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Summer ⛱️ solstice

How it's feel

By Abhishek singh Published 13 days ago 2 min read
Summer solstice

In the hush of midsummer's eve,

When the sun lingers longest,

And the world holds its breath,

I find myself drawn

To the quiet embrace

Of the solstice's gentle glow.

Amidst fields of amber grain,

Where the earth hums with life,

I trace the arc of the sun

As it reaches its zenith,

A golden crown in a sapphire sky,

Marking the pinnacle of its journey.

Birdsong weaves through the air,

A symphony of summer's chorus,

Celebrating the light that lingers,

In every leaf and blade of grass,

In the dance of dragonflies

And the whispered secrets of flowers.

Time stretches and bends,

Under the solstice's tender touch,

Moments become eternities,

And the world feels suspended,

In a fleeting, timeless pause,

Where dreams are born and nurtured.

I walk along paths dappled with sunlight,

Beneath the canopy of ancient trees,

Their branches reaching skyward,

In silent homage to the sun,

Their leaves a tapestry of green and gold,

Painted by the hand of summer.

In the heart of this radiant day,

I find a sanctuary of peace,

Where worries fade like morning mist,

And the rhythm of life beats strong,

In harmony with the earth's gentle pulse,

A reminder of nature's resilience.

As the sun begins its slow descent,

Casting shadows that stretch and sigh,

I feel the cool kiss of evening breeze,

And watch as colors deepen and blend,

In the canvas of the darkening sky,

A masterpiece painted by twilight.

On this eve of solstice,

I offer a silent prayer,

For the blessings of summer's bounty,

For the warmth that fills my soul,

And for the light that guides my way,

Through the seasons that ebb and flow.

For in the solstice's embrace,

I find a sacred connection,

To the rhythms of the earth,

To the cycles of life and renewal,

To the beauty that surrounds us all,

In this timeless dance of existence.

So let us celebrate this solstice,

With hearts full and spirits bright,

As we welcome the sun's embrace,

And honor the gifts of summer's light,

For in these fleeting days of solstice,

We find joy, we find peace, we find love.


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

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ASWritten by Abhishek singh

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