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Chapter 5: The Plucking of a Flower

Long Live The Queen

By Hope MartinPublished 10 months ago Updated 8 months ago 14 min read

Prologue // Chapter 1: The Queen is Dead...Again // Chapter 2: The Ball // Chapter 3: Long Live The 7th Queen // Chapter 4: Don't cry, beg, or scream. //


Iris followed Jonathan out of the kitchen, dread swirling in her stomach. What did this beast of a man have planned? He didn't seem the sort to want to 'spend time' with his wife. She knew that traditionally a marriage needed to be consummated, and he had yet to seal the deal. He had allowed her to spend a final night with her father before he went home. She had a feeling the last part of her innocence was going to be taken away shortly.

What Mia said rang through Iris' mind again and she took a breath to steady herself. Jonathan looked behind him, his hazel eyes piercing her.

"You are thinking hard about something, why don't you share?" he said simply.

"I am not sure someone like you cares what happens in the minds of others, much less his wife," Iris responded strongly, sounding more steady than she felt. She was met with a laugh as Jonathan turned down a corridor and led her down a stone hallway, and down the stairs, leading her back towards the ballroom.

"Usually, that statement would be correct. You, however, intrigue me." Jonathan responded as he led her outside to the gardens, taking a path she had not noticed the night before.

"Why is that?" She asked. She was genuinely curious about his motives, and the fact that he was interested in her. Was it a trap? Or a lie?

"I have my reasons. You act tough, but the fear in your eyes tells your lies." Jonathan drawled out. "You afraid of me?"

"Isn't that obvious? You have a reputation. You kill your wives. I know that I will eventually die. But I will not simper or beg or be someone other than who I was raised to be until then." Iris answered him, frowning. She was carefully noting the path they took, through the long winding garden. Up ahead she could see a large building with many large windows lining the front of it. Jonathan grinned and turned to her suddenly, causing her to almost slam into him. She stopped short and she refrained from gagging as the noxious smell of evil and darkness surrounded her as he cupped her chin.

"And that is why you interest me. You are different than any other wife I've had since the first. You're fierce and bold. My second wife was a gold digger and was excited at the prospect of being queen and spent the castle money lavishly. I don't see you doing that either. I look forward to the entertainment you are going to bring me."

Iris narrowed her eyes up at the king, pursing her lips.

"Well. So long as His Majesty is entertained, I suppose that's just fine." She kept her voice steady, trying hard to keep the sarcasm from creeping into her voice. He grinned down at her, and she noticed his teeth were perfect - save for the long sharp canines that naturally protruded out a little further and longer than his others. She imagined those teeth clamping down on her throat, and she tried her best to keep the revulsion she felt at bay. His long cool fingers released her face and he turned, gesturing for her to follow him.

"I love a good chase. A good hunt. We shall see if this is a fox hunt or a deer hunt I suppose... in the meantime, come and look at my collection."

"Your collection?" Iris asked, narrowing her eyes. They were headed toward the building, and she noticed the windows of it were fogged up with moisture as they drew closer.

"My toys." He said, and she couldn't help but note the cruelty in his voice. Though the day was warm, a chill ran up Iris' spine. They approached the large structure that resembled a greenhouse and he opened the door, stepping to the side. The smile on his face was slightly warped in anticipation as she walked past him. The feeling of his energy behind her back made her want to press herself into a wall. She entered the building and the first thing she noted was the scent of flowers, and it almost surprised her. Her golden eyes scanned the surroundings and she was surrounded by lush vegetation of all sorts. It was warm and humid in the first room, the sunlight filtering through the thick glass. It was like a jungle garden with tall flowers and ferns making a path through the building. As she walked further into the greenhouse she finally noticed gilded cages scattered among the plants of various sizes.

"Come. Let us walk through here. Take it all in, my little bride. Enjoy. Feel free to express your feelings. I can't wait to hear what you think." Jonathan purred in her ear from behind, and again the overbearing dark energy that came off of him in thick waves made Iris want to gag. Her stomach churning, she quickly stepped forward onto the path in the greenhouse, trying to create some space between them. As she walked, her delicate fingers reached out and brushed some of the plants as she passed, finding solace in the nature surrounding them. Exotic and foreign flowers and plants bloomed around them that she did not recognize.

"I know plants, I excel at herbology. I took an interest in it from a young girl. But I have not seen many of these." She said, stopping to appreciate a large fern that held a single flower in the center. It was bushy and vivid yellow and she reached out to touch it. The petals looked soft and pliable, while the leaves of the plant were thick and unyielding.

"Careful. I wouldn't touch all of the flora in here if you didn't know what they are. That one, when disturbed, lets out a plume of pollen that will render you unconscious for days. Many of these plants you will not find commonly in the wild, let alone in our kingdom. These plants have been shipped in from all over the world." Jonathan said softly, almost too late. Iris jerked her hand back, her golden eyes looking up at Jonathan.

"Who knew that the mad king had an appreciation for nature? Then again, plants that kill or render comatose seem right up your ally." Iris said, narrowing her eyes at him. Jonathan burst out laughing and nodded.

