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High standards of the soul

"Embracing purity and purpose"

By Nidhi Gohil Published 4 days ago 10 min read
High standards of the soul
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Positivity Negativity and Neutral state

Neutrality in mind allows to stop flow of thinking in present condition and tries to generate query to rise higher in plane.

This is my concept about the universe we create unaware within, which evolves gradually in certain time frame in making aware life after life to unite outer universes of absolute different quality which exists and makes the difference in our perception.

Charge is one motive force for making a movement for action and is simple like electric charge where flow of current to light bulb or activate any electric apparatus has to flow through between negative and positive with its action by nature of resistance provided in the loop.

Lighting a bulb or rotating a fan is simple example for layman to understand.

Wheels and power of wheel by rotating in a motor by flowing charge is another wonder that has been used in initial development in our every department of modern life.

Electric power is converted into mechanical power in infinite applications we use in domestic use a well as industrial application.

Charge is designated negative and positive which is associated with earthing to prevent charge slipping in giving a shock in real life when we speak about electric power.

Charge thus is motive used for function externally that results certain action so to give its result.

Is there anything existing outside and is not within us or can mind even know or discovering anything which mind can do & not see or feel, I feel is not possible.

We have a mind that thinks and reasons as independent additional facility because there are many activities of minds which are dependent for conveying or transmitting messages within and outside.

This is wonderful action which denotes transmitting as such could use no motive of charge theoretically in its best.

Well in actual there is some charge positive or negative associated unaware which could create difference in transmission and acceptance of message.

Does this happen or not between two minds when we convey certain thing and others receiving could listen and connect the essence with difference.

Who lost the essence and why?

We would know later but lets us know within its role and flow which happens, and charge associated.

Negative is force which flows or is active so having question in mind can be said as negative charge which is searching answer searching positive charge to complete the loop to satisfy.

When we get an answer are we satisfied or have doubts?

What could we mean by this?

Can an unsatisfied mind leave with negative charge that keeps causing doubt and continues searching the right solution to be satisfied.

Are we ever satisfied?

We could feel satisfied conditionally which means we have ourselves fixed certain constants that over rules the neutrality that can denote charges being neutralized its effect.

Minds’ quest can be big cause to create negative charge but feeling or emotion that works in different frequencies with similar flow working as some sort of charge which is overseen though is influencing the result.

So, clash happens with of reasoning within and emotions which can work in same frequency or can work with big difference.

There is lots of theory on matter and anti-matter of universe in cosmos which is being searched / discovered by scientists which talks for having matter that corresponds to anti-matter with opposite charge which is also said as dark matter of invisible nature.

This means what is not visible also can exist which I try to base my hypothesis here simple reason as below.

When we speak of the universe, we try to see its different planets and find different nature and composition to see what more hidden secret knowledge they can provide.

What we perceive in our mind also is like a universe with same or higher value.

If we agree what the mind thinks its end-result is manifestation where mind itself is invisible component even if it has relation with brain as an organ.

We humans as on days evolutionary stage are able to connect manifestation of thoughts which can be seen by our senses so in some form of physical nature and by way of its effect can be felt by our senses.

So, we know about any product and application as end-fruit it can generate negative of positive shock in mind by way of agreeing or disagreeing by our sense even if we are not able to see it.

Thus, manifestation of thought when is manifested in product and applications and if such commodity is useful and making something efficient become famous and starts changing life pattern.

We make tools for making our effort efficient, we save time.

This can be seen as positive and constructive output

Time saved by researchers and searching scientists could be none as their mind could never be in rest (neutral) but navigating in a different universe which they have identified working as window they have opened.

However, who use the product and application if save time could misuse time in attracting on past and future or desire or … act which restricts in creating their universe within.

My concept is about the universe we create unaware, which can be evolved by gradually moving towards being aware make two different universes of absolute different quality.

Condition is so important which is playing this inference for which the same mind can’t have any control unless it is worked by getting away from duality.

Duality can be won continuously even by saints who experience even for fraction of moment have vision that attracts their total perception modifying to observe when they come back in duality.

This is possibly the best way to define the state of realization which saints reach by purification in their lifetime by different effort leading to different output from them.

The divine or universal law has its own demand for evolution to follow a path and that can be done by sowing the idea in mind of such saintly mind who are ready in condition to obey and manifest.

Humanitarian acts in the heterogeneous civilizing world need as growth can be not similar which have grown and evolved under different influence of outer environment and resulting variation of inner environment developing over time.

Availability of food and climate as natural environment along with belief and growth of mind in respective place which have been active in scientific and other human development are different.

When dependence has been made on money as in modern time, we see it as global economy whereas growth in different places varies in different degrees bringing human in a paradox situation.

Neutral state of mind even if can be experienced by mind to be realized is not affected by manmade variations as that state is of higher plane normally mortal mind can think and know.

So, the idea what mind perceives as truth by mortal mind is one part of universe but that doesn’t mean what such mortal mind can’t see is nothing.

Humanitarian minds are realized to bring in order on variation on civilization or growth which is an attempt to help weaker and left out people, nations or entities to align and or civilize them if they have been lacking by support, they can give.

