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Heaven's Embrace: A Tale of Redemption and Love

One Act Play

By Diani AlvarengaPublished 2 months ago 17 min read
Heaven's Embrace: A Tale of Redemption and Love
Photo by Christophe Van der waals on Unsplash


Cielo: Female immortal angel in her mid 20s, has wavy brown hair. She has the power to sense sadness and when someone is in danger.

Sarai: Female; mid 20s, lost her daughter due to an abortion. She has straight light-brown hair.

Bloom: A one year old baby, can say a few words. She is found by Cielo and Sarai all abandoned by her mother. She has short straight brown hair. Played by a six year old girl.

Angel: Sarai's ex-boyfriend in his mid 20s, has a drinking problem and makes decent money. He has Short Curly blonde hair.

Police officer: Male, mid 30s. Appears later on in the play.

PLACE: Chicago City

TIME: Present day 2024


The stage is divided into two sections. On one side, we see a heavenly realm with clouds and sparkly lights, representing Cielo's home. On the other side, we see an urban landscape of Chicago with street lights, benches, and convenience stores.

Lights up on the heavenly realm. Cielo, the immortal angel, floats gracefully among the clouds. She wears a sparkling dress and has wavy brown hair. She looks troubled as she senses danger and sadness in the mortal world.

CIELO: (to herself.) I can sense a broken heart. Someone is crying tonight. I need to find out who and why.

Lights up on the heavenly angel Cielo spreading her wings to fly from earth to heaven. Each time she transforms to move between realms there should be a physical indication of her transfiguration on the stage—maybe the sound of birds crying and large wings beating accompanied by a slight change in light.

As Cielo exits, the lights shift to the urban landscape of Chicago. Sarai, a young woman with straight light-brown hair, walks alone, lost in her thoughts. She wears a knee-length skirt and a long sleeve shirt. Tears are running down her soft face. She pulls out a photo of an ultrasound that reads twenty weeks.

Sarai: (whispering to herself.) How can I go on? I am a complete coward. Why did I allow your dad to cause me this pain? I hope you can forgive me, darling. I hope you entered Heaven and that you are happy there. I promise you that if I ever get pregnant again I will not allow anyone to decide the future of your sibling. I will protect your sibling, I promise you this, darling.

Suddenly, Cielo appears before Sarai, Her wings are glowing immensely.

CIELO: (approaching Sarai.) Hello, Sarai.

Cielo reaches out to Sarai with hands.

SARAI: (startled and mesmerized.) Who... who are you? I must be imagining things.... You are just full of beauty... What… what the hell is going on? Am I dreaming? Is this like some sort of crazy prank??

The sound of Sarai’s heartbeat racing fast is heard. Sarai takes a deep breath and tries to have composure.

CIELO: My name is Cielo, an eternal angel. You are not imagining things, my darling. I sense your pain, Sarai. You're not alone. My power allows me to sense deep sadness. You wanted to become a mother but a man has prevented your dream from coming true. I understand what you are going through. Your feelings are valid.

SARAI: (tearfully) How can you possibly understand? You can't! You just can't.

CIELO: I may not understand your pain, but I'm here to tell you there is still hope for you. Your life is not over. Please, tell me your story.

SARAI: I fell in love with a man. I thought he was my prince. It was all a lie. Because of him I aborted my daughter. I didn't want this. I feel ashamed. I wish I could have run away instead of allowing him to decide the future of my baby.

CIELO: (gently.) Sarai, I can promise you that you can still have a baby. You are beautiful and you will one day come upon a man that sees you are beautiful like the shining stars. You will come upon a man that will caress your pregnant belly and make sure that you are happy during your pregnancy. You have the ability to heal, to love, to bring light into the darkness. You just have to believe in yourself. Do not allow this tragic situation to take control of your life. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable.

SARAI: I'm not so sure... I just keep thinking about her. I think about how she would have looked. I think about the kisses and hugs I could have given her.

CIELO: (caresses Sarai's face with her hands.) Sarai, look at me. Your love for your daughter demonstrates to me the strength of your heart. While the pain may seem unbearable now, there is still hope for you to find happiness and joy in the future.