"And that is exactly why I think you will keep me entertained for quite a while." He mused as Iris continued down the path. She approached the first cage on the side of the path. It was golden, and between the bars, there was mesh lining the inside. She stopped and peered inside, trying to see what manner of creature lay within. There were flowers and plants within the cage, and on one of them sat a tiny, nude figure. Dragonfly wings sat upon his back, and his wild long hair was a vivid green.

Iris took in a sharp breath as she realized that it was a fae that lay trapped inside the cage, and her head swung up to Jonathan, her heart racing. It was rumored he had hunted all things magical in nature, but she would have never imagined it was to keep them in cages for his own sick entertainment.

"You are keeping faeries in these cages?" She asked, unable to keep the disgust and rage out of her voice. Her hands shook at her sides, and everything inside of her cried out to free the faerie. She was part Fae, and perhaps it was only a small bit but Iris was offended on behalf of the creatures here. No wonder the last few years the weather had been terrible. Keeping faeries in cages, and hunting them down... it would disrupt all natural changes in nature. Faeries were mostly responsible for helping nature find its way.

"Many types. Their magic is why most of these plants, which are rare and hard to find, are thriving in captivity." He said smugly as if this accomplishment was one of his great ones. Iris felt her heart squeeze as she looked once again at the faery in the cage. He looked lethargic, his wings drooping in hopelessness as he sat upon the flower. He turned his back to them and curled his legs up as if to hide from them.

"I see." She said stiffly. It had yet to be revealed that she was part Elvin-Fae to her new husband, and she couldn't help the dread that coiled through her body. "And how are you keeping them contained?"

"Iron, of course. Everyone knows that iron is dangerous to the Fae. These cages are just all gold plated." He explained smugly. Anger swelled in Iris' chest as she continued down the path, stopping to peer in at the various Fae that were kept inside the cages. There were dozens of them all together, and by the time they reached the opposing wall to the entrance, Iris was sick with grief at their state. Nymphs, sprites, faeries, and even a Satyr were inhabiting the room in cages. Some of them were curled up on the floor of their various cages, obviously in bad health.

"They are withering away." She said coldly to him when she reached the door, her arms crossing over her chest.

"I'll admit, the science of helping creatures thrive is still... incomplete. I am lucky to have just caught the little bastards." Jonathan chuckled, dismissing the angry tilt of Iris's eyes. He opened the door and grinned, gesturing for her to continue.

"Wait til you see what's next..." He said excitedly. She was already angry, and the new queen remembered the werecreatures in cages at the wedding ball. Iris stepped into the next area, despite the fear and dread that once again leaped up into her throat. Upon entering the room, she saw several large cages in a large circle. This room had only glass for a ceiling and inside were the creatures she had seen being forced to transform under a full moon the previous night. Men and women were in the cages. Some were curled up on the ground in their confinement. Some of them had the ears of various animals, and some of them looked perfectly human.

"Were-folk..." She said softly, her eyes taking in the tragic scene before her. In the center of the circle of cages was a large lounging sofa, overtop a large white fur rug. Throw blankets were over the back of it, along with a side table. Along one side of the room, a large liquor bar sat.

"Best place in the palace on a full moon." Jonathan's voice purred. If it weren't for the fact that this man was pure vile, his velvety voice would been seductive. Iris cringed inwardly at just how much enjoyment this man was getting off the torment at everything she had seen in cages.

"You do realize that Fae and Were-folk are not domesticated animals for you to keep as pets right?" She asked, keeping her voice even. Rage was building in the pit of her stomach, mixing with the fear that hadn't left her since she had come to this vile palace. Iris looked at a young woman with black cat ears poking out short cropped ebony hair who was curled up in a small ball, staring blankly up at the sky through the skylight windows.

"Yes, darling. Of course. That's why they are in cages. They are wild animals, not domesticated pets." Jonathan responded with a chuckle and Iris clenched her fists at her side. The King wrapped an arm around Iris's small waist and ushered her forward. "But you've already seen these creatures. The next room is the most thrilling of them all." He whispered, and Iris could feel the anticipation oozing off of them in sickening clouds. Again, cold dread gripped her as she went forward, heading to the door he indicated next to the left of the room. It was a large door, the handle made of pure silver, and the frame of iron. The door itself was heavy and metal, and she could smell the smell of iron as she approached. Jonathan went ahead of her and pulled a key out of his pocket. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open.

"Stay close to me, little bride. And don't get too near the enclosures." He murmured, and Iris looked up at him alarmed. Whatever did he mean?

The door opened to a dark set of stairs leading down into a pitch-black cellar, and Iris followed him down. The staircase went down for a long time, and the further they went down the colder it became. Iris wrapped her arms around her as she carefully stepped down, and she almost gagged at the scent of blood and decay that met her nose. Fear gripped at her, though she said nothing. Upon reaching the bottom level, Jonathan reached over and touched a small switch on the wall, which activated a purple light on the ceiling, illuminating the room in a strange hue.

"I had a magician make this special light orb for me for this. These creatures don't agree with sunlight." Jonathan whispered. "Keep your voice down, lest you disturb our pets."

