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Chapter 6: Unexpected Allies

Long Live The Queen

By Hope MartinPublished 10 months ago Updated 8 months ago 19 min read

Prologue // Chapter 1: The Queen is Dead...Again // Chapter 2: The Ball // Chapter 3: Long Live The 7th Queen // Chapter 4: Don't cry, beg, or scream. // Chapter 5: The Plucking of a Flower


Iris curled into a tight ball when Jonathan left the room. In her distraught state, she forgot for a moment she was not the only one in the room. She was sore, and the bruises that were going to form on her delicate pale flesh ached under the surface. For a few moments, Iris lay there in shock for a moment, her mind trying to grasp what had just happened. She felt violated and dirty. She could still smell the scent of the Mad King, it was deep within her nose and she gagged. Lurching herself off the sofa and to the stone floor beyond the fur rug, her body wrenched violently as she vomited up the contents of her stomach. When she was done, she rolled over and curled up on the ground, sobs now wracking her small naked frame.

After a few minutes, Iris became aware of a warm hand on her back, gently stroking her spine. Her golden eyes lifted and she found herself at the base of one of the gilded cages in the room. It was the male who had turned into a Lycan during the ball. His hair was unkept, but it was dark brown and hung around his shoulders in cascades of tangles. The smell coming from the cage was what one would expect for a creature who wasn't ever allowed out of it, but Iris didn't jerk away. Fear crept through her - knowing this man was strong enough to rip her throat out with his bare hands if he wanted. Instead, he drew his hand back into the cage.

"Are you okay, Elf-girl?" He asked in a raspy voice, trying to clear his throat. The other were-folk were watching quietly, eyes on her. Some expressions were of sorrow and pity, and others rage. Iris sat up, trying to cover her bare body with her arms, wiping away the tears that were staining her face, and looking up at him silently.

"No. I suppose you're not." He said softly. "That beast..." He snarled, closing his eyes. "Keeping us in cages, that's evil alone. But to do that to a woman..." He stopped as his body began to tremble. When he opened his eyes they were glowing a brilliant yellow, canines extending from his mouth.

"Calm down, you'll scare her, and you'll activate the collar. She's been through enough today." A female chimed in from the other side of the large room loudly. Iris looked around and finally took note that there were twelve cages altogether. The woman that spoke was one who had a large bushy gray and white tail, and pointed fuzzy black ears coming poking from long white hair.

"No one asked you." The Lycan responded, his voice coming out more of an animalistic growl.

"I am aware of that. But look at her! She's shaking." The woman snarled back, her ears flattening against her head in irritation. Iris noticed now that her body was trembling, and no matter how hard she tried to stop, her bones shook violently.

"Thank you... but I am not scared of any of you," Iris said in a weak voice.

"It's silly to be scared of caged animals. Let the beast-man's bitch be. She won't do us any favors - why should we do any for her?" One of the werewolves that had been in the courtyard the night before spoke up angrily, and Iris turned her golden eyes to him. He was blonde. Like the others being kept in cages, he was shaggy, scrawny, and dirty. The Lycan snarled and turned to him.

"She is just as much his prisoner as we are!" He shouted, clenching his fists at his side. The white-haired woman spoke up after him.

"If not more so. At least we are kept alive for his entertainment. She, however, will die. Like all the rest..."

"I won't!" Iris suddenly found her voice - anger blossoming in her chest. Silence fell around her, and then the angry blonde werewolf laughed.

"Yes, you will. All of his chosen bitches do. You couldn't even begin to fight him off just now. What makes you think you won't die?" He responded and Iris looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"I am nothing like the rest of them. I do not intend to die. And I won't." Iris argued, trying to sit up straighter. Pain laced her body with every movement, but she ignored it.

"Oh? And tell me, Elf-girl. How will you avoid certain death at the Mad King's hands?" The Lycan next to her asked, curiosity sparkling in his eyes.

"Because I am going to kill him first." She answered, and once again silence fell around them. The rustling of bodies met her ears and all of the people in the cages were now sitting up and staring at her.

"We thought we had heard you say as much last night. To the man who smelled a bit like you." Another woman spoke up, her long tawny hair hanging around her like a curtain of dreadlocks.

"My father. And I meant it." Iris looked down, and again she heard the blonde male laugh.

