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Chapter: Self-love

An expression of my love

By TestPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
Chapter: Self-love
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

I feel like today's chapter is to get something off my chest and to release the build-up in my system. You see, there has been a lump in my throat for a while now. I knew it had something to do with expression, but I just didn’t know what to express until now, and it was love. I’ve always been a person who has an infinite amount of love for everyone and everything. I just kept it in for so long because how do you express something that is infinite? How do I express something that I've experienced a little of but have so much of? Let me tell you how. It starts with gratitude.

I have always been grateful; it's just that I have never really said it out loud. So here goes: I am grateful for my life and for all of existence. From the sacred geometry of flowers to the fluffiness of the clouds. I am grateful for the smell of salt sprayed through the ocean’s mists and the sounds of a cat’s purr, which blanket my ears in pleasure. Each atom and cell in my body have been meticulously designed with a specific purpose in mind. They all have their own functions, but they all work together to keep me alive and well. For that, I am thankful, as I am a living, breathing miracle. The Earth has crafted masterpieces of landscapes that truly take my breath away, and when I look up, I see the vastness of space and it reminds me of home. My heart fills with wonder and curiosity, which sparks the magic in me. I have found that treasure isn't something that is buried but is visible and all around us, for that treasure is life itself.

That wonder always led me back to myself, and in discovering myself, I found self-love. Self-love has always been the key to my continuous evolution. Love has taught me a lot, but the most important lesson is to never give up on myself. When life is hectic and I am travelling at 100 miles per hour, I meditate, as meditation helps to slow things down as I reconnect with the silence and stillness and with myself. With meditation, life becomes simple again, and clarity appears. Meditation was how I found self-love and rediscovered myself. A light came on, and now I glow.

In reflection, I've seen how far I've come. I'm no longer tempted by advertisements and consumerism. I've quit so many bad habits, and I only put the best foods in my body. I have a clean body, conscious and healthy emotions. I may not be career-driven, and I don't need status, titles, or qualifications to feel like I have purpose, as I just enjoy being part of nature. Being alive and experiencing aliveness is enough. I became confident in my own skin, and I wish I could go back in time and show younger me how I turned out. She would be so proud, as my nature is soft and kind, and I'm no longer living in survival mode.

My hope for the future is that more people awaken and return to love. Mostly because they too deserve to see how incredible they are and experience just being alive. I hope that love becomes the new virus or wildfire that contagiously spreads. I hope more people take a step back from the rush and noise of life and tune in to the stillness and silence. I hope one day everyone will look up at the stars and realise that they too are stars, filled with the same energy and connected to the universe's spirit. I hope everyone is able to release the lump in their throat and express themselves freely.

For now, I will make a promise to myself to continue to evolve in this life and the next and, more importantly, to be present in the aliveness, authentic and to just be part of nature.


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