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From The Sun Also Rises

Infantile Adults

By PoliSpeakHubPublished about a month ago 4 min read
by Ernest Hemingway

"Robert Cohn was once middleweight boxing champion of Princeton. Do not think that I am very much impressed by that as a boxing title, but it meant a lot to Cohn. He cared nothing for boxing, in fact he disliked it, but he learned it painfully and thoroughly to counteract the feeling of inferiority and shyness he had felt on being treated as a Jew at Princeton."

As I begin to weave this tale of infantile adults, I can't help but think of Robert Cohn, a character who embodies the feeling of inadequacy and the desire for acceptance. These adults, too, crave a sense of belonging, of being heard and seen. They seek validation and comfort in the simple things, the touch of a familiar face, the warmth of a caring hand.

Picture this: a group of adults, their faces etched with the weight of the world, gathered together in a dimly lit room. The air is thick with anticipation and the scent of freshly brewed coffee. They sit in a circle, eyes locked on one another, as they each share their stories, their dreams, their fears. The room is silent, save for the occasional gasp or sigh as they are transported to another world, a world where they can be themselves, unfiltered and unashamed.

As they reach out to one another, their fingers brushing against each other's skin, a spark ignites. It's a spark born of connection and passion, a passion that burns deep in their hearts. They laugh and cry together, their emotions as raw as the words they speak.

And as the night wears on, they begin to feel something new, something they haven't felt in a long time. They feel alive. They feel seen. They feel heard. They feel like they belong.

As the sun begins to rise, they each leave the room, taking with them a piece of the other's heart. They carry this piece with them as they go about their day, their lives forever changed by the simple act of reaching out and touching one another.

"We walked over to the Place Contrescarpe and drank a beer. It was a warm spring night and the streets were crowded. We stood outside the cafe and drank our beers. Brett said: 'I'm going to see if I can't find Pedro Romero tonight.'"

The warmth of the spring night enveloped the group as they continued to share stories of their own. They spoke of love and loss, of joy and pain, of the simple moments that make life worth living.

As they spoke, they noticed a new face among them. A young man, with a gentle smile and kind eyes, introduced himself as Pedro. He had heard of the group and their gatherings, and he wanted to be a part of it.

The group welcomed Pedro with open arms, and as they continued to talk, they couldn't help but notice a shift in the energy of the room. Pedro's presence brought a new sense of hope and possibility, as if anything was possible with him there.

As the night wore on, Pedro reached out and took the hand of one of the group members. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes. It was a gesture of connection, of understanding, of acceptance.

The group continued to talk and laugh, their voices carrying into the night as the stars looked down upon them. They were a group of infantile adults, learning to navigate the world together, one personal touch at a time.

As the night came to a close, they each left the room, their hearts full of the warmth and love that only true connection can bring.

"We were all hung over and the sun was very bright. Brett put on a big hat and we went out and walked along the river bank. The river was low and crystal clear and we could see the bottom. There were trout in the pools and big water-bugs running on the bottom."

The group walked along the river bank, their heads still pounding from the night before. But despite their hangovers, they were filled with a sense of peace and contentment. They had found something special in each other's company, and they knew it was something to be cherished.

As they walked, Pedro reached out and took Brett's hand. She looked at him and smiled, her eyes shining with gratitude. She had found someone who truly saw her, who truly understood her.

The group continued to walk, the sound of the river rushing by providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation. They spoke of their dreams and aspirations, of the things they wanted to accomplish in their lives. And as they spoke, they knew that they had found a group of people who would support them, no matter what.

As they reached a clearing, they stopped and looked out at the river. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over everything. They knew that they had been given a gift, a gift of connection and understanding. And they knew that they would cherish it forever.


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    PoliSpeakHubWritten by PoliSpeakHub

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