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Black Heart

Chapter 5

By Madiha MasoodPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

The atmosphere in Jamal's house was somber, fraught with concern over his daughter's abduction. Heral, a witness to the incident who had tried to intervene, recounted the distressing sequence of events. As Jamal's unease escalated, seizures began to afflict him, and his residence transformed into an impromptu police hub, frequented by undercover officers. The family held their breath, awaiting a ransom demand. However, as the fifth day approached without any word from the kidnappers, the situation took on a more ominous tone. It was clear that this was not your typical abduction. Preferring discretion, they refrained from broadcasting the issue. Only Jamal, Hydr's family, and their inner circle were privy to the abduction details. In the living room, the group's anxiety was palpable, heightened by Hydr's presence. Amid deliberations, Kareem, Zabel's brother, suggested involving Kaan, a seasoned businessman with expertise in import and export, and a significant presence in port operations. Despite initial reservations, the gravity of the situation swayed Jamal to embrace any potential solution. Kaan's participation ensued, and during discussions, a chilling realization set in – the abduction ran deeper than ransom. With law enforcement assistance, it was confirmed that Zabel hadn't left the country. Suspicion turned to a disturbing conclusion: the captor was intimately acquainted with Zabel. Heral shared a troubling insight – this abduction was premeditated, specifically targeting Zabel. Jamal spearheaded investigations into her connections, peers, and activities. The mystery deepened, leaving him grappling with uncertainty about the kidnapper's identity and motives. Heral retrieved Zabel's laptop, yet initial searches yielded no pertinent clues. Despite the setbacks, the family remained steadfast. Heral vowed to probe further among Zabel's contacts. Jamal, torn between anxiety and confusion, found solace in his daughter's resolute spirit. United by their determination, they pledged to unveil the truth behind Zabel's abduction, determined to bring her back home.

Despite the canines being removed from her vicinity, she remained akin to a lifeless form. Adhering to her customary routine, breakfast was duly delivered to her, a tray laden with sustenance she dared not touch. Her gaze remained fixed upon it, and eventually, she rose and ventured into the washroom. It was there that her reflection evoked horror - a pallid countenance, marked by a life-force dwindled to near insignificance due to a marked weight loss. Emerging from the washroom, she took her seat, bowing her head upon her knees, her gaze directed outward through the window. The sun's rays filtered in, casting a subdued radiance. The memory resurfaced of him warning her that if she refused sustenance, he would reveal her ordeal to her parents. Yet, she found herself indifferent, a resolute apathy, knowing that her father, family, and Hydr might witness her ravaged state as a consequence of her violation. A sense of hopelessness descended upon her as she contemplated her perceived end in this captivity. She mused on the notion that dying within these confines would spare her family the knowledge of her torment, for the weight of such a revelation was unfathomable. Lost within her contemplation, a presence settled before her, and a voice addressed her. Raising her head, she encountered a scrutinizing gaze that assessed her profoundly. His observation was followed by a remark that she was no longer endearing, a sentiment that elicited a chuckle from him. Meeting his eyes squarely, she declared her intent to abstain from nourishment until her demise. His gaze lingered upon her visage, and he spoke, acknowledging her family's concern and the frenzy her disappearance had incited within the city. The mention of Jamal, succumbing to seizures upon receiving the news, left her eyes brimming with tears. In response to his taunt, she retorted that he would face hellish retribution. His demeanor shifted, proposing a pact - she would ingest sustenance as a compliant servant in exchange for a conversation with her father. A flicker of shock crossed her expression, soon replaced by a familiar sense of resignation upon realizing the deception inherent in his words. Extracting a phone from his pocket, he informed her that she would converse with her father, but not without adhering to certain conditions, lest her sister be placed in the same predicament. Their gaze met, her anger palpable, though he remained indifferent to her emotions. With the deal established, she conceded, recognizing that this might well be her final discourse with her family. The dialing of the number initiated a cacophony within her chest, as the phone's speaker projected her father's voice. Upon hearing his greeting, she fought to control her emotions, her voice finally breaking through to utter "daad." Jamal's reaction was immediate, the room stirring with concerned voices. His frantic inquiry as to her whereabouts prompted her response - she found herself trapped in an infernal abyss, a plea to rescue her before her spirit faltered. His voice, thick with tears, vowed that he would locate her. Amid the turmoil, she affirmed her love for them, her absence compounding her longing. Though the audience was silent, their collective determination to find her was palpable. Yet, she understood the gravity of her role in her rescue. Her response was unwavering - her abductor aimed to extinguish her soul, a pursuit that had succeeded to a degree. She beseeched her father to avenge her, even if her life were forfeit. As the masked figure's voice abruptly interrupted, her final words resonated - declarations of love and unity. The call concluded, and Jamal promptly briefed the authorities, firm in his conviction that Zabel remained within the city's confines. The knowledge of her voice, though strained, brought him a measure of solace - she existed, albeit in a harrowing state.

During those three minutes spent conversing with her father, the depth of their concern brought her a fleeting sense of peace. Though brief, that solace provided a respite. Holding the tray, she consumed her food while under his scrutiny. His presence loomed as she ate, and upon finishing, she informed him that he could leave, as she had fulfilled his stipulations. He responded, expressing unwavering faith in her adherence to the agreement, but also divulging his intention to share more time with her. His appearance remained shrouded by a grotesque mask, revealing only his eyes - a sight she found unsettling. With a cryptic comment, he implied contemplation about her future should her parents find her. She turned her gaze toward him, seeking clarification. He posed a question about her prospects for a normal life, speculating that her existence might forever be tainted by their encounters. The notion triggered a mixture of emotions in her, yet she countered his assertion, promising that she would never allow him peace. His laughter filled the room, unsettling her. He continued, questioning whether her lover, Hydr, still held feelings for her. Her response was tinged with tears as she affirmed her conviction to reunite with Hydr in a realm beyond this world, where individuals like him would face their retribution. This time, his mirth subsided, replaced by a glimpse of anger in his eyes. He departed, leaving her alone amidst her tears. The depth of her sorrow was profound, surpassing any tears she had shed in her life before. Everything had been stripped away - her essence, her existence, her love - and yet her spirit endured. The weight of her despair pressed heavily upon her, and she beseeched a higher power for deliverance from this torment, praying for release from the inferno in which she was trapped.

HorrorTrue CrimeThrillerMystery

About the Creator

Madiha Masood

Dealing with a profound burden and enduring agony in search of solace, I made the choice to document my experiences and paint the world with my vibrant thoughts, hoping to receive recognition and understanding for my efforts.

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    Madiha MasoodWritten by Madiha Masood

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