed metaphysical, spiritual, and things science couldn't explain.

But there was one person in the group who caught Karen's eye. His name was Sean, and he was unlike anyone she had ever met before. He had a quiet intensity about him, a way of computing complex formulas that left everyone else in awe.

But it wasn't just his mathematical abilities that drew Karen to him. His insatiable curiosity, willingness to explore the unknown, and belief that there was more to life than what met the eye.

Foreshadowing the Journey

As the vision faded away, it left Karen with a sense of longing. She replied to her partner, "Yes, go back to sleep; I'm just wrapping up an assignment.". Her partner turned over and drifted back into the clouds of dreams, free money through her weekly allowance, and visions of plums and berries, or however, the story went. All Karen knew was she had to find Sean, talk to him, and learn from him. And so, the following day, she sat her partner down and explained she needed to take a sabbatical from life after graduation next month to figure out what life held for her and them.

At first, her partner pushed back, feeling stressed about who would care for her needs while Karen was finding herself. Still, eventually, after agreeing to continue to pay the bills and provide her partner with her weekly stipend, her partner acquiesced. There was something about this that felt both satisfying and disruptive. Karen pushed the thoughts aside for now. For now, she would be free to explore the pull for more connection to Mother Earth, more knowledge of the supernatural, and just more.

After graduation, ensuring her personal affairs were in order, Karen embarked on a journey to find Sean and discover the universe's secrets that had been eluding her for so long. Weeks passed, and Karen traveled to retreats and workshops, searching for Sean and answers. And then, one day, she found herself at a metaphysical retreat in the Mount Shasta mountains. Karen had been researching mystical places in the States. Then, the 3-day retreat at the base of Mt. Shasta appeared on her screen. It was as if something was pulling her to this retreat. The more she researched the experience, the more intriguing it became. Karen quickly learned Mt. Shasta was known as the root chakra of the world. It was nearly 15,000 feet deep in Northern California. The more Karen researched the area before deciding to spend the funds for the retreat, the more this seemed like the place to go next. Mt. Shasta was full of ley lines and home to the Achumawi, Atsugewi, and Modoc Native American clans.

The story was quite mesmerizing, as legend has it. The Great Spirit Skell, the Spirit of the Above-World and creator of Mt. Shasta, created the mountain as the stepping stone to heaven. If you could believe that, Mt. Shasta was also known as a place of light with many sights of mystical creatures, including Bigfoot.

Then, there was the Lemuria or Mu civilization during the time of the city of Atlantis. As legend tells it, it is like today's world civilization battle, where world leaders superimpose their technological advances on developing countries in search of dominance. The Mu and Atlanteans are said to have decimated each other in a thermonuclear war, as their advanced populations declined in the aftermath; Native American legends indicate the Lemurians retreated into Telos, a crystal city buried deep within the mountains, some 8,000 to 400,000 years ago. Whatever the case, the ley lines were strong, and Karen knew there would be enlightenment on this retreat. Karen pulled herself from her ruminations and turned her attention back to the Shasta-Trinity National Forest.

As she walked through the dense STN Forest, Karen felt a sense of anticipation building within her. She knew that something important was about to happen, that she was about to meet Sean and uncover the mysteries of the universe. How she knew this remained a mystery, but she knew it just as she knew the color of her eyes was naturally hazel with a glitter of gray.

And then, there he was. Sean stood at the edge of a crystal formation, his eyes closed in deep concentration. As Karen approached, he opened his eyes and smiled as if he had been expecting her all along. He had.

Without a word, Sean gestured for Karen to join him. Together, they harvested crystals, their movements synchronized as if they had been doing this their whole lives. Occasionally, they would sync eyes and know all was well within their soul. Sean's light brown hair had begun to lighten into a dirty blonde and fell neatly over his brows. He wore khaki shorts, a blue belt, and a bluish and silverish polo shirt adorned with white kicks. He was always so well dressed, Karen thought inwardly.

