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What Makes a Good Blog Topic?

5 Tips for Selecting Your Blog Topic

By HassanPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
What Makes a Good Blog Topic?
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Imagine you were given a blank piece of paper and told to write your blog post. What would you write about? You could talk about anything. Well, yes and no. While it's true that absolutely any topic can make for a good blog post or essay, some topics are more suited to certain types of writing than others. That's why this guide exists: to help you find your perfect topic! Here are my top tips on what makes a good blog topic:

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Every Idea Is a Good Idea

Every idea is a good idea. It's true! No need to be an expert on a subject to write about it - or even care about it all that much, as long as you're interested in learning more. So if you have been wondering how to find blog topics that your readers will love, this post is for you.

There are many different types of topics that can work well on blogs:

  • Topics where you are already knowledgeable (and want to share your knowledge with others)
  • Novelty topics - things like kittens and puppies!
  • Something related to personal experiences, such as travel stories or how-to guides for everyday life tasks

But perhaps the essential thing is getting started with whatever topic interests us most at any given moment.

By Shahram Anhari on Unsplash

Think of What Things You Have to Say That Is Different From Everyone Else

As you read through the list of topics, think about what things you have to say that is different from everyone else. Then, ask yourself: What is it that I am passionate about? What do I know more than most people? In what way can my experience be practical or attractive to others?

If a topic doesn't jump out at you as being something that would interest people, go back through the list and look again. If a topic seems like it would be fun and exciting but not particularly unique (for example, if a blog post on good ideas for travel photography was already written by someone else), then think of a different angle or approach. The key here is not just thinking about what your readers want but also considering how much time and effort will be involved in creating an excellent post for them.

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How Do You Want to Present Your Ideas?

When you decide on a topic, it's essential to determine how you want to present your ideas. For example, are you going to write a blog post that is more personal or more formal? Are you going to write a blog post that is more conversational or more formal? Are you going to write a blog post that is more technical or more conversational?

Personal and informal: If the tone of your article is unique and informal—almost like talking with someone in person—this will help readers feel connected with what you're saying. For example: "Hi!" instead of "Hello there." Or: "I've noticed something weird about this website" instead of "There appears to be an issue with the website." These are simple examples but can go a long way toward making your writing feel warm and inviting.

Formal and conversational: If the tone of your article has no slang words (like "cool"). The readers may want things explained in greater detail when they don't understand why certain things are happening in real life (such as medical tests). These details might not interest all audiences, so make sure they won't detract from what's being said overall before using them, if possible.

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What Kind of Form Would You Like Your Blog to Take?

If you're looking for inspiration, take a look at these types of blogs:

A personal blog is precisely what it sounds like: a space to write about your life and share it with others. Some examples are The Blonde Salad, Postcards from the Edge of Prose, and Diary of an Eccentric.

A professional blog can be any content—from industry news to industry opinions—written by people in a particular profession (like digital marketing). Some examples are Moz Blogs and Copyblogger Blogs.

Topics of these blogs can include travel, food, fashion, sports, technology, health, music, and so on! You can choose any topic that piques your interest and make it an excellent blog if you write about it well enough.

By Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Try Some Out

It would help if you tried out some of the topics you've thought of. Then, if they work, keep them! You can always write down all your ideas on a list and then decide later which ones to use.

Write down some topics that you think might interest you and your readers. Try them out! If they work, keep them. If not, try something else. You can always write down all your ideas on a list and then decide later which ones to use. However, you may think, "I don't have enough ideas!". If you feel like this, start writing your thoughts down so they are fresh when you need them. You might also find that there is a pattern to what interests people. For example, if many gardening-related topics interest you, consider starting a blog about gardening or plants.

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Good Blog Topic Is Just About Any Topic

You might have heard of the rule that you should only blog about things you love and are passionate about. There are a few reasons for this:

  • It will be easier to keep writing when you enjoy what you're writing about. It's way more fun to write something if it strikes your fancy than if it doesn't.
  • You will make mistakes less often when you're passionate about something. Our brains automatically can pick up on small details that might otherwise go unnoticed by someone else (like how many times did I say "blog topics?").
  • Your readers will enjoy reading your content more because they trust its quality and authenticity. They know there isn't anything to boost pageviews or other reasons people have been using lately with their blogs!


You can't worry about whether or not your idea is the best one out there. That's a trap! Instead, focus on what you want to say and how you want to say it—and write! If you follow these guidelines and try some out, I guarantee that an excellent blog topic will come along eventually.

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About the Creator


I'm a data scientist by day and a writer by night, so you'll often find me writing about Analytics. But lately, I've been branching into other topics. I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them.

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    HassanWritten by Hassan

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