"Our pets? They aren't my pets, and they shouldn't be yours!" Iris murmured inquisitively, and Jonathan chuckled at her defiance.

"You are my wife. Just because I just might kill you one day doesn't mean our marriage is irrelevant. What's mine is yours." He said and Iris couldn't help but doubt the sincerity of the words that came out silken smooth like a dangerous trap.

Her golden eyes searched the room and took in a room of yet more cages. These cages were more elaborate and sturdy than the ones up on the top floors. Bars lined the cages horizontally as well as vertically and in these, and within them grotesque creatures lay. Most were slumbering, though a few glittering and glowing eyes opened and peered up at them sleepily.

A few of the creatures looked human and Iris looked at Jonathan curiously, gesturing. The horror at keeping a human in here had her ready to puke, but Jonathan grinned at her unalarmed.

"Vampires." He said in a giddy voice, and shock ran through her. Jonathan pointed to a large furry creature with long fangs and claws. "She is a Windigo. And that over there is a troll." They passed a pale creature with pointed ears that looked more human, but it reeked of decaying flesh as if it were a corpse. "This is a ghoul..."

"These creatures feed off of people." She whispered softly, pressing herself closer to Jonathan, despite the fact that she couldn't stand the smell of evil coming off of him.

"It's a good thing they are my captives then, isn't it?" Jonathan whispered. "These are my favorites. Perfect, murdering beasts." He said softly. "It's too bad I can't trust them to roam about the castle."

"I like the other rooms better," Iris said firmly, and Jonathan let out a soft laugh.

"Of course..." He said, turning to lead her back to the exit. Iris breathed a sigh of relief as they reached the stairs and though she wanted to dart up the stairs as fast as she could, she kept her pace even. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and as they reached the top she finally allowed herself to relax.

"Thank you for showing me...this place." She said, unable to find an agreeable term for the ornate prison he had just given her a tour of. She wasn't grateful for anything except the extra reason to despise the man.

"There is one other matter, my Queen," Jonathan said as they reached the center of the room where the were-people were kept caged. Iris turned to look at him, but she was taken by surprise as she was lifted up by strong, harsh hands and tossed on the couch. "We need to make our union official." He purred in her ear. Terror gripped Iris, but she looked up at Jonathan with what she hoped was a calm and composed face.

"I suppose we do..." She said stiffly, her golden eyes flicking to the creatures in the cage. "But, should we not take it somewhere more private?" She asked, hoping to stall for time.

"These creatures don't know anything of modesty. They will fuck and ravage each other anywhere they please when they are free Some were-folks take their mates by force upon sight. So why shouldn't I?" Jonathan responded, his hand traveling down her leg, pulling her dress up.

"I have never done this, even if they don't, I do mind this!" Iris protested, her heart pounding in her ears.

"Oh? So you're innocent then? This will be all the better for me then..." Jonathan yanked Iris legs apart, his hand traveling up her dress between her thighs, curling around her panties and yanking cruelly. The fabric ripped easily, and his weight pinned her down on the couch placed in the center of the cages.

"Please I don't-" Iris began and Jonathan's free hand cupped her face.

"You belong to me. And when I want you, I will take you." His voice was cold and stern. Iris looked up at him, terror clawing at her ribcage as her heart pounded loudly. She closed her golden eyes and fought the tears that wanted to escape her as she nodded.

"I understand." She said softly, before Jonathan pulled her down and her legs apart, reaching down to pull his pants down. At the sight of him, Iris closed her eyes and began to pray to any God that would listen.

Mia was right. It wasn't gentle, and it wasn't short-lived. Jonathan took her mercilessly, and Iris kept herself from screaming out. She closed her eyes and tried to escape in her mind. While Jonathan ravaged her, grunting in pleasure at her virgin body, she gripped the sofa, breathing evenly, pain wracking her body in waves. When it was finally over, it felt as if it had taken hours. As Jonathan dressed himself, he looked down at her. She was nude by the end of it, and she could feel the blood between her legs, seeping away with the last of her innocence.

"As promised, I will send for your maidens. Until the next time we meet, my Queen." Jonathan purred. "I enjoyed myself, you are perfect physically. I expect I'll be calling on you often, Iris. You are my new favorite flower." He said as he left the room, letting out a satisfied laugh as Iris rolled off the couch, trying to crawl toward her dress weakly.

ThrillerYoung AdultPoliticsMysteryMagical RealismFictionFantasyDystopianDenouementAdventure

About the Creator

Hope Martin

Find my fictional fantasy book "Memoirs of the In-Between" on Amazon in paperback, eBook, and hardback.

You can also find it in the Apple Store or on the Campfire Reading app.

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Comments (1)

  • ThatWriterWoman10 months ago

    I apologise for my late comment on this, Hope. I took a quick break from Vocal <3 This chapter is heartbreaking! I hate the King for his imprisonment of all the beautiful magical creatures! and more for his treatment of Iris! Your writing is brilliant! I really love the dark mystical tone this has. Truly a dark adult fantasy! Next chapter here I come!

Hope MartinWritten by Hope Martin

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