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Blissful Yet Passionate Hearts

Blissful yet passionate heart's introduction In this short spicy series, a woman named Celine shares her point of view of her perspectives and her intimate sex escapades with Therian. To dive right in, Celine encounters a stranger, and the two immediately hit it off. Sparks and the smell of chemistry come between them; they know there may not be anything more because this is a one-night stand. This handsome, rugged stranger loves her body like the two have been...

By SabrinaPublished about a month ago 68 min read

Blissful yet passionate heart's introduction

In this short spicy series, a woman named Celine shares her point of view of her perspectives and her intimate sex escapades with Therian. To dive right in, Celine encounters a stranger, and the two immediately hit it off. Sparks and the smell of chemistry come between them; they know there may not be anything more because this is a one-night stand. This handsome, rugged stranger loves her body like the two have been together in the past, or do pheromones and physical neediness blind them? The rugged stranger seems to have a plan up his sleeve. There is the start of something new for both of them, and things don't have to be so complicated, but passion and sex are mixed between the two; how will they come to terms with the actual realization of honest, genuine connection and conquer what they both fear which is love itself.

1.Match+ Flame

Celine awaits her turn with pure lust and fiery desire locked in her eyes, being able to stand so close and feel the heat from the breath of her gentle but rugged lover. I want to be very unpredictable and subtle. Is there any way I could romance the man before me? These thoughts keep me up at night. His hair is long between my fingers as I watch his lips tell me a story, but his hands and eyes paint me an erotic painting. The fire from his kiss activates these feelings that have been stirring up, especially down my sweet honeypot of nectar. There he goes, getting me all worked by getting me alone and seducing me and making me pant like a dog in heat." I wish he would take me here and now. My cheeks are burning with heat; he touches me so profoundly, penetrates the inner soul, and unlocks this intense pleasure and passion all the same time. How does he know my body? And how can I understand his? The way this man is making me scream with an increased primal desire to have my ass smacked and dominated like his whore. Once he has finished feeding my flame, he turns to me and says, if I met you earlier, I think my thoughts of love would change instantly, but this is just a one-night stand, not a love story, gorgeous.

2. First name Basis?

Fancy restaurants never settle my desires. It's okay to be wined and dined, but I grow bored with the standard conversations; I want more. I look over at the man who is giving me bedroom eyes, he is practically fucking me with his eyeballs, and he signals for me to sit right next to him. I get up with a devilish grin because I know where his hands are going, and I am more than ready for the fire of his fingertips to set my skin on fire. He looks deep into my soul. It feels like, at this point, you are by far the most irresistible woman I need more of. Let me show you a night of bliss while I stroke every part of your delicious pink treat that is gushing for me. I got flustered; all I could do was pull the nape of his neck and grip his hair with my fingers. The way you're speaking to me is getting me horny and ready to take all of you, but I thought one-night stands were your ammo. He then took my hand, and we went to a secluded part of the restaurant. We go outside on the first floor; it's so high up, and the view is gorgeous out here tonight; we get to the top and can't focus.

We are so dizzy and hurrying to feed each other's desires. I want to worship this beautiful cock that's harder than a cinderblock in your pants! The funny thing is we're both invested in seeing each other again. I don't even know your name! Therian, he says in a low register voice in my ear. It's like he wanted only me to know it. Your name is even erotic; just then, with a mouthful of his member, I looked at him with my almond brown eyes, and without hesitation, the most considerable stream of his warm fluids shot all over me. Celine is what you can share of your lips and continue to speak my name while I make your body succumb to the desires of passion and deep affection, Therian.

3. Proposal?

Therian invited me over to his place, and the moment I entered his home, within minutes, we were blinded by wanting to have sex and learn about each other's bodies. Therein walks over to me close, hands me a drink of his own brewed ages barrel whiskey, and caresses' my entire lips with his soft but rugged hands. Celine, when I am around you, I am afraid I want to devour you and give your perfect pink pussy the trails of my extensive, comprehensive, and fat tongue; I could cherish that pearl deep between your candy lips. Therian, I don't understand how you always make me so wet with just your words! I am a mess. You're ruining me in the best way, "Celine, come this way. I want to show you this room; I think you and I can act out our desires here". Is this a pleasure room? Is it that obvious, curious one? What if we were to act out every desire that broadens our fantasy? I am going on a whim, but would you care to be my sexual partner? No strings attached. No labels, just passion and affection"? Therian, you can have me any way you want me; my soul and pussy are yours. What if one of us falls in love? We will deal with the consequences of our feelings, but I can tell you there will be no regrets between us right now.

4. Summer Hear

Today, the sun is beaming on this lovely summer day; I tend to my Greenhouse, which needs TLC. I find such a calming presence when planting. I can't help but think of Therian and how he ravishes my body and makes no apologies for wanting me. There I go again! When I have thoughts and fantasies about him, I become so wet, and I have the urge to touch and explore all the hidden pleasure deep inside me. I need to go wash up and take the coldest shower! I feel like I can think so much more transparently in this cold water; I feel so rejuvenated; now I must take care of this lust for the passion that my pussy aches for. I am so on edge; I just need to sit down in the shower so my knees don't buckle; the more my fingers go deeper in and out, my whole body quivers with each hard lingering orgasm that keeps pushing through my core, Therian the way you fit your thick cock inside is making me crazy, I want all of you, Shit! I'm coming! Is it normal to feel so disgusted with yourself after? Lusting so hard and giving into my fantasies, I have never felt so drawn to the point I am playing with myself, what this man does to me; I meant it when I told him I am his; sex has always been the most uneventful for me in the past two years. Having this connection and having this man seduce you just by his presence is what I have been missing, and now that It's in my face, my mind and heart are tied; now I know I am in way too deep.

5. Change of Pace

Therian invited me over to have dinner at his house, internally screaming on the inside; see, here is this sexily ruggedly handsome man making me dinner and setting dates up when we're just essentially friends with benefits; this man might make fold and fall for him already. Celine, if you stay inside that pretty little head of yours, I am afraid I can't do anything but stare directly deep into your beautiful Brown yet translucent eyes; oh, Therian, the more you keep speaking like that and looking at me like that, I have to be honest. Therian, you will keep making me fall harder and harder if you treat me like this; my heart can't take it; I want to run and hide; I am bearing my soul to you. Celine, you worry so much and don't have to. Do you think I can't tell you how you feel about me? I sometimes have stupid moments, but this is not one of them. Babe, I will need you to stick with me for a while and see that even though we had a one-night stand and agreed to friends with benefits, we are also adults and humans. You know, the thing about being human is that we can change our minds, and we also can't help how we genuinely feel; who is to say that I haven't fallen for you already, Celine? Oh, he is trouble, pure trouble. This man has just said the words I secretly wanted to hear. I am not just a one-night stand seeker; relationships have been unattainable. Maybe he and I could make it work out with each other?

6. Affection

I hope you don't mind, Celine; I couldn't help myself two weeks before I went and bought you this bouquet of roses along with a dress, shoes, and chocolate; I heard women love that stuff. Oh, my heart, I can't seem to think straight. I am so speechless; I have only had a few men buy me things in this life, but I feel this warmness and butterflies surrounding this fragile hole in my heart. These are so beautiful; I had no idea you even knew the style of formal wear. I am speechless; before we go and start dinner, I want to give you the hottest thank you. Then I got closer to Therian, began to touch him all over, and watched him quack and shiver at my touches. It made my stomach and the sticky, sweet honey between my legs get so hot that it aches so severely for Therian's touch; please touch me and make me sweat. My body can't take looking you in the eye and knowing we are feeling the heat start from head to toe. Before I knew it, he slowly but passionately kissed me and brushed my hair out of my face, followed by us tangling our tongues in each other mouths; we couldn't help but let out this low chuckle. We are all over each other, and it feels almost like we're in some cliche romance film of the 90s/00s, and I am here for it, Celine.

