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Rin's Golden Dream

Rin's Golden Dream

By ANNA CORALPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

Rain lashed against the rickety shack, the wind howling like a famished wolf. Inside, huddled beneath a threadbare blanket, sat Rin. A skinny girl of ten, with eyes the color of storm clouds and hair like tangled seaweed, she clutched a worn book, its pages filled with fantastical tales of faraway lands and unimaginable wealth. It was her only escape from the harsh reality of her life.

Rin was an orphan, scavenging the unforgiving streets of the sprawling city of Aethel. Her days were spent begging for scraps and dodging the cruel kicks of the city guards. But at night, within the pages of her book, she dreamt of a world beyond the grimy alleys and overflowing gutters. A world of gilded palaces, overflowing markets, and streets paved with gold.

One particularly brutal winter, hunger gnawed at Rin more fiercely than usual. Driven by desperation, she ventured into an unfamiliar district, her heart pounding against her ribs. There, nestled amidst towering buildings with gleaming glass windows, sat a magnificent jewelry store. Curiosity piqued, Rin pressed her nose against the glass, mesmerized by the glittering gems on display.

Suddenly, a booming voice startled her. A portly man with a handlebar mustache and a booming laugh emerged from the store. Mr. Alwin, the renowned jeweler of Aethel, known for his fiery temper and an even fiercer love for gemstones.

"What are you looking at, street rat?" he bellowed, his voice echoing in the narrow street.

Rin flinched, ready to flee. But something stopped her. Mustering all her courage, she pointed to a simple silver ring with a single, intricately carved sapphire in the center. "That one," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Mr. Alwin's booming laughter filled the air. "A beggar with an eye for beauty? Interesting." He beckoned her closer, his gaze scrutinizing. Rin, wary but determined, stepped forward.

Taking the ring from the display, Mr. Alwin held it out to her. "Tell me, why this one?" His voice, though still loud, held a hint of curiosity.

Rin met his gaze, her storm-cloud eyes filled with a surprising intensity. "It looks strong," she said, her voice firm. "Like it can withstand anything."

Mr. Alwin's booming laughter surprised her again. "Strong, eh? You, a street rat, know anything about strength?" He studied her for a moment longer, then a slow smile spread across his face. "Tell you what," he boomed, "Clean yourself up, come back tomorrow, and if you can impress me, maybe you can earn this ring."

Bewildered but hopeful, Rin scurried back to her shack. The next day, she used the last of her meager earnings to wash herself clean and mend her tattered clothes. Returning to the jewelry store, she stood before Mr. Alwin, her newfound confidence a flicker in her eyes.

Mr. Alwin, impressed by her tenacity, presented her with a challenge. He gave her a tray of jumbled gemstones and asked her to identify them. Rin, remembering the nights spent pouring over her book, meticulously sorted the gems, her knowledge surprising even Mr. Alwin.

"You have a sharp eye and a sharp mind, child," he boomed, a hint of respect in his voice. He handed her the silver sapphire ring. "Welcome aboard, Rin. You start tomorrow as my apprentice."

And so began Rin's journey from rags to riches. Under Mr. Alwin's gruff tutelage, she blossomed. She learned about the history and value of gemstones, the art of crafting exquisite jewelry, and most importantly, the power of resilience. Her storm-cloud eyes gleamed with a newfound intelligence and her calloused hands grew skilled in the delicate art of jewelry making.

Years passed, and Rin, no longer the scrawny street rat, transformed into a beautiful young woman with a keen eye and a cunning mind. Her designs, inspired by her childhood dreams, captured the imagination of the city. Word of her talent spread beyond Aethel, and soon, the nobility from neighboring kingdoms were clamoring for her creations.

Rin, the once-forgotten orphan, became the most sought-after jeweler in the land. The rickety shack was a distant memory, replaced by a workshop filled with gleaming tools and precious stones. But Rin never forgot her humble beginnings. She used her wealth to provide shelter and education for orphans, giving them the same chance she was given – a chance to escape the storm and chase their own dreams under the starlight.

Rin's story became a legend in Aethel, a testament to the power of determination, talent, and a little bit of magic found within a worn book on a rainy night. The girl who once dreamt of streets paved with gold had created her own golden destiny, one dazzling jewel at a time.

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I am a writer at vocal.

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  5. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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