"And how is someone like you going to accomplish that? You couldn't even fight him off just now. You didn't even try."

"If she had, she would be dead already you idiot." This time it was a blonde female, with blue eyes. "That doesn't mean she's weak or she can't." Her voice was strong, and she stared at Iris with an expression that couldn't be read.

"She can't-" the male argued, but the blonde woman turned angrily to him.

"Just like I couldn't kill our father?" She asked coldly, and the male's mouth snapped shut. He looked down, his teeth bared as rage seethed from him.

"That was different. You are a werewolf... And you challenged him properly. Besides, she can't be compared to a she-wolf. Look how small she is."

"And the King, for all we know, is human. Size doesn't always make a difference. She's stronger than he will be in many ways. And don't ever underestimate a raped woman's rage. I thought I had taught you that already when I ripped our father's throat out." The woman snapped and again the male looked away. "The real question is, do you need help? And if we can be of assistance in any way - would you allow us to?" She continued. Iris looked up at her in surprise, her mouth open with shock.

"Help?" She asked, looking around her. "You would be willing?"

"Our kind does not belong in cages. None of us. Except maybe the things downstairs. We are people too. And we have all been here a long time. He has never offered an opportunity to get close enough to us - but all of us would rip his heart out of his chest if we had half the chance." The Lycan answered, sitting down again. "I am Xavier. Alpha and only survivor of my pack." He introduced himself.

"I am Iris... what happened to your pack?" Iris asked him, looking around to see if any of her clothes had survived the onslaught brought on to her by Jonathan. He had been vicious in his assault on her, and she wasn't sure when or where her clothes had gone during the process of trying to endure.

"Jonathan had his soldiers pump them full of silver and wolfsbane before burning their bodies," Xavier responded softly, and Iris froze, looking at him with wide eyes.

"I am sorry..." She whispered. Xavier looked away and gestured around them. "Any were-folk that resisted did so until the end. Only the best of our pedigrees were kept for his collection if we fought them." He explained softly. "So yes. We want to help if we can."

"How the fuck are we going to help her?" The blonde male snarled. "We are in cages!" he shouted, punching one of the bars, his skin sizzling as it connected with the metal.

"Mind the silver inlay, brother." The blonde woman called out in a bored voice. "And be quiet, pup. The grown-ups are talking to the first ray of hope we've had for a long while." The male responded with a snarl, however, he sat down, nursing his fist close to his body.

"He poses a good question though." Iris mused out loud. "I would gladly accept the help. But, behind bars there isn't much you can do. And it's not like I can just let you out. I don't even see doors on your cages."

"They are magically sealed. He has magic users in his array of resources." Xavier told her, and Iris groaned.

"Of course, he wouldn't keep powerful creatures in a cage with a regular door." She said, wincing as she laid down on her side against the cool stone floor, relishing the cold that almost soothed her battered body. She could feel blood still trickling between her thighs, and eerie snarls were coming from the door that lead to the cellar of predators below. Her eyes went to the door, fear rising in her throat.

"They can smell your blood..." the white-haired girl told her, getting agitated.

Iris looked over at her, curling her body in a tighter ball.

"Does he ever feed them?"

"The bodies of servants he kills for fun." Xavier answered.

"Or anyone who commits what the Mad King considers a crime against him." the white-haired girl chimed in. "I am Marion by the way. I am a Kitsune, not a were-folk. Just so we're clear."

"A fox spirit?" Iris asked, and the girl nodded.

Iris closed her eyes and thought about her situation. She was married to the Mad King. And she had decided to kill him or she was going to die soon. And now she had were-folk allies, all of whom were locked in magical cages and could not break free. It couldn't get more dismal.

"I'll have to think of a way to free all of you... I am going to need help in killing the Mad King." she said softly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Xavier smile ruefully.

The door to the front entrance swung open.

"Oh, Your Majesty!" Evelyn's worried voice rang out, and the sound of shoes clicked on the stone floor as she hurried over to Iris. Mia followed her, green eyes taking in the sight of Iris curled up on the ground and her face darkened in pity. Evelyn had been carrying towels, while in Mia's arms it appeared a clean dress for Iris.

"Oh, Mia, what do we do?" Evelyn asked, choking back tears. Mia came to her, taking in Iris body, but grabbing her and pulling her away from the cage holding Xavier, fearfully.