SARAI: (hesitantly) Do you really think so? Can I really find happiness after everything that's happened?

CIELO: (nodding reassuringly) Yes, Sarai. The future is not set in stone. You have the power to shape your destiny and create a life filled with love and joy. But you must first forgive yourself and let go of the burden of guilt and shame.

Sarai’s eyes glisten with tears.

SARAI: (tearfully) How... How do I do that? How do I forgive myself for what I've done? How can I forgive the man who manipulated me?

CIELO: (encouragingly) I never said forgiving is easy. Forgiving is not easy at all when the pain is unbearable. This can take time, maybe more than months. I can simply tell you that if you do not want to have hatred in your heart, do not be in an environment that does not care at all about your well-being. Having resentment will only kill your light. Healing from deep wounds does not happen easily. But having resentment will only suffocate you. Do not go searching for the man that created the wounds, do not go searching for ways you can get revenge.

SARAI: (determined.) I will try, Cielo. I will try to find peace and forgiveness. Most importantly within myself. I want to move forward with my life.

CIELO: (smiling warmly.) That's all I ask, Sarai. Remember, I will always be here for you, guiding you through the darkness and helping you find your way back to the light.

SARAI: I need to understand though, you're an angel? I have never seen you in the sky. Why are you now appearing in my eyes?

CIELO: I only appear as my true form to those who truly deserve it. My power allows me to see people's true colors. I know you have a good heart, Sarai.

SARAI: (eyes widen) Wait, if you are an angel, that means you have seen my daughter? She must be in heaven! Bring her to me please. Don't angels live in Heaven?

CIELO: (sighs.) Sarai... there's more than one planet, there's exoplanets, different universes. Well, there's more than one heaven too. The heaven you refer to is God and his angels. I am not part of that heaven. In my heavenly realm there are no people who have died on Earth. I live with other angels and we each have different abilities. I am sorry but your daughter is not in the Heaven I live in...

Sarai starts to cry again.

End of scene 1.


As the lights rise, we find ourselves once again in the heavenly realm, where Cielo stands amidst the ethereal beauty of the celestial landscape. Her wings shimmer with a radiant light, casting a gentle glow upon the clouds that surround her.

Cielo: (quietly, to herself.) A soul is crying constantly, and it is not pleasant to hear at all. I'm coming for you, darling.

Cielo spreads her arms, revealing her bright wings, and jumps across the stage to indicate she is flying. As she is about to enter the mortal world, the sound of birds is heard, and bird shaped figures are seen on the screen, indicating that Cielo has transformed into a flock of celestial birds.

The stage is transformed into a dark alleyway with trashcans and graffiti art all over the brick walls. Cielo sees Bloom all by herself crying.

CIELO: (to herself.) Bloom, your name is Bloom. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful child. Whoever is your mother, does not deserve to be your mother... or a mother at all.

Cielo uses her powers to know more about the little girl. To do this she drinks a tear from the little girl. Once she drinks the tear, Cielo learns that Bloom's mother showed no affection or love and even thought about causing a death that can look accidental. Cielo is crying as she learns that Bloom has never experienced unconditional love and is upset when she finds out that Bloom's mother left her in the alley and went to go party with some friends pretending like everything is okay. Cielo then appears as an Angel before Bloom.

Bloom's eyes widen in wonder with her tiny mouth open.

BLOOM: Wowwwww

CIELO: Hi pretty girl! Aren't you just so adorable?

Cielo extends her arms towards Bloom, and Bloom immediately raises up her arms to be carried. Cielo is keeping Bloom warm with her wings. Bloom smiles as Cielo looks at her.

CIELO: (kindly.) You are safe now, Bloom. No harm shall befall you while I am by your side.

As Cielo comforts Bloom, she suddenly remembers Sarai.

CIELO: Bloom, I believe there is someone who will give you the love you deserve. Your cries will turn into laughter and pure joy when you meet her. Her name is Sarai. Bloom, I will be right back. But don't worry, I will make sure no harm is done to you.