Can I get down on my knees and pleasure while we lock eyes? Therian, of course, like I said, I am already yours! The way he ate the fruit from deep inside me has left me ruined and in more heated, deep, lustful desires for Therian to pleasure me. Our clothes have covered the floor, and our sweat is in a downpour; I am riding Therian, and he is cupping my breasts while his fingers twirl my nipples around; we can't seem to contain how close one another is to come! Therian finishes in my mouth, and I continue to suck as he quivers. The two of us can barely make words out, so we stare at each other, and Therian takes me in his arms and embraces me tighter, kissing my forehead. So you're melting this cold heart of mine. If you're going to steal my heart, you had better make sure you hold me as tight as possible.

7. Mini-vacation

Would you believe it if I said that Therian and I were in the most extravagant condo that appears to be one of his places? I was so curious about who he was. Celine, we have been dating for a while now, and I want to be honest about who I am. I am someone who, if you can't tell, has a lot of money and has more than one job, but my main job is being a Marine biologist; I love to adore expanding my knowledge on the animals and places I haven't explored as well. I knew it! Well, not that you were a Marine Biologist, but I knew you had to be some well-established human being; I hope to see you in action someday. You are by far the most exciting person I have ever connected with. Since you shared who you are, let me express myself daily. I am a painter who also owns a gallery. Wait! You mean the gallery up North, "Lavender's Art Gallery," Therian don't tell me you have been, and I hadn't noticed? It's possible. I have been through the whole gallery and thought it was the best I have ever seen. I am glad I left a lasting impression on you; hearing those words makes things all more worthwhile. This place is so beautiful and Green. I don't think the view could get any better than this; I didn't expect Vermont to be so humid, and the food has been excellent. There is only a taste of what more is to come. I came here for a job, but I wanted to bring you along and experience life outside the box with you, Celine. I am having the best time being here with you and in your presence, Therian. Thank you for showing me that life doesn't have to follow a routine; spontaneity is part of the adventure.

8. Open waters

I didn't expect Therian to want to involve me in his business trip; this is such an intimate moment, and here I am feeling speechless this whole time. I am trying to stay out of my head, but thank you for inviting me on your business trip; this is true; I am not used to someone being so attentive and aware of my surroundings. Sometimes, Celine, we as human beings need to experience living outside the box, and life sounds boring before we meet; I feel like more versions of myself are opening up due to this antidote with a loud ringing in my ear telling me that I should pursue this with you Celine. Therian, I didn't know you were such a painter. Words remind me of when I brainstorm new pieces that I want to show off in the gallery and put on display. Doesn't Celine understand how gorgeous she truly is? She doesn't care for attention being on her; she's far too humble. I want to make sure that I am always treating her right. Being with her has shown me how much life and the possibilities of a new romance. What usually helps? When we kiss each other? You're perceptive; we have to be out on the dock in 30 minutes; we should be on our way then, gorgeous. It is so peaceful out here on these waters; I can't wait to see what we're exploring, Celine! Sharing this with you is very new and exciting. My past girlfriends hated what I did but were only concerned about how much money I made. I was a status to them; it's their loss because now the ball is in my court, and I don't plan on releasing your heart soon. There is so much more to you than just your figures, and I am happy just being in your presence.

9. Radiance

I can't stop cheesing. I think my mouth might fall off, having Therian come over and help me plant more for my Greenhouse; I feel all giddy like this is falling into place, and we are doing this thing, and it's more than just sex between us. I am communicating with you, Therian. Thank you so much for coming over and wanting to help with my Greenhouse; I feel warm and bubbly inside. Celine, I honestly wanted you to ask me in any way to spend time with you; when I am with you, I feel at my absolute best that things aren't and don't have to be like we're climbing Mount Everest. I want to be clear about what we are. I owe you that much; just so you know, Celine, I hope you want to stick around and officially be the one who wakes up and falls asleep to me every day rather than be a call, text, video call, or in person; I want to be your man.

Therian, I thought you were already my handsome man; I knew I wanted to be yours from the beginning. The intensity of our passion terrified me but calmed me as well. But to give you a straight answer, yes, I'll be your girlfriend! Did you know that when the sun shines on you, Celine, it's like your Golden hour? Your skin glistens and glows, and it is beautiful to witness; you are absolute radiance. Therian, when you speak, it's like listening to my poet; I would carry you around on my shoulder if I could; maybe I could shrink you? We talk for the rest of the day, and I make tea and lemonade. We both live for Arnold Palmer's. After a while, I check my phone, and then this urge to be spontaneous hits me like a wave; without any more thought, I take Therian's hand, and we rush to the bathroom to shower. We strip slowly, teasing each other, and the way this damn man kisses me, I love the feeling of his rough but smooth hands; the water hits him most sensually. I can't help but stare. He is a sight to stare at, and I am not sorry for staring. The light from my bathroom is located in my shower, so the drops of water run down every inch of his body. Therian is the embodiment of radiance reincarnated; he is the Golden Hour; getting to uncover bits of his soul is an act of bravery and intimacy, and my heart is open so wide.

10. Celine

I have never been to my gallery and not work, so being on the outside looking in is impressive. It is very nerve-wracking, to put it in words; I guess this is a fear I need to stop. I'll have you know, babe, when I look up and see each one of your paintings, I become so damn proud of you, Celine; these are glimpses of the vibrant and colorful personality you have. Each one tells a story about challenges you have gone through as a person but were able to say I am the fucking boss here! I will take the bull by reigns and conquer what others say you couldn't do. You must be a sidekick; how did you know my life story? It's been such a rollercoaster journey; I can't say it was ever easy, and others weren't the kindest to me. Being someone who is already introverted and having outside critics berate and tear your character to shreds has been the most exhausting overall, but this comes with the territory; over time, I have learned and listened to the critics. Ultimately, I do what I want because this is my gallery, and I put blood, sweat, and tears into this building; I refuse to let anyone take that from me. I want to share my art with the world and could not care less about the money. I do this because it's a passion, and I love to make art. But I am so happy and thankful to the ones who have shared their take on art. It was such a positive conversation, and that's why I love what I do. The fact you wanted to take me to your art gallery and tell me who you indeed are, I can't help but feel a sense of relief. You are one badass woman, and I mean that respectfully. It is not a fa?ade from you, which makes me even more excited for my alluring, radiant future. My cheeks hurt so much from smiling, being able to dwell and speak to each other's souls, and this night will be for the memory wall.

11. Spontaneity

I am sitting across from an essential thing, surprising Celine and surprising her and seeing her face light up like the brightest star in the sky; even when the sun is down, she still glows and radiates. I want to ask her to move in, but I fear rejection. Something tells me that maybe I am just in my head, but I know this may be moving a little fast, but I have never been so sure. Therian looks so nervous, but he is Mr. Confidence. I guess that doesn't mean he doesn't experience doubts. That dress looks so beautiful on you and against your skin; just you, in general, make the breath leave my chest, and this relationship has moved from beyond sex to us becoming a couple. I am so happy; these last six months have been the greatest. I am just going to come out and say it! Celine, would you please move in with me? I know it may seem fast, and I don't want to scare you, so I respect your feelings and decisions. Babe, is that why you looked so pale? I had no idea you felt this way, and you seriously think six months is fast. We are young adults and have been moving slowly these past six months. Well, except for the beginning, we were hot and heavy with many pedals to the metal. I have never fallen so hard and deep for someone, Therian, to let my feelings be known, and you don't have to tell me your answer; I know for sure since the day we met, I am so in love with you. I do not apologize; I will move in with you. Celine, you have become everything to me. I don't want to make you feel suffocated, and we must be honest. You are not the only one who has felt love since the beginning. Celine, I love you so much that my heart explodes with heat, so let's make it official. Let's live under the same roof, and the same goes for you; if you need space, we must communicate what thoughts we harbor before the fest. You got it, the whole love of my life; let's get this adventure rolling!

