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Some of the Most Mysterious Places in the World. Part 2

from dolls to twins whats next

By Beulah FrancisPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Bermuda and Crooked forest

As mentioned in part one, we are going to explore some of the most mysterious places on Earth.

The Dolls' Island The island of the dolls in Mexico is well known, but not everyone is familiar with the complete story behind it. It is a doozy, as befits something so horrible. All began decades ago when Don Julian Santana moved to an island lake in the shochimilco canals after abandoning his wife and child. Some claim that a young girl actually perished in the lake, but many people are convinced that Julian Santana made up the drowned girl. Julian dedicated his life to paying tribute to this lost soul in a fascinating yet unsettling way by gathering and hanging hundreds of dolls. Eventually, Julian turned the entire island into a kind of bizarre, eerie doll-infested nightmare Wonderland. Near his home, Don Julian Santana reportedly started assembling lost dolls. He is also rumored to have bartered locals his vegetables for additional dolls. The island of the Dolls has become a popular destination for dark tourists over the years, even when the dolls arrived in good condition the wind and weather turned them into cracked and distorted versions of themselves. Santana didn't even clean the dolls or attempt to fix them; instead, he put them up with missing eyes and limbs covered in dirt and generally in whatever ramshackle State he found them in. Even though most people found the island to be unsettling, Don Julian kept his cabin packed with dolls that he dressed in headdresses, sunglasses, and other accessories. In 2001, Don Julian Santana was discovered drowned in the same spot where he believed the young girl had perished. It is a sad story that has managed to come full circle because Don Julian considered the dolls as lovely defenders and welcomed visitors whom he would show around and charge a small fee for taking photos.

You never encounter Codini. Only three out of every 100 pregnancies result in two kids, making the odds of having twins quite low.move to India, however, and twin births are even rarer, but don't go telling that to The Villages of Codeine the village is incredibly small with only 2000 households, despite the fact that it has one of the highest twin birth rates in the world. Codini first came to the attention of the world in 2008 when it was discovered that there had been nearly 250 pairs of twins born here over the previous several decades. Even more, according to the local Dr. Krishnan Shrabiju, are thought to exist in the area. How could this occur? What is it about Codini that causes such an unusual phenomenon? The answer isn't the environment; rather, it is the people. Even women who leave the village are more likely to give birth to twins. Scientists have theorized that the mysteriously high twinning rate in the village may be related to contaminants in the water, but the doctor disputes this theory because the rate of birth defects in codeine is no higher than anywhere else in India. Instead, genetic researchers from India, Germany, and the UK are examining the DNA of the village's twins to try to understand the mysterious cause. The most likely explanation for this twinning is genetics; however, it is still puzzling to enter a village where one half of the population resembles the other. If the twin birthing gene is so prevalent in this area, it makes sense that the dominant gene is being passed down from generation to generation.

One of the most mysterious places on earth, the Bermuda Triangle, also known as The Devil's Triangle, is located in a region of the North Atlantic that is bordered by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. Since the 1800s, more than a thousand ships and planes have vanished within its borders, leaving no trace of their whereabouts. Theories abound as to what could be causing these disappearances. Some conspiracy theorists contend that the disappearances are the result of extraterrestrial activity, with aliens capturing ships and planes for their own unknown objectives. Others refer to the region's strong currents, which can lead ships and airplanes to drift off course and become lost. Some of the most famous disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle include the USS Cyclops, a Navy ship that vanished without a trace in the teen years with 309 crew members aboard, and Flight 19, a group of five Navy bombers that vanished in 1945 while on a training mission. In neither case were any wrecks or bodies ever discovered. Leaving their Destinies Unknown Whatever the cause, the Bermuda Triangle continues to be one of the most mysterious and fascinating places on Earth, capturing the imaginations of people all over the world despite the many theories and stories surrounding it. While some think that the disappearances are the result of natural phenomena or human error, others are convinced that there is something supernatural at work.

The Crooked Forest fusing dark fantasy and strange ecological conditions In Poland's Kasibilas the Crooked Forest, a group of 400 trees are all inexplicably and uniformly twisted. Hovering only a few inches above the ground, the trees then make a dramatic sudden bend upwards toward the sky, rounding into little J shapes as they ascend. The strange shape of the trees has no clear explanation, and the legends surrounding them range from the practical to the fantastic. The most plausible theory among those looking for an explanation is that the trees may have simply been buried under a severe snowstorm when they were young, and nature simply took its course from there. Others think the gravitational pull in that region is so strong that it distorted the trunks. The most intriguing theory contends that after the trees were planted in 1925, local foresters modified them. According to reports, the foresters intervened when their trees were just 10 years old, refusing to let the trees grow upwards in the hopes of exploiting the bench shapes to build furniture. Every tree in the Crooked Forest has the same haunting Bend, but despite bent Beginnings they have all grown to be tall and seem unaffected by their curves. However, when World War II reared its ugly head in 1939, the Foresters abandoned those efforts, leaving behind an ominous ecological mark on the forest. The Crooked Forest is the last place you'd want to find yourself alone at night. Trees are resilient, so they continue to thrive, depending on one branch they had left to take over complete function and grow upwards. Whatever damage occurred to one tree must have happened to them all because they all remain uniform in deformity.

Built in the 17th century, India's Bhangarh Fort is believed to be the most haunted place in the country, leading the locals to build a town away from the abandoned military installation and forbid anyone from entering the grounds after sunset. The fort is made up of a small city with temples, palaces, and multiple gates, all of which are said to be crawling with ghosts and goblins. The expansive grounds are located at the foot of a mountain but two remain The first legend in Above the Rest describes a holy man who lived in Bhangarh Fort and constructed a home that he did not want to be eclipsed by any other homes. He threatened to destroy the entire fort if the shadow of any taller buildings ever touched his home. The second major Legend states that a curse was placed on a city by a legendary wizard as he was killed by a woman he tried and failed to cast a spell on. Someone built a grander house, the Shadows creeped in on his home, and he subsequently burned the fort to the ground. Despite so many people avoiding the fort, it is still remarkably well-preserved. The fort is even open to visitors during the day, but come Sundown all bets are off. The archaeological Survey of India has put up a signed reading quote it's strictly forbidden to enter the fort after sundown. When he was crushed by a boulder, he cursed the city to burn down, and sure enough, a marauding party soon raided the fort and killed every inhabitant. Both of these legends are equally sinister and only serve to heighten the sense of unease that permeates the stone walls. Going there at night, according to some locals, means staying there forever; I suppose there's only one way to find out Legal action will be taken against people who do not abide by these directions before Sunrise and after sunset, and quote that's the lovely version. Going there at night, according to some locals, means staying there forever; I suppose there's only one way to find out.

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Beulah Francis


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    Beulah FrancisWritten by Beulah Francis

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