Cielo turns around and discovers Sarai is there.

CIELO: Sarai?? What are you doing here?

Sarai sees Bloom all by herself staring at her tiny fingers. She runs to her and gives her the biggest hug she could not give her unborn daughter. She begins to cry as she is holding Bloom, caressing her soft face.

CIELO: It’s great to see you again Saraí. But how did you end up here?

SARAI: This alley is not too far from my home, I always pass by it. I heard cries and I had to see what was wrong. Why is this baby alone? Do you know what happened?

CIELO: Yes, I drank a single tear to be able to know a bit of her life. Her mother abandoned her. I was able to see that her mother prioritizes her needs more and wishes her daughter was never born. I must return to my home now. You are with Bloom now, I believe you know what to do from this point on. I know Bloom will be safe under your care.

SARAI: Thank you, Cielo. Thank you for trusting me. I promise you that Bloom will not suffer anymore.

Sarai and Cielo stand center stage, embracing each other tightly. With a tender farewell, Cielo releases Sarai and steps back. With a graceful motion, Cielo exits the mortal world, ascending into the heavens and disappearing from view, returning to Heaven. She is seen disappearing into the clouds.

SARAI: Bloom, that's such a beautiful name. I will not let any harm be done to you. My gosh, what beautiful hair you have, and what a cute smile you have.

Bloom becomes giggly as Sarai speaks to her. She touches Sarai's face as she smiles.

SARAI: (Takes out a Ziploc bag of sliced mangos) Mmm, do you want some Bloom? I know you will love them. Who doesn't love mangos, right? Here, sweetie. Have some.

Bloom grabs a slice of mango.

BLOOM: (Licking her bottom lip) Mmmmm

SARAI: (Laughing) That's right Bloom! See? I knew you would love mangos! You're just the cutest. But now, I need to do something very important.

Sarai pulls out her phone out of her pocket and dials 9-1-1, the sound of an operator is heard offstage, asking Sarai what’s wrong.

SARAI: Yes hello. I have a baby girl here with me, her name is Bloom and I found her all alone in the alley located on Lamon and Cicero street. I do not know why she is alone but her mother is nowhere around.

The 9-1-1 dispatcher tells Sarai help is on the way.

SARAI: Bloom, I promise you that I will not allow your mother to come near you. She does not deserve to be a mother. I promise you that even though you are not my blood, I will love you unconditionally. I'm gonna tell the cops everything, ok? I'm also going to ask them if you can be under my care. I cannot have you away from me. I want to shower you with cuddles and hugs. I can't wait to adopt you soon.

Sarai and Bloom hug each other. Blooms falls asleep.

End of scene 2.


lights rise on Scene 3. Sarai's apartment is filled with toys, children's books, and baby furniture around. Sarai is seated on a sofa, laughing with Bloom, now her adopted daughter.

The narrator offstage: Seven months later have passed.

SARAI: (smiling at Bloom.) You want more kisses, Bloom?

BLOOM; (giggling.) Yes, mama.

SARAI; (grabs a couple of toy blocks.) Bloom, want to make a tower, honey?

BLOOM: (Excitedly.) Yes, yes, yes!

SARAI: Okay, sweetheart, build me a tower with pink colored blocks only, you know pink is one of my favorite colors.

Bloom sorts out the blocks by colors, then she grabs all the pink blocks and forms a tower with them. She points at the pink tower.

BLOOM: Mama, look, look! Pink pink pink!

SARAI: (excited.) That’s right, my precious bunny! Pink pink pink! What a beautiful tower you made! Now come give me a hug.

Bloom runs towards Sarai, giving her a hug and a kiss on her cheek.

SARAI: I love you so much, Bloom. You are my happiness.

Suddenly, a knock on the door is heard, and Sarai puts Bloom down. Angel enters the stage, causing Bloom’s smile to disappear.

BLOOM:(disgusted.) Ugh, be so for real right now, what are you doing here outside of my door?

ANGEL: So, no hug then? You moved on already?

