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Heaven's Sister

Chương 5

By QuangPublished 18 days ago 4 min read

The school in town is completely different from the one in my hometown. Although it lacks the cool shade of trees, it is very spacious and clean. After the initial two days of confusion, the son of our neighbor in the countryside helped me find a room near the school. I share the room with a Tay guy who came to the town to study on a scholarship.Outside of school, I often take walks near the lake, go to the stadium to watch football matches, and sometimes, when I feel too sad, I climb up the water tower near the school to sit and gaze at the small houses, cars, and trees below. Being in a new school and class, most of my classmates come from well-off families in the town. With my poor and unsophisticated appearance, it's difficult for me to fit in with them. However, I don't really mind. I don't have a strong desire to socialize with anyone; I just want to go to school and come back home. If someone asks me something, I will answer, but otherwise, I'm fine spending whole days without saying a word. For some time, I was considered an eccentric in the class, but it didn't bother me much.Every month, at the beginning of the month, my stepmother sends me rice, money, salt, and other necessary items. Without fail, she ensures I never go hungry or lack anything. Sometimes, the children write letters to me. The letters usually have three parts: one from my grandmother, one from my stepmother, and a short line at the end from the children saying, "Mr. Bi, try to study well..." Even though the content is often the same, I still feel excited every time I receive a letter. My stepmother's handwriting is round and neat, and I can sense her emotions through the words.Despite the school not being too far from my house, around 50 kilometers, in the past, it was challenging to make the journey and we were concerned about the expenses. Therefore, I always stayed at school until Tet (Lunar New Year) and didn't go home.One day, when I returned home from school, I saw Luyen standing in front of the house, holding a piece of paper with an address in her hand. I was surprised and asked her, "Did you ride your bike all the way here? It's such a long distance, are you crazy?"She explained that she had two days off, so she came to visit me. She left at 5:00 a.m. and had just arrived. Moreover, she also wanted to see what the town was like.I helped her unload the items from her bicycle—a bag of rice, my grandmother's cakes, half of an aunt's duck, and a bag of crushed grilled rice paper due to the long journey.That night, she slept in my room because I didn't want her to ride back home at night, fearing for her safety. The Tay guy knew what to do, so he went to sleep over at a neighbor's house. Since my room was small, there wasn't enough space for three people. Luyen was tired from the long journey, so she took a shower and then fell asleep. I sat and studied until late at night.My room is only 12 square meters wide and cluttered with various things, so the sleeping area also serves as the dining and reception area. I lay down next to her, which was the first time in my life I slept so close to a girl. I turned to face the wall, but something compelled me to turn and look at her. Luyen is in 8th grade now, entering adolescence. In the dim light of the study lamp, I suddenly realized that she was no longer the dark-skinned girl from before. After two years at home, where she no longer had to tend to buffaloes or catch snails, and no longer had to endure hardships, she had become plump and her skin had become much fairer. I lay on my side, facing her, and suddenly I realized that compared to all the girls I had ever met or studied with, she was the most beautiful... She was incredibly beautiful, and I wondered why I had only just realized it now. Maybe it was because I had been away from home for half a year, and everything seemed unfamiliar...I gazed at her until midnight, then went out for a walk. I was afraid of myself, afraid of my trembling hands reaching out and pulling back, afraid of my own desires. I felt repulsive and ugly, like a devil...The next morning, I wrote a letter requesting permission to leave school and took her around town. With just a little over half a month left until Tet, the streets were unusually beautiful. Or perhaps it was something within me that made everything suddenly appear beautiful? I wasn't sure anymore; all I knew was that Luyen stared blankly at the rows of tall buildings and the bustling, crowded market, which were completely different from thesmall, deserted market back home.I drove her to my school to show her around, bought her a sandwich from outside the school gate, which wasn't available in the countryside, and even bought her a hairpin. It had been a while since I had seen her smile. Her smile was different from other girls; there was a hint of distant sadness in it, even though I knew she was genuinely happy.When it was time for her to leave, I blurted out, "Be careful when riding back. When you reach home, go to Ms. Tu's house and call me using the number I just wrote down." After saying that, I realized it was the first time I had called her "you." But it didn't matter; I could tell we were both old enough to address each other that way, and I knew it made her happy.

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    QWritten by Quang

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