12. After-glow

Therian! When you thrust your dick into me like that, I have no choice but to scream out. I refuse to be quiet! You must take responsibility for making it come! Oh shit, I don't think I just came. I have never been able to squirt while having an orgasm. I am embarrassed by what just happened. I am so sorry, Celine. Squirting is a normal reaction to an intense orgasm, and there is no need to get embarrassed; seeing you come made me bust all over myself. Being able to love each other in this bed officially, I don't think I ever want to leave; it's like a warm cocoon, and this is where I should be. I had no idea I would be all moved into this house in a month, so I understood I needed to be patient. Living here feels like I am walking in a dream, and I am supposed to wake up, but my thoughts and eyes have alerted me to say this isn't a dream. You are so adorable, Celine. Seeing you so passionate is the best and makes my heart swell even more. No, we are living in real-time, and this is no illusion; the love we just made is like a match to a flame and the afterglow imprinted on your body, Celine. We spend time in this bed all day and order in. Let's find a good series and get comfortable, my babe. That sounds right up my alley, my gorgeous dove in the sky. Celine, thank you for showing me that love doesn't have to be a rouse and can grow if two people want it enough; love is a two-way street.

13. New additions

Going to the local shelter here in Seattle always makes me so emotional; I love animals, and being a Marine Biologist, I get to work with all kinds of animals, and seeing how animals get treated here locally in Seattle hurts my heart. In the area, as you can tell, there is a problem with strays and animals going through a brutal crisis, and the fact that you also like to come down to the local shelter when you can and volunteer a hand, it's like you and I were always to meet If you are wondering if I believe in fate, my answer is yes, I am sort of a sucker for the whole we were supposed to meet, but seriously the way we have passed each other in daily life and have never met, maybe this is fate giving us both a chance. I used to think the idea of fate was just so silly and stupid, but the older I got into my mid-thirties, the more I realized that maybe fate could exist and one day I would experience a healthy relationship. Therian, I love listening to you speak, and I feel seen and called out by the mid-thirties comment; it's true, though. We aren't young, and we shouldn't waste time going in circles. Celine, I always seem to get carried away gushing over you in front of you; let's find our forever fur baby over there! Look at that baby, the Black cat with the grayish-blueish eyes, and look! The Black and Brown Beagle is so adorable. Therian, if we could, I would adopt them all! I know, babe, that's my conflict every time I am here, but I think you and I have bonded with our forever fur babies, and I couldn't be happier they fit us. You're so right. They are missing pieces of the puzzle; coming here was a significant serotonin boost, just what the heart needed.

14. Binge watch

Since being home, Therian and I have been bonding with our animals. We decided to name our Beagle Mochi and our Black Cat Moon. When anyone meets her, they will see why that's her name. I am so appreciative and thankful for this life I have with Therian, and seeing how bonded he has become with both of our pets, it is sweet to see he is so beyond gentle with them, and the way they interact with him is adorable to witness. The way you are with both animals melts the coldness in my heart even more; you have a sense of love and kindness, and how you're so selfless is the absolute icing on the cake. Because you already know I would do the same, volunteering down at the local animal shelter has always made me want to do what I can for the animals that don't have a home to go to. Therian, my first few animals growing up, were from the shelter, and I loved them so much. They were so dear to my heart; that scrapbook with all the animals was my fur babies. Celine? How is it that you become even more incredible? I had a hunch that those were the pets you grew up with, great memories that you hold dear. I can see that tear of grief and happiness. I know that losing a pet is never easy, and it rips your heart to many pieces, but I want you to know that I see you. You are loved, cherished, and validated. I know those babies loved you, so look at how happy they are in these pictures; you bring warmth and radiance wherever you go. Thank you so much for adding these two to our home. It has made even more of a cozy dream I never want to wake up from.

15. Convention

For the longest time, I never pegged you for someone who is an Otaku; I didn't even think you knew what that meant. I think I am the one who is continually amazed here. My gorgeous radiant sunshine, I know I always appear serious, but I know how to have fun, and this is my absolute pass time. I mean, you've seen the study. I don't think I have self-restraint regarding my hobbies or taking a million pictures of you and our fur babies, but no one a candle to you! You seemed to have quieted the collection. Therian, I am a painter by day, but I am always Otaku. When we get a chance, I want to share the rest of my complete paintings with you. I hope you will be surprised. See, Celine, I can't think straight when you cryptically say things in that husky tone. All I want to do is take you somewhere privately and love you all over. Therian, if you so wish to take my body, trust me, all you have to do is say the word love.

You are so tempting, but we must act appropriately and continue through the convention; well, handsome, I am all yours. Later, make sure you see to it, Celine. You knock the air out of me and make me Cherry Red in the face. Therian, you're so damn adorable. Come on! Some snacks await us! Have you ever seen Mochi this big? It's like the size of our heads; it's gorgeous. How do Ramen and Gyoza sound? Therian, that sounds delicious. After, we have to go to manga, anime, and merchandise! Seeing you this excited is way too adorable, Celine! Seeing your geek out is pretty entertaining and handsome. The day is still/night is still left to conquer!

16. Parents

I can't believe our parents are in the same room. They are so cheerful and chatty! My parents will talk your parent's ears off, babe. I think it's genuinely warming to the soul; my parents need to branch out and make friends. I agree, Therian. I feel the same way about my parents, too; they have had rocky relationships with friends and ended up broken when their friendships ended. I know what you mean, Celine. It was all too well to witness the four of them hitting it off like a breath of freshness. Will you stand, stare, sit, join, and eat with us?

Sorry, we are happy to see you all enjoying each other's company. Renae and Kail, Therian's parents, must be the sweetest and cutest couple I have seen. They go so well together, and seeing my parents and how adorable they are, I hope Therian and I are this cute when we get old. Fiona and Roger, you have raised such a gorgeous and fabulous woman as a daughter; I knew I had seen her name before; you own that beautiful art gallery up North; it is such a fantastic sight. We have always told Celine how effortless she is when creating art; she is such a natural. We are proud of her, too. We must say, Renae and Kail, your son, is so amazingly excellent, and Celine is quite the handsome one! Therian, you are doing something so selfless, and the genuine love from your heart is beautiful. Celine and I love each other very much and want to ensure we achieve our passions and dreams; seeing you all get along helps with the future we want to build. Therian is so poetic, and he is right. The illustrations are an incredible picture of our future! Our future is shining bright.

17. Closing

This house has been such a great place for me. Being able to share my passions along with this place brings excellent memories and being able to have a place for all my Shit. I know I have many things, but this tiny little abode has taken great care of me. Miss Celine, are you ready to close the lease on the house? I am ready to close! Thank you for helping me find this place in the first place. I would've been so lost and confused about where I should've gone. Aleesha, thank you for all you have done. I feel like this was a starter, and now that I am moving on, I hope this little place will help another begin and start things over fresh. The more I think about it, the happier I am that my life begins with Therian and our two pets, Mochi and Moon. My life has been so grand, and I am glad to move on from this place and have a healthy relationship. These aren't some sad little reminiscing memories that are keeping me here; these are the memories that have helped me be me, and now I am overcoming the odds I had in the very beginning. Is this what a flourishing being is? If so, I plan to stay on this path to a peaceful life.

18. Greenhouse

Babe, are you ready to see your new Greenhouse? I made sure our moms took outstanding care of them; they are more radiant now than they were with me; what sorcery do these women have? Therian, you are adorable right now, and I realize mothers have superpowers we do not know about. I stop wondering. Therian, this Greenhouse is massive. I didn't know that you knew so much about how these houses work. You keep surprising me, and I am amazed by you every time I look into your eyes. Celine, I wanted to build you this Greenhouse because you have all these vibrant and radiant flowers that have flourished; the love they have given has made them grow even more fuller than before; each plant is like how our love has been growing for one another. It took time for them to thrive and react to their journey of love; even though we fell so hard and fast, we are still learning what love is and what works for us as a couple; this Greenhouse is a reflection of who we are and what we can become if we keep watering ourselves. Therian, I swear, you had to be a poet in your past life; you speak with so much desire, determination, and elegance; that is one of the reasons why I love you so; while we transport the plants, let whisper sweet nothings of love and food, love and food keep me hydrated.