"She's bruising all over already. And she's bleeding pretty heavily... She's going to need Flora. Let's get her cleaned up." Mia said. Iris closed her eyes as Evelyn helped her up, and they spent their time cleaning the blood from her body and gently dressing her.

"Can you walk, Your Majesty?" Mia asked softly. Iris nodded.

"Just help me up. And if you are going to spend the next unforeseeable future cleaning my blood from between my legs for me, you might as well call me Iris. I am not above you Mia." Iris answered. Mia and Evelyn exchanged dark looks, before tucking themselves under Iris's arms and pulling her to her feet. "Who is Flora?

"The castle healer, and sorceress," Evelyn answered as they began to lead Iris from the room. As they exited, before the heavy door swung shut as they entered the Fae Garden, Iris cast one last look at the were-people in cages behind her, her mouth set, twelve sets of hopeful eyes watching her retreating figure. The three women made their way back to the garden, Iris supported by her two maids. Every step was agony but she kept her jaw set as she limped through the garden. She was surprised when Evelyn and Mia led her down a path away from the palace.

"Where are we going?" She asked softly, closing her eyes. All she wanted was to lay down. Between her legs was warm and sticky as blood slowly dripped down her thighs. Her mind turned to the thought of a scalding hot bath, and longing filled her on top of the despair that sat heavily in her stomach.

"To see Flora," Mia said sternly, and Iris grunted.

"Yes. I gathered that. And she is a sorceress?" Iris asked, the scent of flowers thick in her nose. It was soothing, the smell of roses and lilies bringing comfort to her mind which wanted to fragment under the stress.

"And a healer. She will fix you right up. She's been... servicing the Queens of the Mad King for quite some time from what I understand." Evelyn piped up.

"She must be quite a character," Iris said begrudgingly. Mia turned her eyes to Iris and frowned.

"What do you mean?" She asked, frowning as she helped drag Iris down the cobblestone garden path. Flowers began to give way to other plants, some with pungent and pleasant odors.

"You said she's been healing Jonathan's wives for some time. She just patches us up after he tears us apart and violates us. So we're fresh and ready for him to do it again? Sounds great." Iris couldn't help the anger that spewed into her voice as she spoke.

"It's not like that." Mia stuttered out, looking stunned.

"Oh? Then what's it like?" Iris demanded and Evelyn shook her head when Mia's eyes narrowed in anger.

"Wait. No, Mia's right. It's not..." Evelyn interrupted before Mia could respond. "Flora... Flora is just as trapped as you are, Iris." She finished.

"What do you mean? She's a sorceress!" Iris groaned in pain as a small cottage came into view behind tall plants around them. The smell of herbs was filling her nose, and Mia scoffed.

"She's a sorceress, yes. But she's not impervious to other magics. She is trapped here in the garden. Bound by a spell of a Hag Witch." Mia answered, and Iris narrowed her eyes.

"It seems Jonathan can't ever just have any regular house guests. Is everyone trapped or imprisoned here?" She said, frustrated.

"Only those with magic or abilities he finds useful," Mia answered, repositioning herself better under Iris's arm.

"Or entertaining," Evelyn added before Mia threw a sideways glance at them and murmured.

"Or threatening."

Iris couldn't help the sigh that left her lips. One more creature she would have to figure out how to free. And she would owe the sorceress, from the sounds of it. They reached the door of the small cottage. The building was made of river rock, and the door was a beautiful dark wood. Evelyn reached out to knock but it swung open on its own.

A white cat peeked out of the door frame. It was fluffy and whiter than snow. One of its eyes was a sky blue, and the other a brilliant emerald green.

Mistress is expecting you. A female voice echoed gently in Iris's mind, and she gasped. Her own golden eyes widened as she looked down at the cat, her mouth falling open.

"Thank you, Tabaya." Mia said gently, and for the first time since meeting her, Iris actually saw her smile. Iris looked back at the cat who sat down outside in the sun, licking her paw as the women made their way inside.

"Did that cat just-?"

"She's Flora's familiar. And she's very sweet." Evelyn grinned at Iris.

"Oh. Okay." Iris tilted her head in bewilderment.

"Have you never met a sorcerer?" Mia asked, sounding surprised.