Suddenly, Angels sees Bloom and is confused, his mouth turns wide open.

ANGEL: No fucking way, you fucked a guy? You desperately wanted to have a baby? So what? You were upset I made you abort and you just had to go screw a guy just to get back at me? Dude, you sure are desperate. Man, I’m glad we’re over bro.

SARAI: (bored with Angel’s talking.) Are you stupid, or are you stupid? Tell me what you want now, I don’t have time for your presence. And what the hell do you care about what I do with my life. My life is none of your business, you're not my boyfriend anymore. You have no right to demand explanations from me.

ANGEL: Chill out dude, I don’t want you back either, but who’s baby is that?

SARAI: She’s my daughter.

ANGEL: Yeah, but like… who’s the dad, is it some guy I know?

SARAI: (annoyed.) Angel, I did not screw another guy, and be so for real right now, you really think I would go ahead and just screw any guy that I see just to have a baby? I know my worth. After my awful experience with you, I made a promise that I would be careful about who I choose to let into my life. This girl you see here, is my daughter. I found her a while back and I decided to adopt her. I’ve told you during our relationship I was looking forward to being a mom, but you… you only cared about yourself.

ANGEL: (runs his hands through his hair.) Damn, I can’t believe you adopted a child, you don’t give a shit that thing is not your blood?

The sound of Sarai slapping Angel is heard loudly.

SARAI: (looking at Angel angrily.) Listen to me, you asshole. You wanna call me names, talk shit about me? Fine, go ahead. But you don’t ever disrespect my daughter that way. And no, I don’t give a shit; she’s my daughter and I don’t want you anywhere near her. Your unwanted visit here only made me realize how stupid I was for ever noticing you? Tell me, did you come here to just brag to me about something? You wanna tell me you’re with someone else? I honestly don’t care, dude.

ANGEL: Wait, so you don’t care? Well, imma still tell you. I’m with some other girl. She just gets me, ya know? She doesn’t want any kids and she never calls constantly or asks what I do all the time. She’s pretty chill, unlike you. Remember when you would always get mad that I didn’t answer your calls? Shit was annoying.

SARAI: (laughing.) Oh my God, dude. You really are pathetic. Aren’t you embarrassed? What’s wrong, Angel? Were you hoping I would be that girl that would stalk her ex boyfriend? Were you hoping I would beg you to not move on with someone else? How dare you? You came to my apartment to tell me you moved on? Dude, I moved on too and I don’t give a shit about you knowing. But it looks like you want me to know you moved on to see my reaction. Face it, Angel, you’re insecure.

ANGEL: (furious.) Dude, shut the fuck up, you don’t know what you’re saying!!! I’m not fucking insecure, you stupid bitch!!!

SARAI: Angel, just leave already. I don’t want you in my life at all anymore. It just kills you that I’m happy. It’s so typical of you to want the people you remove from your life to be miserable. You want to be on top but can’t stand to see other people on top as well. Get the fuck out of here, for real.

Sarai turns around, and then Angel raises his hand and strikes Sarai forcefully on the back of her head. Sarai falls to the ground and Angel takes Bloom by her arm causing her to cry.

Lights fade to black

End of scene 3


Bright lights illuminate the stage as Sarai begins to wake up and slowly regain consciousness.

SARAI: (weakly) Bloom? Bloom, where are you? Bloom?

Sarai starts to look around the apartment, and begins to cry when she realizes Bloom is gone.

SARAI: (to herself.) I gotta call the police.

Sarai takes out her phone from her pocket and dials 9-1-1.

SARAI: (crying while speaking on the phone.) My daughter!! My daughter, her name is Bloom, and she's been taken away from me. My ex boyfriend, he knocked me out and I just woke up and my daughter is not here! I know he took her, please help me!

Bird-shaped figures appear on stage, indicating Cielo's entrance on stage. Cielo appears and the bird-shaped figures fade away from the stage.

SARAI: (surprised) Cielo?? I didn't think I would see you again!

CIELO: Allow me to give you a hug, darling.

Sarai and Cielo hug each other. Cielo caresses Sarai's face.