19. Time away

Having time away from Seattle has shown me that there is more to life than just staying on the spot; with my gallery, I got to conventions in different cities, but I never went and explored; life was fucking boring until you brought severe sunshine into my life Therian. It looks like I am rubbing off on you. It sounds like you got hit with the travel bug; it started little by little for me, then I started taking even bigger trips, and I haven't stopped even after I became a Marine Biologist. Traveling is such a great adventure to experience, and along with the food, the atmosphere of the people, and the scenery around, I feel if anyone gets a chance, they get out there and see what the world has to offer. Being with you, Therian, you are everything and much more; you take me on these trips and have no obligation to bring me, but you do it anyway, and we have the best times together. Celine, I bring you traveling and business trips with me because I love seeing your reactions to how satisfied you get when we're together, and just being able to love and spoil you brings me joy. Therian, all you do is spoil me, and I love that you are my biggest cheerleader, but I want you to know I only love you for you and only the heart that beats inside your chest. I love you so much, my radiant sun, and I know you only for me, but it doesn't mean I won't spoil you; that's business. All I could do was smile and look into the eyes of my love that stood right in front, speaking such lovely sentiments because he was right!

20. Immunity

Therian! I command you to stay back. I am so contiguous; you heard the doctors have flu and bronchitis, which is not how I wanted to start the work week, babe. You are even more adorable when you are, I'll. Celine, everybody gets sick, not just you, love, so stop putting a wall between us and let me help you! I will start a warm bath so you can lay and soak your joints; I know your body must be aching with all the sickness swarming through your body; alright, Therian, I'll let you take care of me. I am only allowing you to help me because I am too exhausted even to put up any more of a fight. I am used to always being alone and caring for myself, except when my parents aren't around. When I get sick, it's like my parents just knew, and they pop up randomly and take care of me, but something tells me they know that I am indeed being taken care of, so I am sure it's all in our hands now. How is the water? Is it too hot or cold? Relax, Therian, the water is perfect. I don't want to leave this cozy abyss; just be careful. It would be best if you didn't catch anything, Celine. I am super healthy and immune to any illness. I always seem to bounce off me, and it never sets in, so I am optimistic that I will be okay, love. Let me take you to the bedroom to rest and relax, and I will start dinner. I am seeing how Therian has taken such good care of me. How did I get so lucky?

21. Small box

Dad and my future father-in-law, I wanted to take you both ring shopping with me and speak to both of you about my thoughts and eternal hearts becoming one. Your daughter Roger is a fantastic person with a kind, genuine, free spirit, courage, selflessness, and creative genius. To take her hand and make her my wife would be such a huge blessing. Therian, you are such a kick-ass young man, and I wouldn't love anything more if you took my daughter's hand. I am sure she has already made up her mind. Son, we love Celine. I want you to know that you also have our blessing; how you two look at each other is how people in love look at one another. The man who was afraid of committing change has changed. I am so blessed to have had this conversation with you both; I was so nervous that things would be awkward. So here I am talking to my parents, and future father-in-law about wanting to make Celine my wife, and things couldn't have gone any better.

22. Viral

I am so sorry that you are sick, Therian; it was only a matter of time before that sickness grabbed hold of that immune system; there is a first time for everything, including the illness that has penetrated you, Celine; how could this happen? I never get sick. How is it that I am now ill? Therian, you have been around me, and we have been intimate after I told you not to kiss me! And you know I always want your hands all over my body; I am always ready for you, my love. But you look like Shit; excuse my French; you need some love and care, TLC. Your cough sounds so wrong, Therian, and the number of times you have vomited within the past 30 minutes, and it's only 7 am. Now, hush, and let me nurse you back to health; I will boil some Elderberries, Lavender, and Eucalyptus, which are heavy on it. I will cook it on the stove to get those sinuses opened up. Thank you so much for taking care of me.

I am not used to having others care for me either, or I can relate to my mom just always knowing that I am sick also; that's funny, Therian. I am sure my mom and Renae have been bonding over things they have in common, and I am so here for it. Here, drink some of this hot Chamomile tea, and here's a cool towel for your head. Trying to break that fever has become the most challenging thing right now. I am oh so exhausted, Celine. I feel like I can't keep my eyes open. I must go to sleep; the sandman is catching up to me; you are so cute, Therian. Get some rest, and by the time you wake up, dinner will be cooking and hopefully almost done, and I will put drinks to help you stay hydrated; now, sleep, lover.

23. What's cooking?

Celine, babe, I am home and brought, and I come bearing gifts! Oh wow, what is that pleasant smell? I feel so hungry. My stomach is growling badly; Celine has used the kitchen more since moving in. The fantastic cuisines and meals she have cooked have made my stomach so happy; she knows the way to a man's heart, Therian! I am glad you are home, lover; I have been cooking because I wanted to. Utilizing the kitchen and making home-cooked meals, I also found a natural affinity for doing this: let me spoil you and fill your belly with merriment, joyous laughter, and a time for bonding. I love coming home to you, Celine. It is one of my favorite times. I can't wait to get home; although I drive the speed limit, I am rushing home. Mochi! And Moon! They stayed wrapped around my legs constantly. Wherever I go, they go. We have become one unit, but they mean well; they love being around each other and us and wishing I would drop all of this yumminess on the floor. Believe it or not, Therian, these two are smart and are incredibly food motivated; Mochi and Moon, no, I don't believe it, Celine, they earned those food taxes. Therian, you are too funny; I hit the jackpot when I got you, babe. Therian, you have made my whole world light up. Don't worry; I have your heart and will always care for it; you have been caring for mine since we met. I hope you know you, big lug. I will keep taking care of your heart and mine; that's my love for you because you have been giving me love since we stained each other with our fruits of love.

24. All-nighter

It looks like we both are having to crack through an all-nighter. Come to think of it, this will be the first love of my life. Thinking about it makes me hot. Oh, you horn-dog, Therian, how I love how hot you get, and I said it a million times before in different or the same way; either way, it's verbatim and direct. I am always ready for you, but we have a ton of work to get through on both ends of our jobs; there Is no time to think about passionate and steamy love. On second thought, I am putting my whole foot in my mouth, ankle-deep over here! But seriously, as much as I would love to, we both have obligations to fulfill with our jobs, and we are not the type to just fuck it!

We are deep in our jobs for the long haul; this has never been just some quick summer job. Our career and who we are. Now, who is sounding poetic? I think you are the one who has a way with words, and everything you mentioned is spot on. We ride the wave of our jobs, but before we start, I said I would show you some art I would love to put in the gallery. What do you think? I need your honest opinion. Celine, this is so awesome. I had no idea you painted anime pieces; I should have guessed it, but I didn't want to sound too presumptuous. You should hang these up in the gallery; you never know who you might connect with, babe. You're right; I used to be so afraid, and I don't understand why sometimes backlash from art can be stressful. But I think you just inspired me and boosted my confidence sky-high! It is my duty as your partner to be your cheerleader, Therian.

Did you realize you just called me your partner? Babe, I know what I just called you. I mean that. Now, that just gave me even more butterflies; you have put your feelings out there in the open, and I consider you my partner, too; it has a nice ring. Here you go, making me fall in love with you again. Now you understand what you keep doing to me every day. The way you shine is immaculate, and the way we bounce ideas and thoughts off one another is stellar. We always think of ways to improve ourselves and keep improving ourselves daily.

25. Fiona

It's been a while since we have gone to the gallery, and every time we go, I get so blown away by the capacity that your brain lets you create these well-told stories through your paintings; your parents both follow your paintings and gallery online. We always tell our friends how talented and unique you are and how proud we are of you; you have exceeded our expectations on how we raised you. I never wanted you to feel suffocated but able to choose what you want to do and be in life. There would never be any judgments; as human beings, we are always searching for that next climb, and what else can we explore? Your dad and I have just begun adventuring the world again, and we couldn't be more excited. Seeing you and Dad is such a blessing! You two always understand, or when you don't understand, you both teach each other and have never put each other down. I look up to you both for consistently demonstrating a healthy relationship, even when I know there were things you two disagreed on. Fighting with each other was something you both were utterly against, and there were times when I heard and witnessed you both, but my love for either of you never changed. You both did the best you could. We came from rough patches and had to build our ground to stand on, and I don't regret how I grew up one bit because there is no judgment. Celine, you always know how to make me cry a waterfall; I can't tell you how happy it makes me hear those words; your mom and dad just wanted the best for you, and you're right. Some days were grueling being married. It wasn't always a happy day, but we never wanted to involve you in our mess because you are our child no matter how old you get, and we will continue to keep loving you unconditionally; a parent's job raising their children is never over, even when they get older and wiser. Between you, Dad, and Therian's parents, I think you all got Therian and I both beat; you all invited, being wise and wearing it nicely.

