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Chapter 9: Foundation

Long Live The Queen

By Hope MartinPublished 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago 10 min read

Prologue // Chapter 1: The Queen is Dead...Again // Chapter 2: The Ball // Chapter 3: Long Live The 7th Queen // Chapter 4: Don't cry, beg, or scream. // Chapter 5: The Plucking of a Flower // Chapter 6: Unexpected Allies // Chapter 7: The Night The Lights Went Out For Mia // Chapter 8: The Most Dangerous Strategy Game

Evelyn and Mia peeked their heads into the room in the morning as Iris was trying to fall back asleep. She had her head burrowed under her pillow, the thick blankets piled up high around her.

"Your Majesty? Are we ready to wake up yet?" Mia called out. Iris yanked her pillow off her face huffing, her pitch-black hair a frizzy mess around her.

"Call me Iris. And no. But I suppose I'm expected at breakfast, correct?"

"No ma'am! His Majesty doesn't go to sleep until the wee hours of the morning. So he does not get up until evening mostly." Evelyn answered. Iris sat up, looking at them with wide eyes. That was absolutely perfect! He wouldn't be around during the day to micromanage her. She could go where she liked when she liked - and he would never know the difference.

"Oh, Good. That's excellent for me. Girls, I have a lot to do today, and only so much time to do it then. Tell me, it's still pretty early in the morning yes?"

"It's almost midmorning, Iris. What would you like to wear today?" Mia entered with Evelyn and Iris smiled.

"Today I want to be eye-catching, beautiful. I want to look elegant." Iris answered. Mia raised her eyebrows, looking at Iris carefully.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Today is the day I make people fall in love with me. I must be charming, and for a woman that includes being beautiful." She answered.

"Miss Iris, the past Queens have always just tried to hide, lay low," Mia answered as she went to the closet and Iris put up a hand as she cross the room to the vanity.

"And how did that work out for them? They're dead. I'm not. Today, I am going to make history." Iris retorted, sitting down and beginning to brush her hair.

"How?" Evelyn asked curiously, as she began to make Iris's bed.

"You'll see girls," Iris said grinning. Excitement was now coursing through her, and the fatigue deep in her bones was completely forgotten.

Mia came out of the closet with a dazzling emerald green gown. It was an off-the-shoulder, sleeveless gown that fit tightly to Iris's waist, and would flow out at her hips in a large elegant gown. Gems lined the breast and hips, and sparkled and spiraled down the gown toward the hem. Iris turned and nodded her head approvingly at the dazzling gown before her.

"Because when he kills me, I want his life to be hell." She said smiling. "Which means the people will have to care about me." She said, laughing. She pulled the rest of the tangles out of her hair and turned, pulling her nightgown off. "So make me pretty girls. Then take me to Flora. I have something important to talk to her about over breakfast. Make sure you ask the Servants to not throw away anything just yet. That today I will have it out of their way." She said, the smile still on her face. Iris and Evelyn looked at each other in surprise, and Evelyn grinned.

"She's right you know. The lay low approach didn't work for the others. I think she's brilliant." Evelyn said, and Mia shook her head, her face torn between amused and worried.

"We will always be by your side to support you, My Queen." Mia smiled at Iris, though it was a sad expression. Iris grabbed Mia's hands and gave her a little squeeze.

"I want to try and change things, Mia. Even if there is only a change for the people and not my fate - I am willing to take the chance to change whatever I can." Iris told her, and Mia's eyes searched the young Queen's face, before nodding.

"For some strange reason...I believe you can change things." She said nodding.

Sometime later, Iris walked the garden path to Flora's hut, and Iris knocked on the front happily. She wanted to get the sorceress in on her plans, so she knew what to expect, and maybe she can even help. Flora seemed to be vibrant and despite her age, she was still young and energetic. Evelyn was carrying the tray that held coffee and tea, cream, and sugar. Mia held a tray full of breakfast items and fruit. Tabaya, the snow-white cat that Flora claimed as her familiar had joined them on their walk to the hut, purring loudly. There was enough on the trays to easily feed all of them. Flora opened the door, looked at their faces, and immediately her eyebrow raised.

"I smell trouble." She said and Iris smiled innocently.

"Whatever do you mean?" She asked and Flora scoffed as she gestured for Iris to come inside.

"Tabaya told me about your conversation with the king over dinner." Flora said as she turned around to lead them inside. She began to declutter a busy table full of herbs and random utensils Iris assumed were for magic from a table near the little kitchen in her cabin.

She went to get plates and cups as Iris nodded.

"So you know what I've convinced the King to let me do?" Iris asked as Evelyn and Mia set their trays down.

"Donate all of the uneaten food from the kitchens to the people of the city." Iris smiled and nodded her confirmation and Flora sat down, looking over and grabbing various meats, eggs, and fruit off of the table.

"There is one thing I never thought being the royal food summoner would bring me, and that is satisfaction. Do you know how hard it is to resist the temptation to make sure his fruit isn't poisonous rotten inside, or the meat isn't filled with worms?" Flora turned and looked at Iris grinning. "But food for the people? That could have a huge domino effect. Everything could just fall into place." she said, biting down on a piece of sausage.

Iris had slapped Mia's and Evelyn's hands away when they went to serve her food and drink, giving them a stern look. She pointed at the two extra plates Flora had brought over, and jerked her finger at them, narrowing her eyes. They looked at each other uneasily, and Iris pointed again sternly at the plates.

"Eat." She said sternly before turning to Flora. "A domino effect?"

