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Chapter 2: Aegenwulf

Clearing the Head

By Randy Wayne Jellison-KnockPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Chapter 2:  Aegenwulf
Photo by Angel Luciano on Unsplash

Chapter 1: "The Whole: of the hole" may be found here:

My gloved finger hangs in the air right above the light switch. Something is off, like déjà vu only emptier. Haven’t I done this already?

My stomach is unsettled. I try to remember through this momentary aphasia. Ice fishing…, braving the elements alone for the night, a kind of sedentary walkabout…, like a sweat lodge without the sweating (the temperature is twelve below zero & dropping, after all)…, seeking a vision of sorts, hoping to find myself…, to find a way forward.

I didn’t go, of course. I mean, I’m standing here. My gear is still setting next to the door. And yet….

A fresh hole in the ice…, no one around…, tackle slipping…, gear…,

…& then nothing.

Shake my head. Snap out of it! You didn’t go! You’re just a fool who’s forgotten how to turn off a light switch!

And yet, this stomach…, leaden, as though someone just walked over my grave.

Tavern! Friends are waiting! You’ve donned your parka & pocketed the scrip you’ll need. You’re all ready to go!

I check my pocket just to make sure.

Idiot! Doesn’t do much good with your glove on now, does it? Unsheathing my hand, I try again. Yep. It’s there. Restoring my defenses against the cold, I slap the switch & head into the night.

The guys are gonna enjoy this, I grin to myself.

Are you outta your mind?!!! They’ll accuse ya of cabin fever, isolation’s made ya stir crazy! Doc gets called & you’re on the first sled outta here. No. Nothin’ to tell. Just heading out for a couple a’ drinks & a little nosh. Nothin’ more….

I’m just a few steps up the trail when I stop, cock my head, more feeling for than listening. An impression, like a memory swimming around, inside my hood so close yet still out of reach, making me woozy. The wind is howling just as it always does, but I sense a stillness…, trees standing straight & tall…, stars unobscured by cabins or forest though I see them all around me.

A pair of yellow eyes stare at me intently from just inside the tree line.

“Aegenwulf!” I cry, shaking my head clear. “Come here, boy.”

He hesitates, one paw tentatively reaching out, then nervously drawing back, turning as though prepared to run.

I lean forward, patting my knees. “What’s the matter, boy? Come here.” I coax, reaching out my right hand. He stands there perfectly still, ready to bolt.

I kneel in the snow, making myself as small as possible, beckoning to him, “What’s wrong, don’t you recognize me? It’s your ole pal Evans.” I hear a low rumble rising from deep inside him as he begins to growl, then howl at me, bouncing back & forth among the trees as though debating between fight or flight.

I lower my arm & turn my head to the left, exposing my neck to him. I have no idea what’s going on but it seems this is no time to be direct. Make it clear I pose no threat & give him time.

After a minute or so, he takes a step, barks toward my right, more to the wind than anything else, one eye trained on me checking for a reaction. I don’t move.

When he quiets & begins shuffling around, still a good ten yards away, I speak in the most calming voice I can manage, “It’s okay, Aegen. It’s just me. I won’t hurtchya. I just wanted to say ‘Hi’ is all.” I keep my eyes averted.

He takes a few steps closer, rethinks it, howls some more, but with fits & starts eventually makes his way close enough to sniff my gloved hand. He lets me scratch him behind the neck before finally nuzzling my near frozen cheek.

I stroke his thick coat firmly with both arms around him, giving him a good hug as he begins to wriggle with recognition. “That’s a good boy, Wulfy. I told you it was okay.” He begins licking my face as I slobber back, “That’s a good boy! Yes, who’s a good boy? You’re a good boy, aren’tchya? Yes, you are!”

I stand up & he starts prancing all around, ready to play. Pointing up the trail I tell him, “I was just headin’ to the tavern. Wanna tag along?”

He barks with excitement, turns up the hill & leads the way.

Strange, I think to myself. In the five years since we found him, he’s never acted this way. I wonder if anyone else has noticed anything.

Ah, the questions can wait. First, a couple of pints & a healthy bowl of gruel.


Aegenwulf means "the wolf of the chief sea".

Young AdultThrillerMysteryMagical RealismHorrorFictionFantasyCliffhangerAdventure

About the Creator

Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock

Retired Ordained Elder in The United Methodist Church having served for a total of 30 years in Missouri, South Dakota & Kansas.

Born in Watertown, SD on 9/26/1959. Married to Sandra Jellison-Knock on 1/24/1986. One son, Keenan, deceased.

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Comments (15)

  • Mackenzie Davis4 months ago

    Ooh, awesome sequel, Randy! I was expecting a much creepier doorway into this guy's head (we both know he's not himself...). But this just reset my expectations! Now I'm very eager for more. You portrayed Aegen very well. His paw hesitating was perfect. Hmm, wolf of the chief sea...that's an interesting meaning. Like Evan's used to be "of the sea" maybe? And is now in conflict with a wind-like creature/demon thingy. The wolf will defend the sea against the wind... (just blathering now, lol).

  • Asad Message5 months ago

    I agree, heart, comments thank you!

  • Rachel Deeming5 months ago

    I'm hooked. Next installment please. Animal sensing weirdness wonderfully described.

  • I agree with Hannah! is there going to be more of this????

  • Hannah Moore5 months ago

    That dog knows he's changed!

  • Brin J.5 months ago

    Hmm. Yes, I wonder, indeed, what made him act that way. A Ch.3 on the horizon? Perhaps with a revelation that this is a time traveling hole? 👀

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    Can't wait for chapter three now!

  • Huh, I wonder why Wulfy acted that way. So weird. And sus. Waiting for the bext chapter!

  • Lamar Wiggins5 months ago

    Wow! You gave me a case of the anxieties at the beginning of this chapter. And then it became mysterious. Wonder what the next chapter is going to do to me. lol.

  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    Just finished this and chapter 1. This is building into a great story. Now I'm curious as to what happens at the tavern. Well done.

  • Mother Combs5 months ago

    So thrilling, I can't wait for the next chapter

  • Novel Allen5 months ago

    Something hidden in the ice or woods waiting to pounce. Don't think he is rabid, so, maybe a ghost of your past is visiting. Ah he has babies h wants you to see. Great storytelling.

  • John Cox5 months ago

    Randy, you sure know how to mine confusion and a memory lapse to create a sense of dread. The dog’s agitation increases the resulting suspense several-fold! Great storytelling! I loved the photo.

  • Kelly Sibley 5 months ago

    Oooooooooo this is so good. You know, I'm hoping he's a zombie... or a ghost or something that's going to turn! I was hooked and can't believe you didn't tell me what he is! Next Chapter please, chop chop!

  • I wonder why he is behaving that way, looking forward to the next installment

Randy Wayne Jellison-KnockWritten by Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock

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