"It's kind of hard to meet people who have been hunted down and disposed of," Iris said. Mia and Evelyn brought her to a small room and lay her on a low-laying cot. Around the room bundles of herbs were hung to dry, and Iris let out a small whimper as she adjusted herself onto the cot.

"Sorcerers were all hunted down out there?" Mia asked softly.

"How do you not know that? Anything with magic was hunted down. They were dragged out of their homes in bonds that kept them from defending themselves. No one knows what happened to any of them. We all assumed they were killed." Iris answered.

"Most of them were." A new voice cut in from the doorway. A brunette middle-aged woman came in with a kettle on a tray. She set it on the table in the corner. She began to walk around the room, pulling various herbs down. "Those that resisted, and those who were deemed invaluable. Those of us who met certain standards were... placed on his chess board with certain aggressive and concrete measures." She answered. "It's nice to meet you by the way, Queen Iris. I am Flora."

"I gathered. It's nice to meet you. But how were those of you with magic contained?" Iris asked curiously. Flora smiled, as she began to add the herbs to the kettle.

"It seems the darker versions of my kind were willing to sign themselves to him. They aided in our captures."

"Why would anything or anyone ever align themselves with such a vile man?" Iris mused, closing her eyes.

"What's done is done, the past cannot be changed. Now tell me. How bad is it?" Flora asked, sitting on the cot next to Iris, placing her hands on Iris's pelvis.

"I don't know how to define bad. I feel like I've been..." Iris paused, closing her eyes and trying to wipe the memories of Jonathan pinning her down, forcing himself in her, the sounds of his pleasure leaving his throat in guttural groans as her body split and burned.

"Raped?" Flora offered, and Iris winced. "Well girly. The only way to not be raped by a man like him is to decide to not be raped."

"Yeah. Sure. Because I have a choice."

"Maybe not so much a choice to avoid the event itself. But how you view it." Flora said, reaching down and pulling up Iris's skirts. "Sorry, I am not aiming to make you uncomfortable. I have to see the damage."

Iris closed her eyes and allowed the woman to view the damage that had been done to the most intimate part of her body.

"You were a virgin, weren't you?" Flora asked and Iris nodded.

"Give me a moment. You'll be feeling better in no time. Relax dear." Flora placed her hands over Iris once more and closed her eyes. Iris held still, and a warm sensation flooded the aching areas of her body. After a few moments, the pain was gone, and Iris opened her eyes.

"All better deary," Flora said, standing. "I've done you an additional favor... I've made it so you will not conceive. A simple spell I can undo when you want me to, if it ever comes to that." She said, keeping her back to her as she fussed with the kettle and herbs.

"Thank you..." Iris said softly, sitting up. The relief from the pain was welcomed. And knowing she was secure from getting pregnant was the relief she hadn't known she needed.

"All previous Queens asked for that service. I thought I would get a jump on it. No woman should carry their violator's child. A creature such as Jonathan shouldn't breed anyway. Lord knows what manner of creature would come from such a birth." Flora turned now, and offered Iris a cup with steaming golden liquid in it. Iris looked at it uncertainly. Mia and Evelyn had gone to the side of the wall and were remaining quiet.

"What is this?" Iris asked.

"That is for the pain that I cannot heal. The one in the soul and mind. It won't make it go away. But it'll at least soothe it. I don't know if you are the nightmare type, but what you just experienced will surely haunt you in the dark. I will send you with plenty. Drink it before bed." The brunette was extraordinarily forward. She sat in a chair at the table and waited, while Iris took a sip. The taste of peppermint, lavender, and chamomile flooded Iris's mouth and she couldn't help but feel grateful.

"You seem well practiced with this routine."

"That bastard has always been rough with his possessions. Me, his servants, my kind... and especially his wives. I have had the misfortune to deal with this particular occurrence more than I care for." Flora's chocolate eyes scanned over Iris and she narrowed her eyes. "Let me see your ears." She demanded, and Iris nearly choked.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I need to know if I should alter them. I would hate to give Jonathan the satisfaction of fulfilling any kind of kink he may have for your kind. And I would hate to know what he may do if he finds out he missed one." At Flora's words, Evelyn and Mia exchanged glances, confusion filling their faces.

Iris gulped, and looked at the three women nervously.

"How did you know?"