26. Baker dozer

Oh, Therian, come! Look what I brought home! Celine, is that what I think it is? I can smell the sweet smell of cinnamon and homemade whipped cream cheese. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Therian. Happy birthday to you! I hope you enjoy this Cinnamon Roll Cake. I went to the shop, and they taught me and let me bake at Sweet's Patisserie. I even got a taste test, and I will tell you that this cake will melt not only your tastebuds but the world around you will become hazy, and I am sure you will go into a sugar coma! But you can eat until after dinner. I can't believe you would go through all this trouble and surprise me with my favorite cake and dinner.

I appreciate what you have done for me and remembering my birthday. I barely speak about it, yet you still did something for me. I love that I get to spend each birthday with you for the future. I am one happy woman, Celine. You have lighted my world up even more than you already have; thank you for spending this birthday with me; I love you so damn much; I don't know what I have done to deserve such the sweetest gift of all, and that's. Mochi and Moon! Celine, this is too cute. How did you get them to agree with wearing birthday hats without scratches? I still get scratched, but it also took a lot of treats. Here we are now. They were supposed to come out when I started singing, but they were still salty about the hats. I guess there was no time like the present, huh?

27. Renae

I am so happy that you called me down. I don't necessarily get out that much, but I often try when I can. Some friends waste their time being snooty and are always in drama; I am too old to listen to gossip. My friendships have suffered because I don't see myself on the gossip train. I wish to live my life peacefully without any stupid and petty drama-filled unintellectual conversations that don't do anything for me but stress me out and wonder why I didn't just stay home. When I started working in my art gallery, I thought I had hired some of the most prestigious and dignified workers; their backgrounds were terrific. They aced everything. It wasn't until I noticed loose holes in my building that they would instead call in, show up late, start fights with my customers, and disrespect me that things became strained. I had to pull them in for a conversation and let them know this behavior was inappropriate. They got in my face, yelling about money and how they lied to get a higher-paying job doing absolutely nothing. I had to let them go right then and there because I can't have people hired to do the requirements and downright lie about who they were, which hurts what I am trying to accomplish. I had to cut so many other people because their sheets had all of the qualifications, and I don't need or want the drama, so trust me, I understand entirely. You are so young but wise; I am so grateful you told me this story because you grew up and realized that your heart doesn't need stress. Good on you for choosing your peace. Renae is such a sweet woman, and I love surrounding myself. She doesn't even notice the humbling influence she exudes; Therian's parents and my parents embody tranquil solitude.

28. Picnic

Seattle is so beautiful around the winter. It is very frigid, but it is worth going out to venture when the weather isn't too viciously temperamental; therian, thank you for making this picnic date with me. Celine, you are so damn adorable. You think I would have a picnic outside when it's -0 outside and a blizzard is brewing in the air; you would be so sick; why would you make it seem like we have a date outside? Babe, you wouldn't have me out in the bitter cold. It's just romantic to look out at the pure White now that's coating the ground. Even though nasty weather is happening outside, it's still very scenic, and this is the perfect view to look out at and enjoy a romantic picnic date while we binge-watch our favorite series and eat all the junk food around Celine. You have the best plans for just spending time with one another. You can think of adorable dates at home in the blink of an eye, and I have said it every day since we met, but you never fail to amaze me. Babe, sometimes it's the little things that we hold closest to our hearts, and we love to keep souvenirs of those gracious times; the memories we make, Therian, are so much more valuable than anything material; that's how I see it.

29. What if?

I have been deeply inside, but I notice my parents, Therian's parents, and my boyfriend have been acting remarkably weird. Maybe I am just reaching out here, but I wonder if Therian has a motive for asking me to be his wife. Our parents have been super lovey-dovey to both of us, lingering more than usual and having many personal conversations without me. Then, my mom and his mom asked me random hypothetical questions about wedding dresses and my top 10 favorite cakes if I had to choose any; my mom even threw in her favorite flavors. And if this is supposed to be a surprise, no one is sure keeping surprises, but then again, my parents never were good at keeping things hidden, and if he plans to propose to me? Then it's simple: I have no doubts about my feelings for him. I am madly in love with Therian. He's got my heart, and I have him, so my soul has no worries. I hope Therian's ready to make me a wife.

30. Will you?

Therian looks like he is going jump out of his skin. I wonder if it is biting him. He is starting to sweat. We have been fine all week, and he didn't appear sick. He was happy-go-lucky. I am going to throw up. I am so nervous; I don't know why, but I feel like I am sinking because I know Celine. What if she says no, things get weird, and we become strangers? I don't want that to happen. Therian, talk to me, babe. You are looking not like yourself. What's on your mind, love? Alright, I am just going to come out and say it! Celine, you are the love of my life, and I have never been so sure about wanting to continue our happy beginning together. Our life has so many views of the future that have us in them, and I want to be able to give you the life you so gratefully deserve; you make me so happy, and when I look at you, I know that we are supposed to to be together and eternally become one. Celine, will you do the honors and become my wife? I understand if you say no and things get awkward, Therian! Will you shit up for a second! We have melted our hearts, and our fear within each other disappeared when we finally decided to choose. Things became so much more apparent, and I knew who I should be in life, and that person, without a doubt, is you, Therian. My answer is Yes! But I thought you were swearing off, and that was my assumption. Celine, you have every right to feel the way you do because you are correct; marriage was not in the cards, but then I met and connected with you and fell in love with you; I have no regrets. I can't wait to be your husband, gorgeous, and I can't be your wife, handsome.

31. Wedding Planning

Thank you all in advance for coming dress shopping with me. I am so humbled that my two favorite women are here to celebrate this wonderful time together; I don't have any close friends. All my friends took off on me and wanted nothing to do with me, so the fact that I am in the presence of greatness, I don't feel so alone. My siblings, as I am sure my mom has told you, are all estranged, and no one speaks to anyone, and I don't know why still to this day. Mom, my heart aches and breaks. I miss my two older sisters. I texted, but nothing, no response; it's like the ultimate dead zone. Oh, my beautiful hummingbird, I know it hurts that you and your siblings are so estranged. You all had such a great upbringing, and I am still puzzled why they have shunned you out of the picture; their problem was with Dad and me. They wanted to have an extravagant wedding, and that was fine. I think each of their husbands got in their ears and started spreading false rumors. There isn't a day that doesn't go by where I don't miss your sisters; I wish things ended better. Celine and Fiona, you have become so close to me, and to see your hearts break as that hurt me. If your family doesn't want to share this beautiful day with an even more stunning bride, it's their loss. I have a sister myself. She is the same way. I don't know where I would be without you extraordinary and unique ladies by my side; when I am in your presence, I don't feel stressed, but instead, I think gracious and humble. I know I am in great hands with you both. Being around them has boosted my serotonin through the roof, and I am so happy that they both are so wise and motherly but not overbearing; they are more of a guiding path, and I will stay on this positive road.

32. Stressful

Therian, I don't think I have ever felt so stressed out in my life; wedding planning is such a tedious but so fun all at the same time, being with our mothers the other really, but it is in perspective for me, I hope we are that peaceful as we reach elder years. The amount of Shit they can let roll off their shoulders is impressive; I love being around them and hearing the stories they always express to me; I love our mothers so much. Celine, seeing you bond with our parents has been a definite highlight, and I don't plan on ever letting up; you are the light, and I'll keep reminding you every day until you believe it; my mom is so crazy about you. I also think it's because I am their only child, and my mom went through so many complications; I am her miracle baby, my parents call me. I am glad this miracle stands before me; what's funny? I don't feel stressed anymore. Just being around, you and the love from your tender kisses have been able to ease my mind. I can recharge my buttons with you, Therian, my passion, Celine. I can also recharge my buttons with you, and I love every second of it with you. If I can take your stress away, I must learn to do something right. I am the luckiest bride-to-be; I have been having dreams about our wedding day. I wake up smiling ear to ear. Therian doesn't know what he has done to me and my heart; I am on another cloud of existence. And I love that this is above cloud 9.