"It's amazing what kind of joy and hope can stir inside a man's belly once it has been filled for the first time in years. Or the moment a mom who hasn't been able to feed her babies sees her children eating and not starving..." Flora said. "That is useful, Queen Iris."

"Yes, it is indeed. And I am going to need that energy later." Iris said, taking the coffee pot and serving herself a healthy portion with lots of sweet cream.

"Are you?" Flora asked, and Iris smiled.

"I want my death to be tragic. And I want the people strong enough to be angry about it. Provide food, give hope. Give hope to the hopeless and you get loyalty." Iris said. "And all I need is the people's favor." Flora watched Iris speak with careful eyes and she grins.

"I'm all for it. I don't know what you plan to do, but if being reduced to a chicken farm is going to have a real use soon then I am excited for the opportunity."

"Well, that's good." Evelyn, who had sat down with a shrug and loaded her plate spoke up, her mouth full of sausage. "Because rumors are hot in the servant house in the castle. They've heard about the Queen's food giveaway, and the head cook has been planning to order a feast to prepare."

"Wait. Do you summon all of the food raw, or cooked?" Iris asked, and Flora shook her head.

"Raw. It takes much more energy to materialize cooked food than it does raw. Besides if I summoned cooked food, the kitchen staff would have nothing better to do than be Jonathan's torture toys." She added and Iris nodded.

"True enough." Iris nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Mia asked, curiosity on her face. Iris looked at them all, she wasn't sure if she trusted them yet. Day two, and she knew what Mia had seen, but she wasn't sure. The last thing she wanted was her head on a pike - even if the king was hated, the law was the law. The only thing that would counteract those laws was a coup. And in order to operate a coup one had to gain loyalty first.

"Well. I am going to create a food charity. Every day if possible, extra food from the day before from the palace or even same day, for foods that go off quickly. Food will be taken to the resident. In name of the Queen. I shall call the program, 'The 7th's Food Promise.' What do you think?"

"How will you get this food bank to be a solid running machine without your constant supervision?" Flora asked.

"A church. The church that executes this program, to the volunteers that hand out the food, they and their families will eat first." Iris said. "For now, this food is a very powerful currency for a favor, and I plan on utilizing it to the fullest."

"Good idea. May I suggest a church?" Flora offered and Iris smiled.

"That would be fantastic!" she said excitedly and Flora nodded.

"From what I understand, the royal preacher, the one that was in charge of sermons and royal weddings and funerals left the castle once Jonathan made all of the nobles return to their own region. He's the same one that married you during the ball. Old as hell, but sharp as a tack. Using the royal church services will help only bolster the image of the royal. Even if it is just yours. Using the church may encourage people to start praying again."

"What do you mean, encourage them to start praying again?"

"People have lost faith. All over the country, but especially here. Where the darkness is the thickest. I've learned from my crows and Tabaya that people have fallen in faith, morale, and morality. It's turned into a ruthless, godless place. With hope, faith may also return. And that is vital."


"Girl I cannot give you all the answers. I've told you to start your search for answers in the library, and now I am giving you another hint. Faith, Hope, and Love are the three keys to restoring this kingdom. Without those three things, you're looking at land of people who don't have any reasons to live or fight." Flora answered as she finished her food.

"I expect I will be going to start summoning food. Don't worry, I am with you girl. I will summon as much as I can stand." Iris couldn't help but smile, and she turned to Mia.

"I need you to fetch... what was her name? Drea? Head of kitchen staff?"

"And serving staff," Mia answered.

"Yes. Her, I need her to please meet me in the kitchens in an hour. Tell her to get her priorities done before delegating the less important tasks, and that I have a mission I trust only her to be able to get done for me." Mia nodded, before finishing her last bite, and shoving her coffee in her mouth. When Mia left, Evelyn cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Iris turned to the young brunette and she raised her eyebrows. "I just... I want to help. I would like to be of some way in extra service so that I can get my family more food. My mom told me in her letters that the food has been less and less - that the cost of what he purchased for me is almost up. My siblings... some of them are just wee babes." Evelyn's lip trembled, and tears filled her eyes as she spoke. Iris heard the tremble in her voice, and her heart broke. "Evelyn, I will make sure your family is one of the first to eat today." Iris went to her maiden and wrapped her arms around her. "No extra work required. But as a favor for a friend, I will make sure your family eats as often as they can. Especially the babes. So plan to run home and deliver the food. And maybe spend a little time with your family." Iris said to soothe her, and Flora watched with interest.

"How will you make sure children get food?"

"Children will always eat first. Then our elders. Then women who are with child. Then men. I will ask for donations on behalf of the church. I will ask the church to employ magic users who can summon food - and any they cannot afford the royal coffers will supply the rest. There will always be food for our food program flowing, so it never has to shut down, even after I am gone. I will make it a royal contract, and get Jonathan to sign it."

"How are you going to get him to sign it?" Flora asked, laughing.

"I will tell him to. Simple as that. I will make him sign it somehow somehow." Iris said, narrowing her eyes. She stopped, and then looked at the two women, shame flushing her face. "I need you two to teach me how to pleasure a man who makes me want to vomit. So that I have a better chance of you know... getting him to sign it somehow."

PoliticsYoung AdultThrillerHorrorFantasyDystopianDenouementAdventure

About the Creator

Hope Martin

Find my fictional fantasy book "Memoirs of the In-Between" on Amazon in paperback, eBook, and hardback.

You can also find it in the Apple Store or on the Campfire Reading app.

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    Hope MartinWritten by Hope Martin

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