"Girl, I am 123 years old. Unlike most people, I have known Elves." Flora answered, and a gasp escaped Evelyn.

"You're an ELF?" She whispered, her eyes wide.

"Part elf. My mother is half." Iris answered, reaching up and pulling her ebony hair from the top of her ears. They were slightly pointed, though it wasn't pronounced enough to cause attention with her hair down.

"I thought her eyes were different." Mia mused as Flora leaned in and expected them.

"Not bad. I will just create an illusion around them. They will still be the same, however, no one will see them for what they are. They will be perfectly human."

"Why are you doing all this for me?" Iris asked.

"Because Dear, you are the one I have been waiting for."

"What do you mean?"

"If I could tell you, I would. But I can't. So you're just gonna have to figure it out. Without me telling you." Flora said as she placed her hands over Iris's ears.

"Well that's not cryptic," Iris answered dryly and Flora grinned. "All that aside, you look good for your age."

"I'm just a mere babe compared to who my teacher was," Flora answered. Iris was startled as Tobaya jumped onto the cot, climbing onto Iris's lap. Flora removed her hands from Iris's ears and stood.

"I need to prepare the ingredients for the kitchens tonight." Flora sighed. "Over a century of magic, and I am reduced to conjuring meat and vegetables for a greedy, gluttonous moron." She growled.

"So that's how the castle is so bountiful..." Iris said, and Flora turned.

"It's pathetic isn't it?" The sorceress smiled ruefully and Iris felt sadness ebb inside her heart.

"No more pathetic than laying down and being raped by him willingly," Iris said softly. "Flora. Thank you. I have so many questions for you."

"And I have answers. However, my tongue is kept from wagging by the same dark magic that binds me to this miserable place." Flora said, and Evelyn and Mia shifted nervously, looking back and forth between the women.

"You said you were waiting for me?" Iris asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I have been. And now you are here. I wish I could tell you how I knew you were coming. And I wish I could give you the answers you seek, the ones that will lead you to your goal. But I cannot. What I can give you... is a place to start looking." Flora placed a large amount of the herbal mixture she'd made into a tea for Iris in a cloth bag and handed it to her.

"A place to start?" Iris asked confused.

"A place to begin looking for what you seek. It may not be the answers you thought you would find. Unfortunately, deary, your quest is not nearly as simple as you think it's going to be."

"There's nothing simple about what I want to do," Iris answered her tiredly and Flora laughed.

"Oh, deary. You have no idea just how right you are. The place you will find most useful is the library. You will find something useful there. And I will see you soon. Please. I'm a busy busy lady. Conjuring squash and drumsticks and all." She said. "We will be seeing much of each other, I am sure, Your Majesty. Until then, you'd better get started. You're running out of time already."

"Out of time?" Iris asked, now feeling completely confused. She stood, however, gripping her pouch of tea. With a meow of protest, Tabaya landed on the ground next to her.

"Feel free to keep her company, little one," Flora said to her, and Iris could hear the response of a loud purr from the feline at her feet.

Evelyn and Mia pushed off from the wall, casting waves and smiles at the sorceress who Iris had decided was cryptic, but kind. They made their way back to the palace, and she could feel the confused and curious gazes of her maids on her the whole way. But Iris kept silent, her mind reeling over the strange exchange of what sounded like hints and clues.

The sorceress already seemed to know what Iris was planning. And she was trying to give her a hint. Thank goodness Jonatha's prisoners weren't happy with their confinement. Already she had more allies than she had counted on, and she was eager to get into the library. The sun was fading by the time they made it back to the palace, and Iris noted the little white cat that had followed them home. She stopped outside the door of the palace, watching Iris enter with a dual-colored intensity in its gaze and Iris couldn't help but feel a hopeful shiver run up her spine.

Young AdultThrillerMagical RealismHistorical FictionFictionDystopianDenouementAdventure

About the Creator

Hope Martin

Find my fictional fantasy book "Memoirs of the In-Between" on Amazon in paperback, eBook, and hardback.

You can also find it in the Apple Store or on the Campfire Reading app.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

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Comments (1)

  • ThatWriterWoman10 months ago

    Thank the gods for Flora! She's great! I really enjoyed this chapter. It showed Iris' venerability and the humanity of the imprisoned creatures! Expertly written!

Hope MartinWritten by Hope Martin

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