33. Spa Day

This man is full of surprises. Here he is, booking spa days behind my back; just who does this loving, ruggedly handsome man think he is? I can't help but let out this chuckle of happiness mixed in with straight-up smartass. He makes me so happy, not because he books me spa days or buys me things but because he is present when I am having a meltdown. He has been the most patient with my episodes. He holds me tight, kisses me, tells me to take slow, deep breaths, and takes his big hand and brushes my hair out of my face so he can see me. Therian already sees me clearly, and being seen and heard makes me feel valid, but this also goes both ways. When Therian goes through his days where he needs to recharge and needs someone to vent to and let them know they are supported, I will do this as often as needed. Love is about building a connection and a life with no judgments or forgiveness, only love and cherishing moments; things don't have to be so complicated; everything is crystal clear. If it weren't for my little family at home, I would be a lost soul; they are my number one cheerleader. Now, returning to this relaxing spa day, he even got the ambiance right, and the smell of lavender filled the air. Suddenly, I felt even calmer; today was a much-needed spa day.

34. Manga?

My gorgeous Celine, I was wondering if you wanted to stop by the local anime shop and pick up some more manga to bless our collection. Therian, does this sound like a manga date? Of course, I am so down to go. I have been scoping out new manga online to add to our lengthy collection. I have about 20 manga series that I wanted to surprise you with. The cat is out of the bag now; I remember falling in love with retro manga and anime, and there was a big sale. I am learning because you always wait for a sale, and I couldn't resist. Babe don't tell me you have the entire manga collection of Gundam Wing. Why? Yes, Therian, how wise you are, babe. I couldn't help it, and seeing your reaction is worth it. I love you so much, and I hope you enjoy the manga. I am sure you will come and talk my ear off about Gundam; you are not the only one who loves to talk about Gundam.

35. Two weeks

I can see why you chose this national park; this is beautiful up here in Colorado. I have only ever been to Denver, and coincidentally enough, this national forest is so hustle and bustle, and the place keeps expanding. San Isabel was one of my favorite places to camp out. Let me be honest: I love to camp, but there must be a shower, and I think you can tell. So, you have had this life of camping before me, then? Therian, we aren't exactly roughing it out here. We rented a motorhome, and I feel you did that because you think I couldn't handle being in a tent.

Now Celine. Babe, I think you are stretching this out, love. I got this home because I am a man in my mid-thirties with severe back problems, and I don't want to agitate it anymore. You've seen how I get out of bed. It's a sad situation, plus, maybe I want to treat you like a queen, Celine, but that's my business; okay, you win this round; our fur babies seem to love it up here, and this will be a spot. We come to again. The water pressure is terrific here. Are you going to keep teasing me, gorgeous? Come here, handsome, and ravish this body. Therian, there you go starting with your finger teasing against the opening of my pussy. It's wet down there; I can focus; you feel so good, Celine; let me take your body to the highest point of pleasure, love. Your juicy and round ass is bouncing so good against my cock, and just looking at the way it grips, all I want to do is come, come for me, Therian; my tits are up here. Can you make it? Oh shit! Celine, you make quite a sticky mess. Now, let's take a bath together and relax in each other's existence.

36. Movie date

Celine, what do you think about this movie date? I am so in love with it. Movies are my jam, and I love talking and having a hot, steamy make-out session in the back if you like. There you go, being naughty again; you know your influence on me is criminal, babe. I love getting you all worked up to witness your expression, Therian. Let's try to keep our focus on the movie. I see you, and I am way too tempted just to put our sex in this car; I feel so free with you, Celine, and this a freedom I want always experience with you, but we must be responsible.

Don't worry, babe. I completely understand where you're coming from, so there's no need to explain or further explain; there are no judgments here. I must say you have impeccable film taste. I have a love-hate with scary movies, but this one you chose is having me form hypotheses on what I think might happen or observe what I know and how it will end. But something told me I was in for a real treat, and this movie will flip us on our heads. I didn't want to say it, but I think you are on to something. I love the psychological thriller aspect of it; I know what you mean. It's leaving me on edge. When the movie is over, would you like to go and get breakfast for dinner? Strangely, I am in the mood for Pancakes, Hash-browns, crispy Bacon, and 2 Fried eggs with a side of Sprite to wash it down. Someone is already painting a picture of the best option with the best breakfast option as well; when you're ready, my love, say the word, and I am right behind you.

37. Engagement Party?

Roger, Fiona, Renae, and Kail put together something we wanted to say in unison. We have practiced all this for so long and love it. Seeing the love you both share is so evident, and it's like seeing flowers bloom for the first time when the weather changes. Having you both not hide your feelings is refreshing, like breathing without any pollutants in the air. Getting to know each of you has been so rewarding, and we would do this all over again if we had to. We understand that this isn't exactly a party. It's just the Four of us, but that's okay. We can have our fun, which we seem to do already; we love you both and are so damn glad you keep choosing one another. Therian, our parents have to be the cutest; that was so wonderful to be with the Four of you, and to hear how in sync you all were was the chef' kiss; I agree with Celine. That was amazing, and thank you so much for thinking of us. Today was complicated, and no, we don't have friends or any families that wanted to attend our service, but that's okay because, as Renae said, it's their loss; I will continue preparing for our big day!

38. Bachelorette Party?

Most people, when they have a wedding coming up, have a bachelor or bachelorette party to celebrate that this is their "last night being single," which is such a crazy saying when you think about it. I decided to spend time with my mother and mother-in-law to take on this fun adventure. I thought things would be different, and my siblings and I would be on talking grounds, but that ship had fully sunk instead of sailed. My past friends wanted nothing to do with me. Sadly, I had nothing in common with them once they started dating and entering the long-term relationship stage. They would use my time just so they had a shoulder to cry on and then dump me again when I wasn't required anymore; I mean straight up ghosting me and ignoring, blocking, and acting like they didn't know me. My dumbass was there for those bitchy women, time and time again, and the times I needed them, they simply told me to get lost and that I'll never experience happiness. Who would want to end up miserable in love with you? I remember staying up all night and bawling my eyes out till I couldn't cry anymore.

Now, flash forward, I am so happy and peaceful. I am glad I don't surround myself with people like that anymore; they were never my friends. Celine, this is such a fun and emotional setup. I am having a great time with you and Fiona; my heart is so vast and beating with pride. I am glad you finally got your happy ending, my sweet daughter; you deserve this one. Being able to bond and be a family has made me smile like I just won the lottery. As I expressed early on, being in your presence is humbling; the pleasure is all mine. What do you say? Do we all see delicious treats on the table? We are all right behind you, Celine and Renae. Look at all gracing our eyes: homemade Mac & Cheese, a whole chicken smoked for 14 hours, Yams, Fried Green Tomatoes, and Seafood Cajun pasta. You both did this, huh? The smells are good, and the presentation is fantastic. All my favorite foods were growing up. Thank you so much; I could cry; if you did, we would help you dry those tears and ensure you still get a full belly! Tonight has to be the best night ever! This one is for the books.

39. Bake-off

I know this may sound weird, gentleman, but I don't want all the strippers because that is not how I operate as a man, let alone a human being; I would rather have a bake-off with my two favorite people. Roger, I would never want to do anything that would jeopardize our relationship. I respect and love her way too much to do any of that selfish stupid Shit; excuse my French; I also appreciate her parents and mine. I also wanted to do this bake-off because this is something that my parents and I would do when I was younger, and it's a remarkable memory of mine; sharing it with you, Roger, thrilled me. I want you to know that Celine is the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I plan always to love, cherish, and care for her heart! Therian, this is why Fiona and I love you; we speak about you a lot. We're so happy she finally has that sparkle in her eye and hasn't given up on love. Because you both pulled each other up and only continue to push each other up, I see such great hopes for you both, and I can't wait.

Son, Roger is right. How you and Celine care for one another is a beautiful sight; continue holding on and always choosing each other first. See, this is why I would rather hang out with my father and father-in-law; just like my soon-to-be wife, my friends took off on me, especially when I needed them the most. I don't have time for that anymore. I want a peaceful life, and you all signify the peace I have always wished for. I can't believe we baked so much: Peach Cobbler, New York Cheesecake, Carrot cake, Bread Pudding, and Cream Brulee. Are we ready to dig in and taste-test everything? Because my mouth is watering, the only thing left to do is dig in while it's still hot!