SARAI: Cielo... my daughter... Please tell me she's going to be okay.

CIELO: She'll be okay, Sarai, I'm sure of that.

SARAI: Cielo, I know you only show your true form to those who deserve it, but is there any way you can save Bloom without having to show your true form? Please Cielo... Do you know how many cases there are of kidnapped children who do not make it out alive? Bloom is still a year old, she still has so much to learn.

CIELO: Sarai, I did not come here to just give you hugs and tell you everything will be alright. Of course you can count on me to make sure Bloom is okay! I'll use my powers to make sure Angel does not harm Bloom. What is the last thing Bloom touched?

SARAI: Pink blocks! (points to the pink blocks.) She made a tower with pink blocks.

CIELO: Okay, I will touch the pink blocks, and this will allow me to trace her whereabouts.

Cielo touched the pink blocks. Simultaneously, on the background screen, a prerecorded video shows Angel sleeping on his sofa; there are 10 empty beer bottles and Bloom is visible eating a slice of pizza.

CIELO: Sleep more, Angel. (Opens her eyes.)

SARAI: (nervously shaking.) Is my baby okay?? Tell me. Cielo, please!!

CIELO: Yes, Sarai. Bloom is eating pizza, and I put Angel in a deep sleep to prevent him from doing anything harmful or stupid to Bloom. Did you call the cops?

SARAI: I called 9-1-1 and answered the operator all the questions. I hope the cops just show up on time to save Bloom.

CIELO: Wait, Sarai... Why didn't you just go yourself? Don't you know where Angel lives? Has he ever invited you to his place?

SARAI: (crying.) No, that jerk never had me over at his place because I told him I hate the smell of cigarettes and alcohol and he told me he mostly smokes and drinks. He never gave me his home address. I just know he lives somewhere in Burbank, IL.

The sound of footsteps are heard and there is a knock on the door.

SARAI: (eyes widen.) Oh my gosh, could it be?

CIELO: (smiling.) Go open the door, Sarai. Don't worry, I won't be seen, (exits the stage to make sure she is not seen as an angel by the person knocking.)

Sarai opens the door, a police officer enters.

POLICE OFFICER: Hello, are you Sarai?

SARAI: (shows police officer her state I.D) Yes, sir, I am!

POLICE OFFICER: Okay, fantastic.

The police officer walks offstage shortly, then returns with Bloom and hands her over to Sarai. He waves goodbye at Sarai and Bloom and exits the stage.

BLOOM: (smiling.) MAMA, MAMA, MAMA.

SARAI: (relieved.) Oh my precious bunny! Bloom, I thought I would never see you again, honey! I missed you so much.

Cielo enters the stage again.

CIELO: What a relief that Bloom is safe and with you again. I'm so happy for the both of you. You were meant to be her mother, Sarai. There is no doubt that your love for Bloom is unconditional.

SARAI: (wiping away her tears.) Thank you, Cielo, for appearing into my life. Honestly I don't know what would have happened if you didn't appear that day I was sitting alone. I don't know if I would throw my whole life away or if I would give up on just simply living. Thank you for believing in me.

CIELO: I'm happy to have met you, Sarai. You and Bloom deserve to be together, and I promise that if you are ever in danger, I will be here for you. In fact, even if you are not in danger, I still plan on visiting you once in a while.

Cielo and Sarai hug each other goodbye. Cielo starts to jump around the stage, indicating that she is flying back to her home in Heaven, she exits the stage.

SARAI: Bloom, sweetheart, I promise you that I won't ever allow you to be taken away from me. You're my whole world.

Bloom caresses Cielo's face with her tiny hands.

Bloom: (gives Sarai a shy smile.) I love you, mama.

SARAI: (Trying hard to hold her tears.) Awwww!! I love you too, my precious princess!


Part 1PlayFantasy

About the Creator

Diani Alvarenga

“I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of.”

Note: feel free to leave tips if you liked my stories! Would be greatly appreciated!

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    Diani AlvarengaWritten by Diani Alvarenga

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