Sean spoke of the universe, its secrets, and the power within each living being as they continued to source crystals. Karen listened intently, her mind receptive to Sean's knowledge. Karen's Manipura Chakra lit up.

And at that moment, she knew that her life would never be the same. She was on the path to finding her true purpose and reason for being. She had seen Sean, and with him, she felt safe enough to take the next step to embark on a journey of discovery that would take her to the very edge of the universe and beyond. She just knew it. She let go of every negative emotion, centered her willpower to continue, and turned towards Sean.

Sean and Karen had been meditating near Gumboot, one of the stunning lakes near Mt. Shasta. Gumboot was just across the dam at Lake Siskiyou, another crystal blue lake perfect for foraging. As they sat near the lake's bank snacking on natural gifts of wild strawberries and Bergamot leaves, Karen drifted into a trance back in her mountain pose. Karen couldn't believe what she was seeing. Sean had transformed into a light beam and was now hovering before her. The light emanating from Sean was so bright that Karen had to shield her eyes. Karen thought this couldn't be real, but as the words flowed through her mind, she knew it was.

"Karen, don't be afraid. It's me, Sean," said the voice from the light.

Karen couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was Sean's voice, but it sounded different. There was a euphoric tone to Sean's words. It was as if he was addressing her mind directly, drawing her into him.

"Sean, what's happening? Why are you a beam of light?" asked Karen, still shielding her eyes.

"I've ascended to a higher state of consciousness, Karen. I'm now a being of light. I am here to help you on your journey," said the voice.

Karen was confused but also intrigued. She had always believed in the power of spirituality but never thought she would experience something like this.

"What journey, Sean?" asked Karen.

"The journey to awaken your true self and discover your purpose," said the voice.

Karen felt a rush of excitement and fear. She had always felt like there was more to life than what she had learned, but Karen was also afraid of what she might discover. This was new territory for her, and Karen wasn't quite sure how to react. Yet, something deep within told her what she needed would come just in time.

"Sean, I'm not sure I'm ready for this. What if I can't handle it?" asked Karen.

"You are ready, Karen. You wouldn't be here if you weren't. Trust in the journey, and everything will fall into place," said the voice.

Karen took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She felt a warm energy flowing through her body and knew that Sean was right. She was ready for this.


"Okay, Sean. I trust you," said Karen, opening her eyes.

The light beam pulsated, and Karen felt a pull toward it. She closed her eyes again and surrendered to the energy. Karen felt lifted off the ground and knew her journey had begun. Looking back, she sat with Sean, still foraging and discussing metaphysics. But, this other self, the self that resembled her but a different version of her, was ascending with the light version of Sean. Karen thought Sean's skin glowed like glitter, and then she let go.

As she traveled through the light, Karen felt a sense of peace and clarity. She knew her life would never be the same, but she was ready for whatever lay ahead. She was ready to awaken her true self and discover her purpose. What was this purpose? What should she be looking for? How would she know?

And with that thought, Karen disappeared into the light, ready for the journey ahead.


The short story, the prequel to the upcoming novel, is available on Amazon with the below link.

I am seeking constructive feedback and insights to the plot, gaps, and any other improvements your thoughtful eye deems relevant. This is my third book and first full fiction novel.

I currently have six chapters, excluding the Prologue and Epilogue, and I am in the editing phase, preparing the manuscript for the next level. Thank you in advance for your support. Approximately 29,000 words so far are contained in the manuscript.

Science Fiction

About the Creator


Poet by birth. Writer by craft. Artist by nature. I write poems, prose, short stories, fiction, and realism works of art dissecting the human condition and the resilience of the human mind. Many of my pieces are metaphoric stanzas.

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Comments (2)

  • Novel Allen10 months ago

    I so wish I were Karen at this moment in time. To float away in a beam of celestial light. Now she can see the world and lend a hand to the sad at heart. Send her my way please. Her journey should be interesting indeed. I like the first chapter a lot.

  • Alex H Mittelman 11 months ago

    Great work! Is there a part 2 coming? I liked Karen!


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