Scientists and researchers who invent and discover also belong in such category with possibly certain lesser degree who try to concentrate in their goal which could even appear adventurous by others after they come up with transforming results.

They are the first to dive into such a mission unknown to dig out secrets and when they bring the knowledge on surface, they find many following their manifested ideas.

Invention of scientific nature also is same art that works on concentration deeply on one subject for years when it is idea which enters their mind space which helps in working and connecting with matter resulting something unique which is new for us.

Inventions today can be revolutionary in nature because that suit well in the changed condition of nature outer and inner we human have created.

As nature is ever changing the new inventions appeal gather attention and become commodity or of such nature for general public.

With time change continues so new inventions also are bound to have their limit and require another new idea.

So, with ‘time’ conditions would change and new invention could be useless and if we consider this fact in the environment region globally it is changing environment which is governing the new research.

But we also would find that as we are moving from mechanical age to electrical age to electronic age and so forth an average person could be able to connect the need and greed is polluting environment.

The pollution in external environment and disharmony in overall condition of evolution or growth of civilization is creating gaps in inner environment.

These are temporary events and can take another 100 or odd years to re-establish.

Who would lead in this step?

Humanitarian and saints with higher knowledge would guide the residue intelligent people in power in manmade world.

As matter and non-matter is what can be seen and what cannot be seen does exist.

Further it is said that it is light and sound which enables it to vibrate in certain frequency that enables it to manifest life in with matter which can be seen subsequently.

So, this works in mind too, which eventually manifests by the thoughts and ideas that crops. The results are bound by the factor of time as variable which could be known in divine sense and be missed in mortal mind.

The gap between two allows to work in moving the universal law in different matter or different set up which happen to be part of same whole universe.

The outside universe is more about scientific discovery which is being done and if it is said 8 to 10% is matter and rest is antimatter human have to know a lot.

It could be possible by much higher and greater knowledge which only time would tell.

However, the universe within the human mind has its own place which indirectly learns and seeks new height by expanding this universe which we can say by intelligence word only.

Intelligence itself is a ladder that evolves and intelligence which can move with changing time can be thought of as intuitive skills on the day.

Possibly this intuitive skill could be a natural trait in mind who fulfill the condition and in way of our human understanding happens to be known as unconditional nature.

In today, scenario, when scientific growth is advancing, has been changing way of living which is non uniform growth in the world.

The values that were norms in living together and sharing are changing in living independent lose values as their primary subject.

When value is put in back bench rules are created which are manmade so very far from ideal keeps gap in society and different part of world that works against common interest.

Urbanization and unequal growth are causing loss of nature, loss of mineral under earth, loss of greenery on earth so loss of environment harmony.

This is being registered by people, scientists and nations and to solve as we move to eliminate one known problem another unknown comes in front.

Change in weather has become norm in every part of earth including north and south poles which have stored ice and is melting to increase sea level

The sound and light are responsible in manifesting life and also destroying life as they are contemporary working for overall harmony even if we see against our own interest by mortal mind.

So great minds who reach a level of saintly hood as explained earlier in this concept I view act in creating harmony in people globally as one small but significant step.

There is another lot of unknown saints who have realized higher stature, trying to seek higher knowledge by meditation, samadhi or in isolation have blessing of God who have discarded worldly life we know.

If the disturbing environment is causing concern in scientist to find an alternative way to control who could keep finding some clue but unable to work with changing time and need.

The environment change in mind of mortal is also a matter of concern which is not being answered by scientists as not being on their part is also creating noise within which causes in them to affect society in this world.

The sound and light thus move for destruction as it is used in manifestation of life.

It is a balancing act of nature where at a critical time those hidden saints could be instrument in resorting the civilization when destruction happens affecting the world.

And this shall be a point where a new rise of mind and evolution of mind could proceed faster and differently which could be able to manifest things which it could be difficult to imagine today.

So, neutrality of mind as we understand is not of absolute ideal nature but strong enough to balance energies and curb negativity enough for sifting the foundation to rise in higher plane.

It is persistence and following with faith which keeps them away with desire and selfishness and along with negative traits which they move up and fall down ……. As we experience in present condition in evolving in the present lower plane.

So, charge has to exist for time to flow and follow a path of ever changing that itself is a process to have question.

Quest works with universe one has created which needs to rise subject of satisfying the required conditions that need high quality thinking and feeling.

This high quality is by purity standard which is continuous need to discover / invent by practicing best standards as service of mankind and service of inner soul and be ready to experience cause and effect unaffecting which needs high moral, courage.

Inclination as a seed has to be nurtured for which grain is already sown in us which our awareness can bring on surface to manifest.

We are alone as individuals but have the same component of soul that exists in every atom or other life which has to be respected as simple way of using our mind to attract consciousness in our inner world to make decisions.


About the Creator

Nidhi Gohil

When life took a different turn, I grew distant from people and closer to books📖. Since then, I started writing my emotions instead of speaking them.🍁

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    Nidhi Gohil Written by Nidhi Gohil

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