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Blurry Faces


By ArasPublished 28 days ago 4 min read

In the quiet town of Willow Creek, nestled between rolling hills and whispering woods, lived a man named Ethan. Ethan was an ordinary man, living an ordinary life. He worked at a small bookstore, loved sipping coffee in the morning sun, and enjoyed the tranquility of his existence. But every night, as the moon cast its silvery glow over the town, Ethan was haunted by a recurring dream that left him feeling invisible and unrecognized.

The dream always began the same way. Ethan would find himself in the middle of a bustling city, a place unlike the serene town he called home. Skyscrapers stretched towards the sky, and the streets were alive with people hurrying to and fro, their faces a blur of indifference. Ethan would stand amidst the crowd, feeling a strange sense of urgency, as if he had something important to convey, something that would change everything. But no matter how hard he tried, he could never make himself heard.

In the dream, Ethan would call out to the people around him, his voice growing louder and more desperate with each attempt. "Can anyone hear me?" he would shout, his words swallowed by the cacophony of the city. He would reach out, trying to touch the shoulder of a passerby, but his hand would pass through them as if he were a ghost. Panic would set in, and he would wave his arms, jump up and down, anything to draw attention. But the people would continue to rush past him, oblivious to his presence.

The dream would shift, and Ethan would find himself in familiar settings—a family gathering, his bookstore, or his favorite coffee shop. But the sense of isolation remained. At the family gathering, he would sit at the dinner table, surrounded by loved ones. He would speak, his voice trembling with emotion, but his words would go unheard. His family would laugh and talk, their conversations flowing around him like a river around a stone. In the bookstore, customers would browse the shelves, oblivious to Ethan’s offers of assistance. Even in the coffee shop, where he often chatted with the barista, he would find himself sitting alone, his coffee growing cold as he tried in vain to catch someone's eye.

The most unsettling part of the dream was the growing realization that he was not just invisible, but forgotten. In the dream, he would see old friends pass by without a second glance, their faces showing no sign of recognition. He would stand in front of them, waving his hands, shouting their names, but their eyes would slide over him as if he were a shadow. The weight of being unnoticed pressed down on him, a crushing loneliness that left him gasping for breath.

Each morning, Ethan would wake up drenched in sweat, his heart pounding in his chest. The dream’s intensity lingered, casting a pall over his day. He would find himself questioning his interactions with people, wondering if he was truly seen or if the dream was a reflection of a deeper reality. He became more withdrawn, his confidence eroded by the nightly visions of his own insignificance.

One evening, desperate for answers, Ethan confided in his friend Clara. Clara was a vibrant woman with a keen interest in the mysteries of the mind. She listened intently as Ethan described his recurring nightmare, her brow furrowing with concern.

“It sounds like you’re feeling disconnected, Ethan,” Clara said gently. “Dreams often reflect our subconscious fears and anxieties. Maybe there’s something in your life making you feel invisible or unimportant.”

Ethan nodded, though he couldn’t pinpoint a specific cause. “But why this dream, every night? It’s like my mind is trying to tell me something, but I don’t know what.”

Clara smiled reassuringly. “Sometimes, our minds are more perceptive than we realize. Maybe it’s time to look within and see if there’s something you need to address. Have you considered writing it down? Sometimes, putting our thoughts on paper can help us understand them better.”

Ethan decided to take Clara’s advice. That night, after another harrowing dream, he sat at his desk and began to write. He described the city, the crowd, the sense of urgency, and the crushing loneliness. As he wrote, he felt a sense of clarity slowly emerging. The dream wasn’t just about being unnoticed; it was about his fear of not mattering, of living a life without impact or meaning.

Determined to change, Ethan began to engage more actively in his community. He volunteered at the local shelter, joined a book club, and started attending town meetings. He pushed himself to speak up, to share his ideas, and to connect with the people around him. It wasn’t easy, and there were times when he felt the familiar sting of invisibility. But gradually, he began to notice a change. People started to recognize him, to greet him by name, to ask for his opinion. The bookstore flourished as he hosted readings and events, bringing people together through their shared love of literature.

One night, as Ethan drifted off to sleep, he felt a sense of peace he hadn’t known in months. The dream came, as it always did, but this time it was different. He was in the city, surrounded by the bustling crowd, but instead of shouting and waving, he stood quietly, observing. Slowly, the people began to notice him. They smiled, nodded, and made way for him to pass. Ethan felt a warm glow of recognition, a connection that transcended words.

He woke up with tears in his eyes, not of fear or sadness, but of relief. The nightmare had lost its power over him. He had found his voice, his place, and most importantly, his sense of self-worth. Ethan realized that the dream had been a gift, a push to break free from the shadows of his own doubts and insecurities.

As the days passed, Ethan continued to nurture his connections, to build a life rich with meaning and purpose. The dream, once a source of dread, became a reminder of his journey from invisibility to recognition. And every night, as he closed his eyes, he knew that he was seen, heard, and valued, not just by others, but by himself.

CliffhangerFictionEpilogueDystopianDenouementChildren's FictionBiographyAdventure

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  • Sleeping Pills 25 days ago


ArasWritten by Aras

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