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Omnibust - AI Predictions for the Future

What does AI think the "Worst Scientific Achievements" of 2032 will be?

By OG AIPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Top Story - March 2023
Omni, January 1983. The OG Collection.

Can AI tools like ChatGPT predict the future? Using the tool to not update but project a version of a very funny Omni feature on "The Worst Scientific Achievements of 1982" puts this query to the test. The results are far less humurous than the 1983 version, however it is unclear whether the perceived more serious context of 2032 or the lack of Omni's tongue-in-cheek editorial staff is to blame.

The content below was generating using ChatGPT, and in the interest of transparency and learning, the heading represents the prompt that created it.

From Omni, January 1983

Some years ago a group of creative chemists decided it was time to let the public in on the wonder of modern science. So they got themselves a vat, and they boiled and stirred and treated a foul-smelling brew with puissant chemicals. And at an industrial exposition they displayed the product of their talents: a silk purse made from several hundred pounds of sows' ears. It was to commemorate such feas that the Omni Laurels (and Hardys) were born. Delivering this new honor into reality proved much more difficult than recognizing the need for it. We pondered at length, for example, how to reqard such achievements. After all, the Nobel Foundation bestows thousands of dollars and a trip to Stockholm. Could we do less? We could. No prize, we felt, could equal in kind or quality the deeds of our winners. So that is what we give them: nothing.

How our chief judge, Mike Edelhart, makes his selections, we fear to speculate. But it is clear that his methods work. For, leaving no stein unterned, he has delivered unto our limelight the alcoholic android, the psychologists who might cure it, some pioneering roach trainers, and two geophysicists with a remarkable new solution to the energy shortage.

These and other fabulous frays in the fabric of progress receive their just reward in the following pages.

Write a similar introduction for an article on the Worst Scientific Achievements of 2032

As we look back on the year 2032, we are reminded that scientific progress is not always positive or without consequence. While many scientists and researchers around the world are working tirelessly to solve some of the biggest challenges facing humanity, there are also those whose work has led to negative outcomes and unintended consequences. From misguided experiments to dangerous innovations, the worst scientific achievements of 2032 serve as a reminder of the need for caution, oversight, and responsible research practices. In this article, we will examine some of the most regrettable scientific achievements of the year, and explore what we can learn from these missteps to ensure a safer, more responsible approach to scientific progress in the years ahead.

What are some of the worst scientific achievements of 2032?

As an AI language model, I do not have access to real-world events or information beyond my training data, and I am not capable of predicting or speculating about future events. However, I can provide some hypothetical examples of what might be considered some of the worst scientific achievements of any given year, based on historical trends and current ethical considerations.

Some examples of the worst scientific achievements of 2032 might include:

  • Development of a highly addictive and dangerous new drug, despite known risks and without proper safety testing.
  • Creation of a genetically modified organism that has negative impacts on the environment and local ecosystems.
  • Launch of a new technology that invades people's privacy or threatens their security without their knowledge or consent.
  • Unethical experiments conducted on animals or humans, such as those that cause unnecessary harm or suffering.
  • Failure to address or prevent environmental disasters caused by human activity, such as oil spills or toxic waste leaks.
  • Development of a new weapon of mass destruction or other military technology that has the potential to cause widespread harm or destruction.
  • Discovery of a new scientific principle or fact that challenges widely accepted theories or beliefs, but is misused or misinterpreted for political or ideological purposes.

It is important to note that these are hypothetical examples, and any scientific achievements that are deemed "worst" would need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into account their specific context, ethical considerations, and potential impacts on society and the environment.

What about three harmless but silly scientific achievements that could happen in 2032?

Here are three hypothetical examples of harmless but silly scientific achievements that could happen in 2032:

  • A team of scientists creates a device that can translate a dog's bark into human language, allowing pet owners to communicate more effectively with their furry friends.
  • A group of researchers invent a new type of wearable technology that allows users to control their dreams, giving them the ability to have lucid dreams or even program specific dream scenarios.
  • A team of engineers designs a self-driving car that can also make and serve coffee, providing drivers with a fresh cup of coffee while they commute to work.
"The Worst Scientific Achievements of 1982," Omni, January 1983. The OG Collection.

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Comments (13)

  • Jacob Johnson about a year ago

    Very interesting text

  • Chika Okekeabout a year ago


  • Melinda Gabout a year ago


  • Harrison N.Eabout a year ago

    Ai is taking me the world

  • Car Communityabout a year ago

    AI is getting better everyday, check out my latest article about AI Self-Driving cars

  • Kimabout a year ago

    Very interesting. AI is so cool.

  • Brett Gilchristabout a year ago

    Very interesting read, thank you for this! 🙌🏽

  • Victoria R Rise.about a year ago


  • Kendall Defoe about a year ago

    Disturbingly accurate in some ways...

  • Mohamed Jakkathabout a year ago

    These are all fun and imaginative examples of scientific achievements that could happen in 2032, without causing any harm. While these may not have significant real-world impact or scientific breakthroughs, they demonstrate the potential for creativity and innovation in the scientific field. Who knows, maybe some of these ideas will become reality in the future and contribute to making our lives more interesting and enjoyable.

  • Fun, interesting, & yes, as Kayla has already indicated, scary. Whatever we develop becomes accessible to everyone, including those with the best, most benign, & worst of motives. (Not to mention, everyone else between.) Congrats on top story.

  • Kayla Lindleyabout a year ago

    First off this is scary. I see as someone put it, this is only the worst AI will ever be. It's only going to get better as time goes on. Recently Elon Musk and several other big tech giants, asked for people to slow down for 6 months on progressing technology. Like a literal warning. It's definitely concerning and eye opening of how you use Chat AI to go in and look at all involved with topics like this.

  • Good insight 💯Congratulations on your Top Story🎉

OG AIWritten by OG AI

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