40. We cordially invite you

The birds are singing their songs, and they sound extra cheerful; I don't know if it has something to do with my big day! But my ears are swollen with lingering chirping from the bird song. My mother and mother-in-law are helping me prepare for my big day, and I couldn't thank them enough; they took the time to mother me. Fiona and Renae have been so gentle about helping me get ready, kind, and supportive. Celine, my lovely daughter-in-law, I am so excited for you and Therian's next step in life. Thank you for letting me be a part of it. Fiona and Celine, I want to share a story with you both; I am so big on relationships with mother and daughter-in-law because when my husband and I first started seeing each other and dating, his mom despised me. I would do everything in my power to try and win her over, but nothing worked, cooking dinner, baking, flowers, talking, bonding, anything you name it. She never took to me and never wanted a relationship with me. I heard these things verbatim as Kail, and I had dinner with his mother; she spoke of her long disapproval of me. I had never heard him so mad; his mother's actions hurt him. She didn't even try to deny how she treated or felt about me, and still, to this day, I go out of my way to be friendly; she still expresses her displeasure regarding me. Kail had enough after she had been treating me the way she did; he stood up for me; it still gives me goosebumps when I speak about it, the passion that resided in his heart, and you, my dear, I would never want us to have an ill-fated relationship that would break my heart. Renae, that story was so sad but liberating because you and your husband had your back without even a question. I wish things with your mother-in-law were never so strained and hurtful. You and my mom are such beautiful souls; I am glad that you are my mother-in-law and that we get to be a family and bond, genuinely be a family. Now that you both have made my eyes fill up and dropped out the flood that has messed up my makeup let's get ourselves ready to get you down the aisle. The moment is finally here, and I see my future husband before me. We lock eyes, and both start balling our eyes out because of how much we love and care for one another; this love is super intense. He looks so handsome; look at him. He is like something from a book or movie; look at Celine. She is so damn gorgeous; my heart is going to fall out of my chest. The two love birds in front of me gather here today to seal their love eternally; I understand you both have things you want to express. Therian, I was damn lost until you came into my world and shook it up; I thought this only happened in romance movies.

I want to be the best version of myself, and you helped me see that I am capable, worthy, and deserving of love. Every day, I will take care of your heart through love and sickness, my love. Celine, my free-spirited wildflower, I was so tired and lost I thought love would never happen to me again, nor did I want it. Then you came in and brought me back to life. Your beauty is imprinted all over you and your heart. I love you so much, and I will take care of your heart, cherish it, love it, and protect it through sickness. Since the vows of love uttered by two people in love, may you find peace, health, and happiness. You both may now kiss each other lovingly. Therian look! What are our parents doing? It has to be something in unison. We love you both, and we're so proud. May love always to prosper. My husband and I love the ring that has to it. We are officially married, and I am now Celine Thorpe; I love how your name sounds. You have made me the happiest man. Seriously, our life is just getting started, and I am so ecstatic, as am I. For is our happy beginning.

41. The floodgates

Damnit, out of all the times, why did my period have to show up? I planned on giving you the greatest pleasure of your life, Therian, life! Babe, periods are everyday things, and I am more than okay that we can't have sex. So, you mean you never want to have sex with me? No, Celine, that is not what I mean; I swear you're trying to push me into a trap. Of course, I love making love to you, but I am not a pig, and I know it's not what you want to hear, but babe, there will be plenty of other times. You're right. That's not what I wanted to digest because I love when we are passionate and making love; this period has brought nothing but bullshit. I wanted to have a great time staying in the water, not just sitting on the sidelines. That's coming out stupidly, Therian. I am having the most incredible time with you, love. Don't think I am not. It's just periods that suck the life out of wanting to have fun. Oh, I know you are having a great time. You didn't even want to acknowledge that your period had happened because you didn't want to ruin both of our times. But babe, you have nothing to worry about. I don't mind doing other things to accommodate your needs. And before you say anything, this is what we call compromise when you are in love and married. I love you and want you to have a great time; just because we can't do anything right now doesn't mean we won't get another chance. Now stop worrying, my love, Therian. You know what to say to put my mind at ease. I was feeling a little anxious, but now I feel better and less ramped up from my negative thoughts. Now I know what we can do with our free time, let's go check out the patisserie place. You know I love you, right? You know just the right things to say. But honestly, Therian is damn patient, and he knows what to say to put my whole body at ease. What would I do without him? But I don't know if I should be upset about my period or if I just let things go with the flow, no pun intended.

42. Daily grind

Oh, Therian, keep fucking me from behind; I am so excited just like that. Can you feel how loud my heart is, babe? I can feel your heart pound just like I feel its heart in your pussy along with the pulsation. I can't help but scream out in passion because he knows what he is doing with those hands and his body, and oh, that beautiful dick, it's so big, I am so wet; he keeps thrusting like that while rubbing my clit. I am going to come so hard. You feel so good. I can't hold out for a little longer for the guy down there; I have never wanted to go so fast and hard. It's when I am with Celine. My body is hers. We are both coming as one now, and I can't stop, look at what you have just done to me, my dear husband, you have made a mess of my love, and now you must take responsibility. Shit! Babe don't get mad, Celine.

You'll be late if I don't get you to work in the next 20 minutes! Damnit, I knew I would be late for something; okay, let's hurry and jet as fast as possible. A client is coming down today to discuss featuring her art in my gallery. It would be best if you didn't miss this. If we go now, we will just have made it in time. The gallery has been expanding as a home to others who need a showcase to voice who they are, and having clients feature gives them a voice and positive exposure; all I do is work the daily grind stops for no one. I want you to know that I am so proud of everything you have accomplished, my radiant wife. You got this, and I am here cheering you along with our babies Mochi and Moon; we love you. Therian, you boosted my confidence; knowing my family supports me clarifies why I do what I do and love doing it.

43. Chapter 32

Therian smells lovely here; it almost smells like a combination of some of my favorite foods! You made a homemade pot of Jambalaya, the heavenly scent. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! MY LOVE, I look over at Mochi and Moon, sitting and looking at me and their human dad. They are wearing these cute little outfits: Mochi is wearing a Teal and White vest, and Moon is rocking her burgundy skirt and a long-sleeved gray top; I couldn't help but smile and chuckle. Therian must've spent so much time getting their outfits together; he is so there, so damn adorable, I look up at the top, and I see this heartfelt letter from Therian; I am so grateful that I get to spend time with you on your birthday, my adorable wife. Each day, I can wake up seeing your eyes and the radiance of your skin, along with that funky morning breath! No, he didn't, Therian! Read the rest, babe, before you get upset. I am just joking, but seriously, I love you and all that Celine brings along our way. I am not the best at letters, but I was able to help make your day marvelous. Oh, Therian, we both have that in common; you have seen how I write, babe; I seem to fail at expressing my meaning. I am so excited and blessed to have you as my husband and best friend; I look forward to spending every birthday together from now on! You got it, the love. I also look forward to spending every birthday now. Come on and let me feed you; dessert is taking care of you, babe. Therian that sounded very subliminal; I know exactly where you were going. I have been fantasizing about that from my husband, especially in the shower when I run my hands on the outskirts of my lips. You know how to make a grown man feel flush, and I need an actual sip of water and a cold shower, Celine. Are you trying to send me to the grave early? Therian, relax, babe. I just wanted to be honest, and your expressions are adorable. But first, Therian, let's enjoy some of your excellent cooking, and thank you so much for all of this, Celine. I hope you know more about where that came from; we're far from done. Don't tell me you went crazy and bought me many gifts. Who knows, maybe I have, but that's my business. I wish they would have all arrived at the same time today. So, expect a bunch of love this week. I love you so much, Celine; you keep me on my toes and then some. That's what I am to do, love, and I love, oh so much, my Therian Thorpe.

44. Hobbies

I still can't get used to that store's title since we are at the Wonderful World of Hobbies and Home Goods. It makes me sound like this store can't be realistic. It is like someone made that name up on a whim. I know what you think. It sounds gorgeous, like someone randomly came up with it, and this was the name they settled on. This store is one of Therian's favorite stores. He could live here if that were an option. This shop has hobbies and stuff for your home, so I love coming here because of the housing section. We heard that they even put in a snack store, and we love snacks, just food in general. I should say, babe, would you like to go to our favorite snack store now? I think it is almost time to pick up our order for the house.

I will not pass up on snacks; let's go and get our favorites so we don't miss our spot in line. I know the lines are crazy in there. Babe, you are so damn smart! Cookies, gummy candies, tarts, cakes, pies, chocolates, everything is calling to me. Let's get one of each; my adorable wife, I love how you think. I started to get a little worried that we weren't going to make it time, so I got what we wanted and hurried out of there, so we didn't miss our spots; what are the odds of that, Therian? We just made it one time. Number 440, you're the items purchased: an Anime vanity set, VR set, two computer setups, and two gamer chairs. Oh, and do more thing: two passes to the annual Hobby Convention. Thank you so much for allowing us both to embark on a new life adventure; my wife is right. We are so appreciative of her. I have only spoken about wanting to attend one day, and this has been a dream since we were both children; you both are so welcome; we have wanted to bring this promotion back, and we finally have gotten the chance. I can't believe Therian and I will get to attend Hobby Co. Many big-name people show up; something like this doesn't happen daily. Therian is smiling so big. I am so excited for him; another one for the books.

45. Home

Where has the time gone? I feel like time is speeding forward. Just yesterday, we were just married, and now it is almost Summer, and the heat has come back around to bless if you could call it that. You're right, babe. It is pretty hot today, but the park near the water makes the wind and the breeze feel so much; I'll race you there, babe. It was so hot out here. What if I pass out? You know, maybe you're right. I don't think I am feeling so good; too much exertion, and I haven't been staying hydrated, Therian! You will send me into an early grave; come on so I can care for you. Now that we are home let the animals lie with you; whenever I don't feel good, just having them bear it makes everything better. Therian, just being home around you 3 reminds me that you all are my home, and it doesn't get much better than this. I need to be better about communicating. I forgot my water bottle; I didn't want my pride to get in the way, so I said nothing and suffered. Therian, you're so damn hard-headed; you know, all you had to say was, babe, I forgot my water bottle; could we get back? And you didn't even have to explain. It is 100-degree weather out here; water is necessary, and heat strokes are a thing, babe. I know. I am sorry; I need to be more proactive or write things down like you. I need to open my mouth because how would you know what I think unless I open my mouth? Baby, you are thinking way too much, Therian. You are just fine, my love; we are just fine, and so are our pets. You and I are home with our two pets, building our home even more, so don't sweat it; we got this.

46. Role-play

Hello, fancy meeting you here. I have only heard your name, and being in conversation, they call you just by one name, Ember, because you shine, and the color of your soul is rare. Oh, you've heard of me huh? It sounds like one of your little friends was gossiping because there is no Ember here; you can call me by X, just a single letter. Forget it, X, this bird has to fly, and you can cage me in even if you try; oh, my sweets, I don't want to cage you; I want to free you, let you fly, and come back whenever you want. Ember, or whatever your name is, your heart is set on not being stuck. You are too free-spirited to settle still; you may know me. The more you speak, X, I want to lay my lip upon yours, Therian. How was that? I have never role-played before; that was one of the most liberating things I have done. I always seem to have conquered my fear when I am with you. I have never really tried roleplaying, but it was you who made me settle on pursuing wanting to role-play, Celine, well I am honored that we are both popping our role-play cherries, no pun intended, once again

47. Feature

Janet, let me start by saying how proud and excited I am to have this double feature in the gallery; I appreciate the chance to put your art on display. Thank you for trusting me. Celine, I should be the one saying thank you. Like me, you are in the art industry and one badass woman with a paintbrush. I am that too, not to be cocky or anything; I know my talent. I had to practice perfectly and work my ass off for what I love; I know that is something we have in common, so thank you for giving me the chance to put myself out there. We are both badass women, Janet. I think this collaboration will have everyone shaken; if there is anything you want to put on display, you have my full blessing to use the gallery your way. I am open to new ideas; thank you for blessing me with using your gallery. I will treat it with so much care like it's my child. I trust you, so let's discuss what we want on display and go from there. A fantastic opening night will ignite a flame, and I am ready for it!

48. Opening night

I am so happy to announce the double feature between Janet and me. We have been working so hard to give you all a surprise for your eyes; we are always open to constructive criticism because we understand that is what it is to be an artist of any kind. There will also be critics who may like or may not like it, but we both have discussed numerous times that we do this for the love of the passion. We could care less about the money. Celine is saying the absolute truth: we do this because this is what we love to do, not because cash is in our faces, but is it reasonable to make a profit doing what you love? Of course, Janet, it's great to do this full-time. We want to share our art with the world and hope you find some connection to each piece; thank you all for listening to us ramble; enjoy. Hey! Babe! That was a great speech. It resonated with who you are and how humble you are naturally, Therian! Baby, thank you so much for coming. I know you were worried that work would run a little later.

Of course, love, I was going to make sure I made it somehow; this gallery is necessary, Celine, my gorgeous burgundy hair goddess; you are essential. Aw! Therian, you know how to make a woman feel so good; your support is pure eternal love; now you know my secret, Celine. Was I good at hiding it? Therian, you know you show every emotion. Although you do try, babe, that is one of the little reasons why I love the hell out of you. You are just too damn cute in a rugged way, Celine. You always know how to make me laugh; I think it's how you say things; wow, both of your and Janet's art pieces are immaculate. We, women, stayed up hours on end trying to come up with ways to integrate our styles all at the same time, and I must say I love how it turned out; if it weren't for the muse behind all the inspiration, I wouldn't have done this, thank you for always choosing me. Celine, I will always continue to choose you. You make things all worth remembering, and you seem to forget. I will remind you every day for the rest of our lives.

49. Venus Flytrap

One of my favorite ways to spend time with my husband and two animals is by working out in the greenhouse backyard; Mochi usually runs around and finds ways to keep himself from boredom. That little guy always finds ways to keep himself entertained, and then he comes and checks on me to supervise and ensure that I am planting up to his standards. I love that dog so much; his personality has indeed come through. Moon likes to come out now and again, but inside is her domain. She has already made her mind up, but every time she wants to check up on me, she loves to come outside when I sit outside near the patio, take a break, and sit beside me. I feel like you are the pet whisperer; they are both in their element and calm for a change. Therian Mochi is tired from running around. He was causing a tornado through the yard.

Moon just came out here; she always knows when I am working out here because she has bonded with you. It's a sweet feeling, huh? It sure is Therian, and it's a beautiful feeling. So I spoke to the Plants Emporium, and they have our plant on backorder, so it looks like we won't be receiving our Venus fly trap soon. I hope you are not disappointed. I wish my plant were here, but I am not disappointed. It will get here when it gets here. We have to wait now, and it gave me a reason to come out here, tidy up my Greenhouse, trim my plants, and tend to them. It all worked out, babe; now you're home, which is my favorite part; we can indulge in each other and recharge our buttons. One of my favorite things to do is recharge my battery with you. It's such a precious moment, and I can't ever get enough; my heart is always yours.

50. Celine & Therian

Celine, would you look at that? It has officially been a whole year since we have been together. I feel like it was just yesterday that we went together, and I was so unsure about all that entails on this journey. We had so much to learn, didn't we, Therian? It seems we are still learning, and this is only the beginning of our story and our illustration of details that we have already created. Celine, if I had to go through this whole journey just to be with you like I said before, I would do it in a heartbeat with no thought, you have brought so much joy and peace to my life, and you give my heart is the sweetest, I love you damn much, and I'll say every day for the rest of lives. Therian, the poet, is what I will always call you. Your words have so much meaning that I get goosebumps every time you speak to me; it's like you are talking to my soul, and I feel it all. I feel your love through and through, and I will always continue to choose you, us, and our pets. Let's see what the present and future have to bring us with our marriage journey. I already have the most extraordinary ride of my life; you and I are both my big lugs. Like I said, babe, we are just getting started.

Ending sentiments


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